
Chapter 16

Cilia panted heavily as she cried out in pain each time the whip connected with her body.

It had already been two days since Nisha had escaped and Markus had given her the fault for letting it happen.

She could only endure the pain as Markus continued letting his anger out on her. Although he was one of the leaders of the 'good' faction, he would show his dark side every time he was with Cilia.

From torture to sexual harassment, he had no bottom line. Though it seemed like he wouldn't go further than harassing her as he made an agreement with Jamie, which made Cilia belong to him in exchange for his loyalty.

Cilia was tired, her daily activity were always the same. She couldn't move, as her hands and feet were tied up all the time.

Markus would just pull on her chains, forcing her to hang in the air. Be it with her feet up or parallel to the ground, no part of her body expect her face was spared from the relentless coming of the whip.

In the morning of the 4th day, Jamie entered the room and got rid of the chains, helping Cilia leave for her own room, where she immediately fell asleep once she touched the bed as she wasn't able to get much rest in the last few days.

Unbeknownst to her, Jamie didn't leave her room for almost ten hours before doing so finally, while having a bright smile on his face.

On that day, Cilia slept for almost 20 hours before waking up and reapplying the medicine.

Jamie, who had already started to prepare breakfast, welcomed Cilia as she went down the stair.

„Good morning, how do you feel now?"

„I'm alright, thank you for worrying about be."

„Have something to eat." Cilia took a plate and filled it with food and placed it in front of Jamie, before filling her own plate and sitting down.

As they ate in silence, Cilia toyed with a block of Ice. The slight red hue had already disappeared and was replaced by a strong dark bloody red, which had spread to all corners of her Ice.

„You don't have to serve me for the next few days, take the time to recuperate."

„Thank you sir."

Jamie was quite satisfied after seeing the color of Cilias Ice and decided to be a bit more generous, after all he needed Cilia to be in her best condition for him to have the most fun.

„You will get two weeks of vacation. After that you will be my exclusive bodyguard for a bit."

After Jamie had told her all there was and finished eating, he got up before bidding Cilia goodbye and making his way towards his office.

It had been a few days, since her vacation began as Cilia had recovered from all her major injuries with only the minor ones remaining.

She had decided to go meet her master before taking her time to visit her family. She hadn't been able to see her the last time, where she had a day of free time as she was out of town at that time.

„Cilia!" Her master was ecstatic to see her as she pulled Cilia into a long lasting hug.

While being embraced by the warmth of her teacher, Cilia was happy enough to not complain while listening to her teachers complains..

„You should have visited more often, how could you not even visit me once!"

„I'm sorry, I had so much work to do, that I was only home once."

Sighting at her students misfortunes, Lusha quickly dragged Cilia towards the Kitchen. Seraph, Cilias sister had dropped by and brought some cake, which they were able to enjoy, while catching up.

„So you still work under that lunatic, James?"

„Master! You can't insult him!"

Liquid started dripping down the floor, the carpet was covered in red as Lusha looked at Cilis with shock and disbelief.

In her shock, she had accidentally knocked over her glass of tea, as she stared at Cilia.

„Sleep." The only thing Cilia was able to remember, was her teacher catching her and dragging her towards the bed, where she woke up a few hours later.

Cilia didn't expect herself to be tired enough to drift into sleep while staying with her Master. She decided to quickly head home and visit her family.



After Cilia had bid her farewell, Lisha had locked herself into her gym and started hitting a Sandsack to get rid of the piled up frustration.

After her revelation, Lisha was so angry, that she almost caused a war between races. If she would go and slaughter humans, a war between humans and elves was inevitable, which would cause more races to join.

She was angry at the world, but mainly herself. She questioned her incompetence as Cilias teacher.

After Cilias behavior became unusual, Lisha had put her into a sleep and studied her carefully.

She had found the cause of Cilias confusion, as well as her altered memories, but was unable to find a solution, as anything would permanently damage Cilias brain.

In the following months, Neither Jamie, nor Markus were able to get a good nights sleep, as masked assassins would assault them, the moment their guard was slightly lowered.


It was already deep in the night, as Cilia finally arrived at her family's home. Everyone was already asleep and she quickly changed her clothes and laid on her comfortable bed.

Before she completely drifted into sleep, Cilia hugged the huge Plush toy next to her and moaned in comfort due to the warmth the toy and the blanket provided.


Opening her eyes, Seraph yawned as she moved her body. Today was a normal day, where she had a lot of free time. It was currently 3 in the morning and she wanted to continue sleeping, however she couldn't get rid of the feeling that something was unusual.

Suddenly she noticed a bump besides her, which was groaning in its sleep. The unknown invader had its arms slung around Seraphs arm as it's strenght made her unable to move.

Panicking, Seraph silently informed her father of the situation and waiter for a chance to escape out of the grip.

A chance appeared, as the invader extended one of its arms towards her chest, as it rolled on top of her.

Frozen, Seraph realised, that the invader was female, which made her relax slightly. However at that moment her father sneaked into her room.

As he lifted the blanket, shock appeared on both their faces as the face of a peacefully sleeping Cilia appeared.

Cilia had shown small signs of waking, however Seraph reacted quickly, as he pulled Cilia into a more comfortable hug, while her father moved both of them gently to the side before laying down on the other side of the bed, while embracing his daughters as all of them went back to sleep.


Morning arrived, as Cilia opened her eyes, as she took a look at the familiar surroundings. Slowly getting up, Cilia saw the two figures, which were sleeping on either side of her.

A smile crept up on her face, as she got up and slowly moved to the kitchen, using her abilities to be as stealthy as possible.

She hadn't slept this well since a long time ago, as she had constant Nightmares, which had started quite some time after she started travelling duo to her orders.

Half an hour later, the smell of a delicious breakfast flew through the house, as all inhabitants were awoken. After they freshened up, both made their way downstairs, where Cilia had already put food on their plates.

However confusion quickly entered their minds, „why four plates?"

At that moment Cilia realised that she had subconsciously prepared the table for four people, as a face started to appear in her mind.

Suddenly, before she could properly identify the person in her mind, the image warped, as the persons features became sharper and the hair became shorter.

She was confused to find an Image of Jamie in her mind, but could only explain it by thinking, that she had been so accustomed to preparing food for her Lord, that she had even made an additional place on the dining table at home.

„Just an accident, don't mind it, let's just eat."