
Public Enemy On Online Games

This is an extremely difficult game, if you don't have enough skills, don't even think about going out! ========= You can donate at my PayPal: fighttheheaven@gmail.com Source: https://www.qimao.com/shuku/221137/

DreamStolen · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
6 Chs

Outrageous Opening


In the gray sky, a thunder suddenly slashed down, illuminating the world.

The sudden thunder made Jiang Han hurriedly open his eyes, but he found himself standing on the top of the mountain, what caught his eyes was a dark and dead canyon, the fog filled the valley, and the roar of a Dragon could be heard vaguely, which was creepy.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Han felt very strange, but because he knew where he was, he was still quite calm, and he immediately said "Skip!"

Just kidding, as a game veteran, of course, he understood that this was the 'Eternal' opening scene of the game, it is estimated that there will be fighting and killing, splendid chaotic elements, or let players participate in it for a little bit.


"System Prompts: Do you choose to skip the game opening? (Please note that if you skip the opening scene, there will be a 50% reduction in experience gain for one hour as a penalty)"

Jiang Han "..."

There's still a such thing?

Those who are a little grumpy, I'm afraid that they already jump into the pit.

This punishment was too severe for the early stage, Jiang Han had no choice but to stand on the top of the mountain and watch patiently.


In the distance, accompanied by a Dragon's roar, a huge silver dragon with a body length of more than one kilometer rose from the sky from the canyon, then it spread its wings enough to cover the sky, and approached from a distance, rolling up the turbulent air current, then he rushed towards the location below Jiang Han.

Jiang Han raised his eyebrows slightly, even though he was accustomed to all kinds of gorgeous openings, it was quite shocking to watch a ferocious silver dragon rushing in front of him as if it was real.

At the same time, he noticed that there was a man in a gray robe standing under the canyon. The man's face was pale, but a perverse smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He laughed in a hoarse voice and said, "Even if the Dragon God comes here in person, he will only fall, let alone you."

After speaking, he jumped and then raised his right leg lightly, then he kick the silver dragon's head, smashing him heavily on the edge of the canyon, causing stones to collapse and dust to fill the sky, the scene was extremely destructive.


Sword Qi roared like a clap of thunder.

The gray-robed man raised his hand in disdain, then he flicked his fingertips, and the sharp Sword Qi flew out backward, tearing a bottomless trace pit on the rock wall. "I am afraid that with this strength, it's not even qualified to let me use my sword."

This pretense was quite loud!

Jiang Han secretly commented.

"Today, I will suppress you here."

In the middle of the mist torn by the Sword Qi, a silver-haired man with a sharp sword walked out. The man had a determined look and he seemed to have the consciousness of dying.

After that, as Jiang Han expected, the two of them fight each other, and all kinds of brilliant moves emerged one after another.

Next, it is estimated that it is to end the battle with each other's big moves, right?

The opening screen should not be too long. Jiang Han felt that the time should be almost up.

Since there are dragons in the game, so there is no doubt that my mount in the future must be a dragon, no, a Dragon God!

The officials say that NPC's intelligent enough to match humans, so I will find a super beautiful NPC who is almost impossible to exist in reality as a girlfriend, this is not too much right?

Such a game was born out of nowhere, and there must be huge business opportunities, so it makes sense for a game veteran like me to earn 18 million or something...

Silently paying attention to the battle between the two, while imagining that he might reach this level in the future, or even stronger, he couldn't help but feel a little bit of pride in his heart. He said with a sneer, "Hmph, two ants!"


Hearing the words, the expressions of the two people below the canyon condensed, and they all stopped their movements and looked at Jiang Han with rather puzzled eyes.

For a while, they were stunned.

Who is this person, he is obviously too weak to be attacked, yet he dares to stand here from the very beginning, and now he still speaks wildly, saying that they are ants?

Or is it that this person is deliberately hiding his true strength, and they simply can't see his real strength?


Jiang Han, who was scrutinized by the two, had a strange expression and was a little confused.

I have to say that it is indeed a very intelligent NPC, but... this intelligence is a bit too much!

One second...two seconds...

The original stalemate atmosphere suddenly became awkward.


Jiang Han couldn't help laughing a few times, and immediately said seriously, "I'm joking, you continue, don't mind me."

"I want to see how capable your Excellency is, for daring to call me an ant!"

The gray-robed man couldn't help but want to test the opponent's strength. To be more cautious, he took out a sharp blue sword that even the silver-haired man could not force out, and sent out a domineering Sword Qi, as if he want to cut off this world.

The Sword Qi whistled, continuously enlarging in Jiang Han's pupils.


The white light flickered, and the scene in front of Jiang Han's eyes flashed. The two strong men and the canyon disappeared without a trace, in their place was a splendid palace, with magnificent music.


"System Prompts: Whether to create a character?"


Resisting the urge to report to the official, Jiang Han took a deep breath, calmed down the turbulent emotions in his heart, and nodded. "Yes!"

In the next second, a young man in a shabby gray and white shirt appeared in front of him, with good facial features, a slender figure, and a pair of clear eyes.

"Can I change my appearance?" Jiang Han asked.

If the appearance is consistent with reality, there may be unnecessary troubles.

For example, if you have vengeance in the game, but you are recognized in reality, it is inevitable that you will be attacked by narrow-minded people who come to your door to seek vengeance.

For another example, if it causes a sensation because of its high appearance, female fans may also come to the door...

The world is becoming more and more dangerous, and people's hearts are too complicated. Nowadays, it is very dangerous for boys to go out.


"System prompt: It can be adjusted by no more than 20%."


In the next second, a translucent virtual panel that could adjust the appearance of the game characters appeared in front of Jiang Han.

Without thinking too much, he made some changes and clicked submit.


"System prompts: The adjustment is successful, and the player is asked to name the game character. (Note that after the name is established, it cannot be changed, please consider carefully"


Jiang Han thought about it and said, "The most fierce in the kindergarten!"


"System prompts: After testing, the player age does not meet the criteria for the name and it has been automatically rejected, please rename."

Do I need to consider my age in creating a name?

For a while, he didn't know whether to admire the rigor of the game or complain about the bad taste of the game.

"Forget it, let's be serious." Jiang Han shook his head, thought deeply, and said, "A River Of Cold Water! (Yijiang Hanshui)"

To be fair, he didn't believe that anyone could think of his real name through the game ID, not to mention he doesn't think his name is so unique that there are no people with the same name.


"System prompts: that after testing, the name has not been taken. Are you sure?



In an instant, white light emerged from the surroundings and quickly enveloped his whole body, then Jiang Han appeared in a dilapidated village.

A lot of white light was scattered around, which meant that countless players were like him, an adventurer who came to the novice village.

Take the mission first!

Jiang Han swept his gaze and directly locked on the nearby white-haired old man who was leaning on a cane. He squeezed past the crowd and hurried to him and ask. "Hello, old man, how can I help you?"

"By you?" The old man faintly glanced at Jiang Han and said disdainfully, "Are you also worthy?"


Jiang Han was instantly stunned by the rhetorical question, and then he stared at him. "Old man, who do you think you look down on?"

What the hell, are NPCs so fierce in this game?
