
Psyker System - A Disturbance in the Warp

This is my first ever fanfic and I won't be trying to have perfect grammar, so there will be some mistakes. Although I love 40k lore, I'm not perfect, so there will be inaccuracies and I will welcome any criticism. Thanks for giving it a read! Updates will be on most weekdays, rarely on weekends. This takes a lot of inspiration from Death Korps of Justice, please go check it out, it's a great read! I don't own the cover, all rights go to the owner.

YoungMasterLemon16 · Derivados de juegos
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7 Chs

The Life Cycle of a Newborn Warp God

- Imperial Dating System, 999.M41 -

With the resurrection of Primarch Roboute Gulliman and his instatement as the Lord Commander of the Imperium came something new, something lost over the years as mankind was pushed further and further back by the xenos and heretics.

It was hope.

And as more and more humans heard the news of their new leader's resurrection, more and more hope poured into the warp from their minds like a tidal wave, overwhelming any daemons who tried to stop it.

The energy eventually took up a large enough space in the warp, that something curious happened. It started to coagulate and condense down until there was nothing left.

Then, with a bang, a figure burst into existence, sending shockwaves across the warp in all directions.

It was a strange being, humanoid enough, but something was just off about it. It radiated happiness and positive emotions, but more than that, hope.

As soon as it materialized, it knew its time was limited.

It had to act fast before the Dark Gods reached it and tore it apart for its potent psychic energy.

It gathered all of its energy and condensed it into a small, golden orb, with silver characters adorned across it. It radiated with energy and gave off a feeling of hope resolve to any nearby.

The figure lifted the orb into the air with one hand and hurled it so hard, it tore through the Warp and entered the Materium, speeding past solar systems, hunting for something.

It eventually reached the planet, Krieg, an Imperial death world, polluted by nuclear radiation from wars long since past.

It rocketed down to the planet, aiming for the body of a young boy of 13, who had collapsed on the drill field. As it reached him, it entered deep into his soul and grew still before growing needle-like limbs which pierced into his soul and started to fuse with him.

The figure saw this happen from the warp and smiled, having completed his goal. It raised its hands once more and its body transformed back into pure energy and raced across the warp, trying to get to something before it becomes food for the Gods of Chaos. As it raced past daemons of all kind, dodging and maneuvering around them, it eventually reached a somewhat calm part of warp-space.

This was the Emperor's section of warp-space that He controlled after His battle with Horus reduced his corporeal form to little more than a psychic corpse.

The figure stopped for a moment, admiring the sheer might of the Emperor before it dissipated, feeding itself to the Emperor.

At that moment, in the Emperor's Throne Room, the Adeptus Custodies guarding him noticed his psychic power begin to raise and for a brief moment, smiles adorned their faces before they went back to guarding their God.

Meanwhile, on Krieg, the boy awoke with a start, gasping for breath and clutching at his chest.

As he lay on the field, struggling to breathe, all one would be able to hear was the mechanical pumps powering the gas mask he wore that protected him from inhaling the poisonous air.

Eventually, he stood up and walked back to his barracks, preparing for another death march tomorrow.