
Psyker System - A Disturbance in the Warp

This is my first ever fanfic and I won't be trying to have perfect grammar, so there will be some mistakes. Although I love 40k lore, I'm not perfect, so there will be inaccuracies and I will welcome any criticism. Thanks for giving it a read! Updates will be on most weekdays, rarely on weekends. This takes a lot of inspiration from Death Korps of Justice, please go check it out, it's a great read! I don't own the cover, all rights go to the owner.

YoungMasterLemon16 · Derivados de juegos
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7 Chs

First Contact


Please go back and re-read the last few paragraphs of the last chapter. I missed something important, so I had to do a quick ret-con.


Confused he looked at the creatures surrounding him with bleary eyes, observing a number of what looked like primitive humanoids and what looked like a member of the Adeptas Sororitas passed out on the floor.

Before he could react to this new information, the bell in his head went off once more and new messages appeared in his mind.


[Psyker System]

[User: Undesignated]

[Psyker Rank: Mid-Epsilon]

[Focus: Initiate (3/3)]

[Psychic Disciplines+]



Confused, his mind unconsciously focused on the missions prompt which blinked once and then opened up a new screen.




[Absorb Energy]

[Directive: seek out and collect 90 points of energy]

[Reward: rank increase]



[Directive: explore the nearby area to collect data on your location]

[Reward: map feature unlocked]


He was quickly brought out of his reverie however, as the primitive humans began growing agitated, yelling and pointing at him with hatred.

Seeing that the situation was starting to turn dire, he instinctually reached for his trusty lasgun, but flinched upon remembering the series of events that lead to this moment.

Seeing his movement, the primitives stopped yelling and began watching him carefully, evidently fearful of him.

Then one among them ushed forward to the front of the group and pointed at the stranger, yelling in a deranged manner as he tried to incite the crowd. Evidently, he was one of the men who carried the stranger back to town.

Watching the crowd grow more violent by the second, the stranger decided on a tactical retreat and quickly turned on his heels, running toward the center of the garden.

Reaching the center, he discovered another woman, this one seemed much more warlike and wore battle armor.

He tried to turn back and escape before he was noticed, but she turned back and locked eyes with him. She attempted to ask him a question, but her words fell on deaf ears as the only language the stranger knew was Low Gothic.

When he didn't respond, she grew agitated and started to approach him, causing him to reflexively move back and create more space between them.

She hesitated for a moment, unsure as to handle this situation until someone new interrupted their standoff. It was one of the primitives from the group before who had run after the stranger to stop them. When they saw the woman, they quickly pointed at the stranger and shouted something.

The woman seemed to understand as she faced the stranger now with a fiery glint in her eyes and uttered one word.


The man, for the first time, understood what the woman said. Before he could even formulate a response, the woman charged forward, conjuring a spear and shield out of thin air.

He lunged backward, avoiding getting impaled, but still suffering a nasty gash across his chest.

In retaliation, he instinctively stretched out his arm and shot forth bolts of blue lightning from his fingertips which collided with the woman's chest, launching her across the garden.

The man stared at his fingers dumbfounded.

'Am I a psyker? That strange screen did say 'Psyker System.' Was it not just a hallucination? Either way, that's one way to protect myself after losing my lasgun'

He wasn't able to think for very long as the woman rushed back to him from where she was launched. Seeing her bleeding a strange liquid from her mouth, the man knew why this foe was able to do the things that it did.

"Foul xeno, how dare you pollute these lands with your presence!"

As she was about to attack, she quickly stopped and looked at the man in shock.

"I thought you couldn't speak, so the Deviants are growing stronger."

"Silence xeno filth! You're talking to a human, your biological superior. Lay down your arms and surrender and I'll give you a merciful death."

This only seemed to confuse the woman more as she stared at him with bafflement.

"I'll take that as a no. For the Emperor!"

The man shouted as he charged forward brandishing his hands as bolts of bio-lightning shot forth, tearing up the ground around them and launching towards the woman.

She was prepared this time, though and she quickly materialized her shield once more and blocked the lightning. Although she stopped the attack, her shield became ruined and she had to materialize another.

However, the man didn't let up the attacks and kept launching bolts until his head started to hurt and he stumbled.

"Whatshh happening?"

He said in a slurred tone as his vision started to blur.


[Focus Empty (0/3)!]

"Oh no."

"Hmm? Are you out of energy? I guess this makes things easier."

Although the woman sounded confident, she looked like she'd just walked through a minefield as her armor and weapons were torn and damaged.

She started to walk toward the man as he drunkenly shook his hands at her, willing his power to launch bolts of the bio-lightning at her. Unfortunately, all that came out of his fingers were harmless sparks.

"I don't know who or what you are, so I'll just contain you for now."

With that said, she grabbed him by the neck and choked him until he passed out. He tried to resist, but she was just too strong and he was too disoriented to do anything.

"I'll never tell you anything, xeno scum."