
Psyker System - A Disturbance in the Warp

This is my first ever fanfic and I won't be trying to have perfect grammar, so there will be some mistakes. Although I love 40k lore, I'm not perfect, so there will be inaccuracies and I will welcome any criticism. Thanks for giving it a read! Updates will be on most weekdays, rarely on weekends. This takes a lot of inspiration from Death Korps of Justice, please go check it out, it's a great read! I don't own the cover, all rights go to the owner.

YoungMasterLemon16 · Derivados de juegos
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7 Chs

Enter the War

- Imperial Dating System, 003.M42 -

On Krieg, the gears of war were turning ever faster. Some pompous noble on some backwater planet decided to separate from the Imperium.

Normally this would be ignored by the Administratum, but this particular noble publically denounced the Emperor and demanded that his citizens worship him instead.

This, this was heresy of the highest order.

And if that wasn't enough, he was also making deals with the dark forces and summoning daemons.

Usually, the Adepta Sororitas would raze this planet to the ground in retaliation for this heresy, but they were on a different planet that had fallen entirely to the forces of Chaos. So instead, the Astartes were called in, with 50,000 soldiers of the Death Korps of Krieg as cannon fodder for the siege.

On the planet itself, war was already underway. The Astartes had decided to drown the enemy in guardsmen and then roll in after they'd softened up the enemy. While this plan, provided safety for the Astartes, the guardsmen became expendables.

Not that the Death Korps would even care, as they were trained from birth into the perfect soldiers for the Imperium, cold, calculating and most importantly, willing to sacrifice themselves for the Emperor.

On the front lines of battle, a familiar sight appeared among the ranks of the Death Korps. It was the young boy chosen by the newborn warp god, or should I say man. The years had proven profitable for the boy as he had grown to 6' and was as fit as the average athlete.

Although seeming impressive, it was the result of the hellish training that every Korps soldier goes through from birth. A training regimen, so strenuous that many soldiers die during training, never to grow to adulthood, unable to die for the Imperium, no for the Emperor.

All across the battleline, horrific injuries were sustained and entire units of men were obliterated in orbital strikes. Bodies splayed all across the ground, some faces frozen in horror, others had their faces ripped from their bodies in explosions that rocked the planet.

Although it was difficult the forces of the Imperium were gaining ground and more and more heretics began to flee from the battle, only to be mowed down by their enemies while retreating.

Suddenly, before the heretic army was routed, a new foe appeared to challenge the Death Korps.

It was a horde of daemons, with scaly skin the color of blood and two great horns adorning their heads. Each of them wielded a jagged great sword that shone with a heat great enough to sever a man in half and instantly cauterize his wounds.

The Death Korps, however were unfazed and simply readied their lasguns once more and let loose a salvo of laser beams upon the horde of foul chaos whelps.

Unfortunately, most of the daemons managed to block the shots with their swords and charge forward. Even the ones that didn't block the blast and took it head on, seemed unfazed and unhurt.

The soldiers immediately began to reload their guns, but it was in vain for the daemons had reached the front line and began to dismember and mutilate any and all humans they came across.

While seeing one's brethren slaughtered before them might send anyone into a mindless rage, these were the Death Korps of Krieg and they felt nothing, so they pulled out their long knives and began to engage the daemons without fear.

One man, however didn't put away his lasgun and instead rushed forward with it still in hand.

As he reached his first opponent, he quickly rolled to the side to avoid being cleaved in half, jumped back to his feet and struck the daemon across the face with the butt of his lasgun, stunning it. Then, while it was stunned, he swept its feet out from under it, planted his foot on its chest and fired point-blank into its face.

Its face practically burst apart and as it died, its body melted down into a foul goo and vanished. And just like that, the first daemon was felled.

As soon as the man killed the daemon, he tried to catch his breath and one could once more hear the strained whirring of the gas mask attempting to process his air.

After a few more seconds, he dashed back into battle, dispatching any daemon he came across with the help of his fellow soldiers at a frenzied pace. Once all of the daemons were slain, there was only a few units of guardsmen left alive, but they knew they still had work to do.

They turned toward the citadel ruled by the heretic lord and began to march once more toward their objective. Soon they reached the gate and blew it down, thanks to some explosives provided by the Astartes.

As the gate rocketed off its hinges, the Death Korps began to charge through the hallways, hunting for any remaining heretics and their leader. As they entered, they spread out, individually combing through the entirety of the castle.

Each room they searched on the first floor proved empty, so they returned to the central staircase and began to climb the floors, thoroughly searching every room.

When they finally reached the uppermost floor, they knew that all of their enemies lied behind this door, as they found no heretics anywhere else in this building.

The man who slayed the first daemon nodded to his unit and they all readied their lasguns as he raised his foot and kicked down the door, charging in with the entirety of his unit in dead silence.

However, the moment they entered the room, they were fired upon by the last unit of heretics and they sustained severe damage. Over half of the last Death Korps unit sustained mortal wounds and were dying or already dead.

Unfortunately for the heretics, an anomaly was among the guardsmen, as the moment he entered the room, he received visions of lasers flying and he instinctively dodged him. This man was the young boy who received the orb from the young warp god and the one who slayed the first daemon.

His name was B-49032 and fate had special plans for him.