
Sneaking 'round here

(Lucas' POV)

It was a nice day in a not so nice realm, we were having breakfast like every other day. I then saw Barrie talking with Slash and I felt this weird feeling, this weird feeling that made me want to punch Slash in the face.

I ignored them and kept eating, Slash's blackmail echoing in my head, then I entered into thought, Should I tell Barrie about Slash's true intentions? I shook my thoughts away and kept eating, after I finished, I said thank you and went over to Barrie, who finished her food. I wanted to tell her, but Slash straight-up read my mind and looked at me with the eyes of an assassin, so I just kept quiet.

I then saw a huge rock, I pushed it aside and there was a slab, what the heck? I immediately ran to tell everyone about it "Huh, sounds sketchy…" Mist said "It is sketchy indeed." Cyn said

"How could something so random appear?" Barrie asked "A whole fricking dungeon was in a barrel, that isn't random to me." I said "You got a point there." Barrie said "Let's go ahead and explore it." Aenon said, we all nodded and went back to the rock.

"Ok, once we go down there, there is no turning back. I said, everyone nodded and descended the stairs, Veran went a bit slower because um, lagging? Malfunction? Windows software crashing? I don't know, but she went slower down the stairs. Barrie went down a bit too quickly "If you fall I'm pitying the stairs." I said

(A/N) Lucas pls stop XD - Raichu

Barrie looked at me with a weird look while I just shrugged "Why is there black goo on the walls?" Cyn asked, grossed out "Well, ask Arceus, not me." Rin said "There's water on the floor." Lazuli said, "Too much water on the floor." Aenon said

"Looks like IGN is going to give the floor a 7.8…" I said, "Let's just be serious." Dellie said laughing "No." Barrie said "Dellie's got a point there." Val said "One more meme, please." Veran said "Fine." Mist said

"Oh look, a carpet." Riley said spotting a carpet "If the carpet moves, I'm riding it and leaving you all." Leif said "Ok, ok, no more random jokes now." Jonathan said. "I think I stepped in water…" Friday said "Earth, Air, Fire, Long ago the four nations lived in harmon-" I then got interrupted "LUCAS." Everyone said "What? It's an Avatar reference." I said

(Jonathan's POV)

Hours later, we saw a slab with a light "Could that be the exit?" Aaron asked with his mouth full "It is." Lucas said pushing away the slab, outside was a huge structure "Is it what i think it is?" Cyn asked

"It's the Palace of Shadows." Dellie said, we looked at the huge structure, now identified as the Palace of Shadows, and in the highest tower, there was a darkness swirling around it.

"Let's just hope for the best..." Phantest said, we all sorted out a plan to enter "Ok, so we will masquerade as guards and create distractions, but who will create distraction?" Friday asked "Maybe distractions might be Dellie, Slash, Phantest, Lucas, Barrie and I, the rest will sneak in past the guards. Remember, they have their eyes and ears everywhere." I said, everyone nodded.

*intro plays*

I could get used to this heat on my skin

I could feel every day i'm a little bit stronger

I only wish each day was longer


We're having fun in the sun

(The Alolan sun)

Week after week it feels like we're on vacation


Now the journey's begun

Friends 'til the end

Number one's our destination

Under the Alolan sun


- Episode Name: Sneaking 'round here -

*intro ends*

"Alright, let's go." Lucas said in a whisper "So listen, we have 4 months to save everyone if you've heard." Dellie said "How many months remaining?" Phantest asked "28 days, 2 hours and 11 days remaining." I said "We need to hustle before the world ends!" Lucas said in a panicked whisper "It's only 28 days, relax~." Slash said "28 days is equivalent to a week for us!" Dellie whisper shouted, Barrie and Lucas agreed "It's like the moon will fall..." Lucas said "This is Pokemon, not Majora's Mask idiot!" Barrie whisper shouted "BARRIE." I hissed "Sorry..." Barrie mumbled. Then a sphere gets fired at Pearl out of nowhere and turns her to stone. I watched and saw who threw the sphere and my eyes turned pure white and my body got enveloped in shadows. "Everyone stand back, He is in Shadow Beast mode and is dangerous." Lucas said, he then turned to the guard who turned Pearl to stone. "Alright, I'm gonna fight yo-" Barrie said, she got interrupted. "Shh, let Jonathan handle it." Lucas whispered. Then the field started to turn dark.


Master of Shadows

Shadow Guard: 125 HP

Jinten: 1,155 HP

"Why do I see a health bar…?" Lucas asked. "Shut up, they're about to scrap!" Barrie said.

Jinten used Shadow Void

Shadow Guard took 100 Damage

It was a critical shot!

Shadow Guard used Dark Spade

Jinten took 5 Damage

Jinten used Painful Demise

Shadow Guard took 100 damage

An amazingly critical hit!

Shadow Guard fainted

"Haha! Weakling." I said, smirking."You made that seem easy…" Dellie said. "Because it was easy!" I said. Then another sphere is fired but at Friday. Then the field turns pure dark, this time, there wasn't one soldier, there were 10!

Shadow Guard x10: 125 HP

Jinten: 1,155 HP

Jinten used Shadow Rage

A One Hit K.O!

All the guards were knocked out!

"Well, that was easy." I said. "Lea- I mean Slash, may you come with me?" The Gengar asked Slash. "No, sorry." Slash said, Barrie then dragged Slash into another room. "Hey, why did he almost call you Lead?" Barrie asked. "Um, he just got confused… hehe." Slash said, then Lucas, everyone else and I barged into the room. "QUIT THE ACT, JERK!" Lucas said. "Hey, what's happening here?" Barrie asked, Slash then looked FURIOUS. "You… you broke your promise… when I blackmailed you, i said you would never see the light of day again, well, I meant Delia would never see the light of day again." Slash said. "What?! Don't even dare do anything to her!" Lucas snarled, Slash rolled his eyes. He was about to fire a Psycho Cut at Dellie, when I appeared behind him and I threw him through the wall and a few boulders. "H-how dare you mistreat your lord?" Slash asked weakly, his eyes turning pure white. "I told you long ago that I no longer serve you, Aterran." I said, my eyes turning pure red and light blue. "I… I thought you loved me!" Barrie shouted at Slash. "Well, it was all part of my act, I guess the prettier the lady, the more stupid they are!" Slash said, Lucas then snapped. "Who in the right mind plays with someone's heart like that?!" Lucas screamed, Slash scoffed. "Well, I do!" Slash said. "You are just a psychotic, good for nothing Gallade!" Lucas said, transforming into Sinoko. "Stay back Sinoko, this is something I should deal with." I said. "But, how will you win, Aterran is too much for you." Sinoko said. "Relax, I can handle him with ease." I said. "If you say so." Sinoko said.


The Puppeteer


Ruler of the Cosmics

Aterran: 1,160 HP

Brahmaandeey: 1,905 HP

Brahmaandeey used Rose Rage

Aterran took 35 damage

A quite hard hit!

Aterran used Strings of Suffering

Brahmaandeey took 28 damage

It was alright on him…

Brahmaandeey used Cosmic Crush

Aterran took 500 damage

It was a critical hit!

Aterran used Heartache

Brahmaandeey remembered all of the sad events of his life!

He took 152 damage from the heartache!

Brahmaandeey lost 200 HP because of Cosmic Crush

Brahmaandeey used Vegetation

His HP is now full!

Aterran used Endless Stress

Brahmaandeey will lose 45 HP each turn because of the strong stress

A calming aura is sensed from something

It removed the stress abilities!

"Hey, why did I calm down all of a sudden?" I asked. "You're welcome." Sinoko said, holding a Marigold of Relaxation. "Thank you, now let me continue." I said. "Ok!" Sinoko said. Then a rose appeared in front of me and I grabbed it and quickly disappeared and reappeared behind Aterran and put the rose under him. "Where did you go?" Aterran asked. Then the rose exploded.

Aterran took 300 from the bomb rose

Aterran used Never see the light

Brahmaandeey took 10 damage

Brahmaandeey used Galaxy blast

Aterran took 300 damage

Aterran used Shadow destroyer

Brahmaandeey took 100 damage

"Time to settle this once and for all Aterran" I said.

Brahmaandeey used Cosmic crush

Aterran took 500 damage and fainted

"This… this is just Phase 1…" Aterran said. "What do you mean by that?" Sinoko asked. "Phase 1 out of 4… I may have been defeated, but Dark Matter has not been defeated…" Aterran explained, he let out one more cackle before he fainted and dissolved. Slash then got up because his Gengar friend might have healed him or something. "So… let me complete the fate I promised to you, Delia…" Slash said with a psychotic smile. "I never had any promised fate, your only promised fate is to rot in hell!" Dellie shot back. "We wouldn't have beaten you if you hadn't broken my friend's hea-" Dellie stopped her sentence there, she looked down, and her legs were stone. "WHAT IS HAPPENING?!" Riley shouted, Lucas looked at Slash, then pounced on him. Slash managed to turn Lucas' paw to stone, but he shook it off. By the time Lucas got up, Dellie was a stone statue. Everyone stared at the statue in pure shock, while Lucas stared at it in heartbreak and melancholy. Just by seeing Slash, Lucas' face turned from sadness to anger. "How could you! She was the one I loved and cared about!" Lucas beamed, tears falling from his black eyes. "Well, I just felt like doing it after you revealed my secret~." Slash hummed in an annoying way. "You know what, I'm actually GLAD that he revealed your secret, if he hadn't, I would've stayed oblivious to your act! And to think I trusted you!" Barrie shouted, Slash then froze. "I'm sorry love, I-" Slash then got interrupted. "Don't even think about calling me 'love' anymore! We're over!" Barrie said, a look of anger and regret on her face. "Lucas… I'm sorry, for not trusting you… I should've listened, but I decided to be an idiot…" Barrie said weakly.

~ Flashback (This flashback is in Lucas' POV) ~

"Barrie, may I speak to you for a moment?" I asked Barrie, who had walked to a dry lake. "Umm, sure, tell me!" Barrie said, I inhaled calmly. "You see, there is something about Slash that I don't trust…" I said. "Why don't you trust him?" Barrie asked. "Last night, I overheard him and his friends talking about how this was all an act and that they just wanted to end us." I explained, Barrie then laughed. "You're joking! Slash would never do such a thing!" Barrie laughed, I then blinked, was she really this oblivious? "You're just jealous!" Barrie shouted. "I am not jealous, I am just trying to look out for you." I explained, Barrie scoffed. "Excuses, excuses, excuses…" Barrie said, rolling her sapphire blue eyes. "You know what, nevermind, at least Marino will stay with a crush on you forever then." I said, walking away.

~ End Flashback (Back to Jonathan's POV) ~

"Lucas, I might know how to turn Dellie back" I said. "How?" Lucas asked. I then went up to Dellie and I started glowing, then I touched Dellie and Friday. When the light died down, they were no longer stone. "Woah…" Riley said, Dellie then looked around. "Thank you, Jonathan." Dellie said, hugging me. "You're welcome." I said tiredly. "So, where do we go now?" Lucas asked, no trace of melancholy in his eyes anymore. "To the highest tower we go…" Someone said, we all looked behind us to see a spirit. "Mai?!" Lucas said, in shock. "How did you get past the guards?" Lucas asked. "It was easy, I got rid of them." Mai said.Then everyone heard a loud thud and turned around to see Jonathan fainted. Dellie then pulled away from the hug. "Uhh.. What just happened to him?" Dellie asked. "I have a Revival Herb." Mai said. "Maybe we should use it on Jonathan…?" Lucas pondered. "Great idea." Mai said, then she gave Jonathan the Revival Herb. Then everyone heard snoring coming from Jonathan. "Oh, thank god he's just asleep." Mai said in her usual robotic voice.

"Well, let's go now." Mai said, lifting up Jonathan.

To be continued...

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. For every 400 power stone's I will add a bonus chapter

BlazeTheFlareoncreators' thoughts