

(3rd person)

It was a peaceful day in the world of pokemon. A Tapu Fini and an Alolan Raichu were walking along a path. Then they heard a loud crash and went to check it out. When they went to check it out they found a Flareon. Just then he started to wake up. Then the Raichu and Tapu Fini asked him if he was ok.

(Jonathan POV)

"Ya, I am ok…" I replied. "What's your name?" Raichu asked.

"My name is Jonathan, what are your names?" I asked.

"My name is Riley and this is Mist!" Raichu said.

"Hiya!" Mist said.

"Where do you come from?" Riley asked the Flareon.

"I-I don't remember…" I said "I have no idea how I ended up here… wait a minute, I see Alolan Forms…" I said startled, Mist and Riley glanced at each other.

"You're in the Alola Region…" Riley said trying to reassure the startled Flareon "I'm in Alola?! Oh god oh god oh god… why do I feel like I'm so far from home!" I said even more startled than ever, Mist calmed him down and said that it was going to be okay. "Maybe we can try to help you regain memories?" Mist said, the Raichu and Tapu Fini shrugged thinking they had a choice to help the lost Flareon…

*theme song plays*

I could get used to this heat on my skin

I could feel every day I'm a little bit stronger,

I only wish each day was longer, Yeah!

We're having fun in the sun! (The Alolan sun!)

Week after week it's just like we're on vacation,

yeah! Now our journey's begun,

Friends til' the end, number one's our destination

Under the Alolan sun!


- Episode Name: Pilot -

*theme song ends*

As the trio were walking through the beach, a Lucario and Delphox caught their eye. They were under an umbrella speaking while one was holding a small Fennekin, I walked up to them thinking they knew directions to somewhere

"May we help you?" The Delphox said, Riley glanced at them and said "Do you know directions to Iki Town?" The Lucario thought for a moment "It's probably over that way, take a left near the fork in the road and you have reached your destination" The Lucario said pointing that way "I'm Dellie, that's Luca… we might pop up from time to time so keep an eye out." The Delphox , now identified as Dellie, said the group of friends left to where Luca pointed them to and took the fork in the road. Before they knew it, they have reached their destination…

"Where do we go now?" I asked "I thought I saw something here earlier, maybe it can help you return your memories…" Mist said, Riley then led us to the Ruins of Conflict where there were a lot of voices beaming out

"I should never let you control the magic, Bulu!" Tapu Koko said angrily

"You didn't let me finish my food, I get foggy when I do not eat!" Bulu screamed back at Koko

"Guys guys please, settle down, both of you are IDIOTS!! IT WAS BOTH YOUR FAULT YOU TURNED SOME INNOCENT HUMANS INTO POKÉMON!!" Tapu Lele screamed back at them both

"Guys stop, this is just stupid and pointless…" Mist said "Stay out of this, Fini!" Lele said "It's not like you're any help!" Bulu said "You just make things worse!" Koko said angrily at Fini, they all had piercing glares at Mist as she just stood there angrily

"All of you calm down, we just want to know why you turned this human into a Flareon!" Riley said, the Tapus were murmuring as one of them said "Well you see, we wanted to turn someone who bothered us into a Pokémon as punishment but we accidentally shot it at the wrong person and we sent them to Kanto…"

Everyone paused, "You could've just made them apologize…" I said in a boring tone "We'll explain later… let's just go to our own ruins and sort this out without Mist" Koko said to Bulu and Lele. They both left as Fini shot them a dirty look, we shrugged it off and went somewhere else. That was until Luca and Dellie appeared near us

"What was that conflict at the ruins just now?" Dellie asked "Just my siblings being total idiots…" Mist said in an unhappy tone, Luca then glanced at her and said "Sibling problems? I also had to live alongside an idiot of a stepbrother…" The Tapu then returned the glance

"You and I aren't really so different, Lucario. Why I can sense you're a mythical!" Mist said "Wait really?! How did you know that I'm Mew…" Luca said nervously "I felt a vibration, and I won't tell anyone" Mist said, Luca whispered a thank you as Dellie said, "I heard screaming which I assume was from the other three Tapus… May I explain what is causing this?" "I want to learn a bit about this topic…" I said, Dellie nodded and began:

"Long, Long ago, the Tapus lived in harmony after they protected and saved Alola, then one day 100 years prior to this day, one of the Tapus destroyed a megamart out of rage… the debris of the destruction was sent flying to the Ruins of Life, Tapu Lele was so enraged it got revenge by creating a big sandstorm in a desert banishing certain people forever… the sand reached all the way to the Ruins of Conflict and as an enraged Tapu Koko emerged… Tapu Fini tried to deflect what Tapu Koko was going to shoot at the other two Tapus but ended up making it worse… this caused a big feud between them, it's still going on to this day…"

As Dellie finished her story, Mist then said "I remember that…" everyone gasped but realized she was there when it happened…

"My siblings are saying that I started all of this but it was all Bulu's fault, he was the one who destroyed the megamart, why do they always blame me?" Mist said sadly "I never had siblings but just hearing your relationship with the Tapus makes me be thankful I never had siblings…" Riley said feeling bad for her friend. When Riley and Mist were alone, everyone was sleeping while they were just talking…

"I can't believe those idiots I called my siblings turned you into a Raichu…" Mist said "I kind of like being a Raichu but I just wonder… when will I ever return to normal?" Riley said in a questioning tone, as Riley reached into her bag, she pulled out the Z-Ring she used as a human "I never found a crystal for this one… should I maybe give this to Jonathan?" Riley asked Tapu Fini "Maybe you should, I knew you as someone generous, I'm so sorry I was never able to return you back to normal…" Mist said

"Stop apologizing Tapu, it's not your fault…" Riley said reassuring the Tapu, they shared a short hug and went to sleep

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. For every 400 power stone's I will add a bonus chapter

BlazeTheFlareoncreators' thoughts