
A haunting week

(WARNING! This chapter may be disturbing to some readers, read at your own risk!!)

(Luca's POV)

I was walking along an endless corridor, it was so tiring walking through it, I couldn't feel my legs anymore... then, when I reached the end of the corridor, there was a tiny door,

I transformed into a smaller creature to enter the door and I saw disturbing things. There were eerie colored candles, blue-purple tufts of air in the sky, a chandelier with light dying out, so many pictures and things that are related to...

me... even my birth certificate was there! I felt so creeped out, who was this stalker? I saw a Hex Symbol on the ground, then,

the blue-purple clouds turned red and I saw the papers and pictures of me flying around... "W-What do you want?..." I said with a shaky voice, I felt cold and started breathing heavily

"U-Unknown entity, if you're there... s-show yourself immediately!..." I said with an even shakier voice, the entity then revealed itself, It was Giratina!

"You must be a Solosis, aren't you?" I said toughening myself up and bracing myself "I am the actual Giratina you FOOL!!!" Giratina roared,

I tried to escape but everything was locked. That was when I started to panic, what If I never returned to the real world and get trapped in this nightmare forever....?

"Please don't do anything to my family or friends, I would give you anything, even my soul..." I said, then,

Giratina got closer, opened it's mouth and extended it's, agh what do they call them... stingers? Just when it was about to attack me, I woke up

"What was that dream...?" I said, I checked my Rotom Phone and it was 4:38 am, just great. I ran out of my tent and into the wild because I was too scared to stay.

*intro plays*

I could get used to this heat on my skin

I could feel every day I'm a little bit stronger,

I only wish each day was longer,


We're having fun in the sun!

(The Alolan sun!)

Week after week

It feels like we're on vacation,


Now the journey's begun,

Friends till' the end,

Number one's our destination,

Under the Alolan sun!


- Episode Name: A haunting week... -

(Dellie's POV)

I was walking with Luca, then I saw clouds surround us, then suddenly, I was teleported somewhere else. Somewhere far away from Luca, I was in this dark room with candles, hexes and a lot of potted plants...

I then saw Phione, It was dying! In my dreams, the future gets prophesized so maybe this actually happened...? I then fell to my knees by a strong force, I heard cries of help but even though I tried to escape the weird grasp, I couldn't...

Then I couldn't take it anymore so I screamed out for help


I then fainted due to fear... Later when I woke up, I heard voices near me. "Did she have a nightmare?" One voice said "I don't know but the scream sounded awfully worrying..." Another voice said

"Hold on, Is Luca missing?..." Another voice said "He is not here and he isn't answering my messages..." Another voice said, then I came back to full consciousness

"M-may I help look for him?" I said In a sickly voice "You're In a bad condition Dellie, You can't leave at all costs..." Riley said, I then felt a pinch on my back causing me to lay back down.

"Hey, the news says that Phione has died while sleeping, how weird..." Rin said, I then connected the dots to my dream, Maybe my dreams CAN prophesize the future correctly...

When everyone was asleep, I snuck out as quietly as possible to not make people suspect I'm sneaking out to look for Luca. I was walking around, looking for possible places he could've run off to,

knowing him, he likes atmospheres that feel calming. So maybe he's near the Lake of the Moone, I went there to look for him but there were so. many. doors. I couldn't calculate which door he was in!

Then when I was walking, a slab got loose and I fell into a place that looked like, Underground Ruins

I was walking around, searching for a startled Lucario or Mew but I saw nothing, oh shoot! Maybe he wasn't here... I was just about to leave when I heard heavy breathing and crying,

I went to where I heard it and Luca was sitting alone on the floor, trembling. He looked pale as If he just saw something freaky, then he looked at me standing behind him

"Augh?! Y-you... scared me with your presence..." Luca said, I was even more worried, he sounded like he was on the verge of losing his voice trying to call for help,

he looked like he was being held down here by an entity somehow... "You shouldn't be here! It's far too dangerous!" Luca said crying, he looked terrified, as if he was on the verge of fainting

"But what about you, are you okay?..." I said "I'm fine Dellie, leave now!" Luca said with a quaking voice

"You don't look like you're okay!" I yelled with tears in my eyes,

Luca then turned to me "You're crying, trembling and I can tell you were desperate for help due to the entity holding you down so tightly you couldn't escape." I said

"I snuck away because since the nightmare felt so real, I thought it was going to effect everyone so I left without saying a word, I didn't want any of you involved in this mess!" Luca said trembling even more than ever,

I felt another presence which gave me chills "You're worrying me, we need to get out of here..." I said "I must've worried everyone, didn't I?" Luca said

"You did, you even worried me, so I left in secret to search where you were." I said crying "I would run out of here with you but I feel like I'm being restrained even tighter by the minute...!" Luca said trying to squirm out of the grasp of something, then a shadow appeared.

"What is that?" I said "I'm also clueless on what it is..." Luca said, then it revealed itself, it was none other than Tapu Lele!

"Hahahahaha... So many people here... It makes me feel good about myself, keeping so many scared people here... mwahahahaha..." Tapu Lele said in a weird voice tone

"You're scaring me Lele..." A Familiar voice said, it was Mist?! "You're such a psycho, how could you do this!..." Mist said confronting Lele

"Did anyone ask you, Miss Nosy?... fufufu..." Tapu Lele said "Lele stop this right now, this isn't like you!" Mist said, starting to look even more worried. Luca then suddenly burst out of his grasp

"Enough is enough Lele! You, Tapu Koko and Tapu Bulu are absolute psychos! You should maybe go to a Mental Hospital with your siblings, maybe you can find some more HOSTAGES huh?!" Luca said in an aggressive tone, Tapu Lele then looked at him

"No... never... I don't need help idiot… fufufu..." Lele said, we then ran out of there as she was trying to chase us to keep us as her hostages to aid Darkrai. That was quite trauma invoking but now, there was a new mission:

Find Cresselia...

To be continued…

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. For every 400 power stone's I will add a bonus chapter

BlazeTheFlareoncreators' thoughts