
Psionic Cultivation: Rewriting Reality in a Cultivation World

Author: Lacyan
Ongoing · 100.1K Views
  • 16 Chs
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  • NO.200+

What is Psionic Cultivation: Rewriting Reality in a Cultivation World

Read ‘Psionic Cultivation: Rewriting Reality in a Cultivation World’ Online for Free, written by the author Lacyan, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ADVENTURE Fiction, SYSTEM Light Novel, MAGIC Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: "We are all prisoners of our own minds, trapped in the labyrinth of our own thoughts, emotions, desires, and fears."Arri...


"We are all prisoners of our own minds, trapped in the labyrinth of our own thoughts, emotions, desires, and fears." Arriving in another world, Ling Yan, formerly a professor specializing in teaching psychology and the human mind, was suddenly thrust into a world of cultivation with the rest of his students. Unfortunately for him, he was separated from his students, as he was snatched away by an unknown immortal who claims that he had the "Psionic Physique" and that Ling Yan was compatible with the Psionic Arts that the immortal cultivates. Receiving the immortal's legacy, Ling Yan, was then left to fend for himself at the lowest cultivation realm—slightly confused as to what had just happened, he was unaware that he now wielded one of the strongest powers: The ability to bend and change reality. Although that was the case, the art had a major drawback, it needs Psionic Stars for it to work—and there was only a single effective way to get them: sacrificing his cultivation realm.

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Haru_lina · Urban
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29 Chs


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As the author, like everyone else, I will rate this story a 5-star. This novel will only be done at the side when I got some extra free time after writing Realm of the Transcendants—so expect irregular updates.


I am a foreign to this kind of story but this novel is easy to follow and understand. Kudos to the author since they explain some terms in the story and translate some words so the readers can understand it as they read the story. To the author, best of luck to your writing journey o7.




Highly recommend reading this novel! Truly a hidden gem.


An interesting plot with a somewhat unique premise that's been handled well so far. Keep up the good work! Will look forward to reading more chapters.


this is so so interesting !*!#@@!!!*will keep readingghgjjajagklk (o_ _)ノ彡☆


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