
Pseudomonarchia Daemonum: Sìriüs The Ether Star Of Destruction

Young Man Is Reincarnated in DXD with powers Born as a Half Demon Half Dragon with A Soul of a Human Has a Sacred Gear Last Seen in The Summerian Pantheon Unique mystic eyes Overpowerd loli protagonist Zashuness 100% Eventual Crossover with Naruto MHA MCU and Others Pls dont criticize me much I am a novice writter I dont own the pictures I dont own dxd I dont own naruto I dont own anything eccept my own Charcter Ty.

Kannarin · Cómic
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9 Chs

Chapter 4

Disclaimer: I own literally nothing except for my OC. This is a merely a fanfic for my enjoyment.

Cross-overs from various Games, Books, Anime, Manga and Movies. Mos5tly Anime, Games and Manga's only.

The characters that you see in this fanfic belongs to their respected authors and owners.

7 Years Later

A lot of things have happened after 7 years. Sirius then became the Genius of the Bael after she is introduced to the current Maou she then demonstrate and displayed her prowess to the Maou.

To speak the event she let them see her powers. The powers she displayed was unimaginable atleast to say.

She made a miniature star using [Planetary Devastation] the star she made after her attack are big, big enought to destroy one of the biggest castle in the Underworld. Then she demonstrate her power of destruction, from making lase shots that destroy everyghing it touch to her new move she called [Star Drop Photon Ray] a magic circle in the shape of a star manifest to the sky, then a what a human will called a nuke is to compared to her attack. Just like that [Star Drop Photon Ray] is like a nuke made out of the Power of Destruction. Even Sirzechs is astounished to see the destruction the Girl made. The lastly she manifest a swors. The sword is a dual edge with red highlights.

The she asks them to leave her premises for this attacked.

Then after they leave she then pours a lot of [Chaos Mana] to the sword. The swors in turn burst in a Violet with red highlight flame at a massive rate, the ground beneath Sirius cracked under the pressure of her attack the flames of the sword turned into a beam, a beam of high powers [Chaos Mana] a violet beam of destruction with an streak of red lightning along with crimson highlights that melts the sorounding area into molten lava.

[PANDEMONIUM EXTUS] Shouts Sirius as she swing her swors downward with the force rivaling a biggest nuke ever seen.

The beam of the attack then hit the ground then after a bright light and a lot of violent winds that picked ub debris here and there the attack cant be describes by mere words alone but if its to be describe in one  word it would be DESTRUCTION literal destruction the mountain 10x bigger than mount everest is turned to a reverse mountain with a crater as deep as the 10x bigger mount everest.

Both Maou and Zekram present before her after the demonstration felt awe, pride, and fear. The attack she displayed are destruction incarnated, no scratch that all of her attacks are pure destruction with words that cant describe the damage she have doned.

Suffice to say that Zekram felt Pride after her granddauther being the genius surpasing the Maou Lucifer and the cover up for the failure of a grandson he has.

Both Lucifer and Beelzebub then talked to Zekram in private and told him that Sirius is one of the future Maou that will be nominated after the retirment of the current Maou. It is told that the information is classified it is one of the state secrets of the devilkind.

Suffice to say Zekram is happy that he has produced a great pawn for his plans and thought that he has an authority inside the devil government. But otherwise he thought is the opposite of what both Maou has planed.

Both of the Maou has planned to give a false authority to Zekram and then they can get their hands to the Bael Genius to turn her against her grandfather. The plan is not foolproof, but that is one of the plan both Maou has bet their money on.


Currently Sirius is 17 years old. All of her time before are put to training, suffice to say she is strong not to boast but stronger than most entity that exsist today.

Today she is the human world. Sirius is wearing a white cheonsam with violet higlights the cheongsam reaches to her knees with a white stockings upto her thight, she also wears a white gloves with a violet bracelet and her long white hair is ties into a twin buns.

Currently she is roaming around without a definite destination, because this is one of her last days in the Main world tommorow is the day she will travel to other dimensions other than the Underworld dimension and the human world, and from tommorow on she will travel to a dimension which is a branch of the Shinto. The world itself is in a inovation age from a warring state era, of course Sirius noticed the similarity of the world to an anime she once saw, which is the Naruto World itself.

Sirius' goal is to recruit her peerage from that world more importantly that the humans in that world are powerful. Based from her early obserbation of the world, is that first the influence of the main human world cant influence the Naruto World and any other world for example the God of the Heaven's System cant Influence the Naruto World. why? Because the Shinto Relegion is the Patron Gods and Goddess of the said world, thus cant be influenced by other Gods but there are few exceptions. The second is that the Hindu Pantheon has a branch of clans specialy from the Demi-God descendants of the said Pantheon. The people of the descendants then gained the chakra pathways nessesary to control chakra. After a while Clans are established then came the Otsutsuki clan from a Mix between a Shinto Yokai and a descendant of a Demi-God thus the current state of the clan.

'Lets recap my plans. First is to gather a peerage. Second is I dont know I dont have a plan I am all set barely maybe for the future that the world throw at me I have trained for the 16 years of my life I am strong suffice to say not that i am arrogant to say, but still I have pride a bit bigger than most but still there is' I thought my plans.

'Goals? What goals do I have. None at least for now. But right now my goal is to find a way for my mother and brother to be accepted to the society. I know their status as a high class devil but I know that if i make my first move The old man Zekram may do something to the I know he has a plan for them at least I know because of the subtle hints he gave me from our time to time conversation. I get what he means that when I move to them and lose the contact I have to him the old man will do something to them. he knows that I know them as my family, my mother and brother. His subtle threats he holds them against me, he knows that without them he will lose his control over me but at the same time he has complete control over the wellbeing of my mother and brother. That is why I need to satisfy his pride. I need to have a strong peerage.'

"Sirius Esther Bael" a loud voice stated as I stop to see the person who stated my name.

"Hmmm" I hummed to myself as i saw the peole that are not humans. ' fallens a lot of them aplroximately 150 from 4 to 6 winged fallens' i thought while staring at the fallens in disguise.

"You are coming with us Devil" stated the 6 winged fallen, who I assumed the leadee of the flock of ravens.

"Can I know the name of my assailant? I ask the leader of the fallens.

"Gadreel is my name Devil I am once known as the Wall of God, and The Silent Sentinel before I fall to from grace" said the newly named Gadreel.

"May I ask as to why would I come with you. Gadreel" i ask Gadreel in a neutral tone with a laced of bitteeness.

"No I wont answer your question, will you come with us or will I have to drag you myself?" Gadreel ask me to which i scoffed as his subtle threats.

"I won't come with you Gadreel I am strolling this wonderful land leisurely without harm to its habbitat or its inhabinant." I stated to the fallens which leaves no room for any arguements.

"Leave me be If you wish to resolve this peacefuly."

"Arrogant are we, arent you Sirius. The dubbed Genius of The Bael surpassing Sirzechs own talents. That will be your own downfall you arrogant Devil." Spite Gadreel to my face then he ordered his men to attack me.

"Sigh~ Mongrels will be mongrels." I sigh as hundreds of golden ripples manifest in the air then sword come flying at a speed of a bullet towarda the fallens that attacked me.

"RETREAT" yells Gadreel "I underestimated you and I paid the price it seems that the rummors are indeed true you have a Sacred Gear, which is the Gate of Babylon: The King's Tressury which is the sacred gear of Gilgamesh the fifth King of Uruk." Gadreeo told me as the few remaining fallen angels retreat after my attack.

"I wont deny nor accept your assumption. But I wonder where did you hear the rummors If i ask?" I ask him

"I dont mind for an exchange" Gadreel grins to me.

"You want information even though you were to die?" I ask him 'is he sane he us about to die and still give his enemy information while i also give hime my infoemation, not like he will get to know my information any longer.' I thought as i gestured him to ask me he nodded and asks me:

"Sha Naqba Imuru, if your this strong for sure your clayvoriance saw this already but i am curius as to why did you not foresaw this? The Omnipoten Omniscient Star should fore saw this event, No?" Gadreel ask me.

"[Sha Naqba Imuru: The Omnipotent Omniscient Stat] is the Juggernaut Drive of my Sacref Gear. It is not often activated for me sometimes it tells me what I need to know, but not always I have known from my clayvoriance." I told him my answer to his question.

"Now where did hear such rummors from?" I ask him 'I hope you give me names' i thought as he answerd me:

"A certein old devils that likes to gossip that my fellow Fallen overheard" he told me.

'Damn I was hoping for a name but either way' "Okay, May you find peace in your next life Gafreel of the Fallen." I told him as few ripples manifest in the air.

"Let see if you can beat me Sirius" he told me politely as he dodge swords after swords.

"Then, this is goodbye. You have my respect Gadreel." I told him as I mold my [Power of Destruction] into small drops into the air, and it forms into a magic circle with an orb of inside the circle, the the circle fired and the attack pierced Gadreel and then he falls to the ground with holes i his body. He laid in the ground clothes tattered with holes, wounds that has been pierced by my Attack.

"[Crimson Rain]" i mutter the name of the attack as i watch Gadreel slip away from life.

"You have my thanks Sirius, you are what i thought you to be" He told me.

"Hmmm what is it Gadreel?" I ask him.

"As I thought you really are: you give kindness to those in need the poor such pure heart you have Sirius *cough* I am suffice to say that I am glad to meet you evn thought we are enemy, you spared my combrades even thought I told them that this attack we initiated are a sucide one. But you spared them, you really are kind a pure heart you have You have my Gratitude Sirius. May we meet again sometime. *cough*" Gadreel finally died after he thanked me. 'Why would you thank me, is it that i am not what most think of me. Sure i often put money to those orphange that has people i need those people that dont have anything people that has benn wrong. Dont nisunderstand me its not like I gave them something for free, but I also dont expect something in return, i am really confused to what I am.'

"May you rest in peace Gadreel knowing that I honored you" i told the unmoving corpse. Then i turned towards a tree "You, carry Gadreels corpse and return him to Grigory" i address the fallen hiding behind a tree, which results to a loud yelped.

Then I walk away without a destination in mind. A few minute latet I end up in a hill with a beautiful view of the setting sun in the horizon.

'Am I sad that I killed Gadreel knowing that he is someone who can be categized as good even though his intent is to pass information to the Grigori? Am I really sad. My mother and brother that I know but never knew familiar love? Don't worry mother I will rescue you and brother from the cluthes of Zekram' i thought as to see the sun setting in the horizon.

'Knowing Zekram he already has schemes and plans with backup plans under his plans. Thats why I need to find a strong peerage and please Zekram until the day I found out his schemes.'

'Its not like my mother or brother will die! Is it what if one of them dies or both. No brain. Bad brain dont think of it it will not happen not ever, or not atleast I get to love them and for us to be whole again.' I thought with determination.

'Okay tommorow is the day I will go to the Naruto World. I have already prepared most of the thingns i will need during my recruiting in Naruto World.' I thought then saw that the sun already settled and the horizon is now dyed in the color of the night sky 'STATUS' i muses in my head.


Name: Sirius Esther Bael

Tittle: Bael's Genius

Age: 17

Race: Dragonic Demon

Soul: Human/??? (Abstract Concept)

Power Rank: Ex




MP: A++

CHA: A++


Sacred Gear: Gate of Babylon: The King's Treasure: Ex

Balance Breaker: [Enkidu]:

The Chains Of Heaven

Juggernut Drive: [Sha Naqba Imuru]: Omniscient Omnipotent Star

Power of Destruction:

-[Crimson Rain]

-[Star Drop Photon Ray

-[Pandemonium Extus]

Mystic Eyes Of Saṃsāra: A Mystic Eyes that manifest to Sirius Esther Bael that grants her varius abilities:

-[Almighty Push]

-[Almigthy Pull]

-[Planetary Devastation]

-[Vector Control]