
Protocol: Stigmata

Art Cover: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/83397795 In a world on the brink of Honkai domination, the fate of Earth hinges on the formidable Valkyries. These extraordinary warriors are the last line of defense against the impending chaos, and their legacy is preserved at St. Freya High School. Established in 2000 by the visionary Theresa Apocalypse, the school's primary mission is to provide refuge and guidance to those scarred by Honkai experimentation. Here, they can learn to harness their latent powers and, upon graduation, join the ranks of the Valkyries. However, the status quo is shattered when an extraordinary young man is unexpectedly enrolled at St. Freya. Gifted with rare talents and abilities, he is destined to become a Valkyrie and bring about a new chapter in the battle against the Honkai. Disclaimer: I do not own the characters except for my OC, All credit to Mihoyo/Hoyoverse

Yamiru · Derivados de juegos
Sin suficientes valoraciones
85 Chs


The clash of our blades echoed through the cavern, each strike reverberating with the intensity of our battle. Our movements were swift and precise, a blur of steel as we exchanged blows with lightning speed.

Yae's movements were fluid and graceful, her strikes calculated and precise. But I matched her blow for blow.

 Each clash sent sparks flying, illuminating the darkness of the cave with fleeting bursts of light.

Our clash intensified, the rhythm of our blades becoming a frantic symphony of steel. Each strike came faster than the last, a whirlwind of motion as we danced on the edge of danger.

But then, in a moment of vulnerability, Yae seized her chance. With startling speed, she lunged forward, grabbing me by the neck and pinning me to the ground with a forceful slam.

My breath caught in my throat as I struggled against her grip, the pressure on my neck making it difficult to breathe.

Shit... She's dragging me outside the cave!

With a powerful thrust, she hurled me through the air, sending me crashing into the trees with a sickening thud.

I gasped for air as I staggered to my feet, my body aching from the impact.

But there was no time to dwell on the pain as Yae launched herself at me once again, her blade flashing in the moonlight as she descended upon me with lethal intent.

"Are you holding up, kid?" Tsurugi's voice echoed in my mind as I instinctively shifted into a defensive stance.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied, though I could feel the honkai energy pulsating dangerously within me.

"The honkai energy surrounding you is on the verge of eruption. Let me take over before it's too late."

"No, I can handle this."

"What?! Are you out of your mind, kid?!"

"I don't need your help right now. I'm the only one who can reach Miss Yae Sakura's mind."

Each strike reverberated with determination and resolve, as I pushed myself to the limit, drawing upon every ounce of strength and skill.

As our blades clashed once more, the intensity surged, threatening to overwhelm me. But I refused to back down, channeling all my focus into each precise movement.

"You're stronger than I thought," Yae remarked with a smile, launching a kick that I managed to block with my knee.

"I won't be defeated," I countered, attempting to strike back, but she swiftly evaded.

"Perhaps I should even the odds," Yae suggested, swinging the 12th divine key to the side. "Awaken, Jizo-Mitama."

In an instant, an armored samurai materialized from the sword, brandishing two blades and assuming a battle-ready stance.

"A two versus one scenario hardly seems fair."

I took a stance and dashed forward towards Yae. But before I could reach her, Jizo Mitama intercepted, its blades slashing in front of me.

"Tch! What a third wheel! You're in the way!" I grunted, clashing swords with the Jizo.

As our blades clashed, Yae leaped atop Jizo, ready to strike. Reacting swiftly, I dashed backward, narrowly avoiding her attack.

"Dang it... I don't know how much time I have left until this Honkai energy fully consumes me," I thought grimly, the pressure of the situation weighing heavily on me as I looked around.

"I can tell your body won't hold much longer, boy," Yae said, pointing the 12th divine key towards me.

"Heh... Don't be such a spoiler, will ya?" I replied, mustering a weak grin despite the pain coursing through me.

Death... It felt like it was creeping closer with each passing moment.

My senses dulled, the world around me fading into a blur of shadows and light.

It was like being caught in the eye of a raging storm, my body tossed about in a chaotic sea of agony and despair.

Abandoning all distractions, I honed in on a single goal.

Remaining calm amidst the chaos, I accepted the opposing concepts of life and death as they were.

Both Death and Life...

Instead of dividing them into two, I embraced them both, using their energy to fuel my resolve.

Turn my fear of death into strength, keeping my focus sharp and clear on the objective, even in the face of life and death.

I gambled everything on this single moment.

Taking a deep breath, I exhaled slowly, feeling the air leave my lungs as sweat trickled down my cheeks.

Suddenly, Yae's eyes widened in surprise. "What's this? Your aura... it's changed."

Meanwhile, from Tsurugi's perspective...

Her eyes widened, her hands trembling not in fear, but in amazement.

"What's happening?" Tsurugi's expression shifted to one of joy. "This is incredible... the way you're utilizing the power of the Void of the Sakura as if you're harnessing my powers as your own..." Tsurugi's radiance intensified, illuminating the surroundings with a brilliant glow. "Shin... Could it be... You're willing to sacrifice yourself to save a single soul?" she mused. "You are a fool, yet remarkably entertaining."

Switching to Shin's perspective.

With a determined gaze, I pointed my purple katana directly at Yae, then thrust it into the ground. "Bloom... Sakura."

In an instant, the world around us transformed. The once dim and dreary forest was now replaced by a vast expanse of vibrant sakura trees, stretching as far as the eye could see. Everything was engulfed in a radiant white void, with only the ethereal forests of Sakura visible. 

Yae's eyes widened in astonishment as she surveyed the breathtaking scenery that surrounded us. "What is this place?" 

"Welcome to my realm," I declared, assuming a stance once again. "Round Two."

Shifting to Yae's perspective...

"What is this... place?" Yae muttered, gazing around in wonder. "It's filled with peace, yet I can sense the underlying aura of determination and resolve."

Sakura petals fell gently around us, creating a serene atmosphere amidst the intensity of our battle.

"Rin... Are you seeing this?" Yae whispered softly, her voice tinged with emotion. "I promised you that we would watch the sakura bloom together, didn't I?"

Beneath the facade of hatred, a flicker of remorse and longing stirred within Yae's heart. She realized that the mask of hatred she had worn for so long was not a true reflection of her inner self.

As the sakura petals continued to drift gently around us, Yae's expression softened, a trace of sorrow glimmering in her eyes.

"Rin... I'm sorry," she murmured, her voice barely audible amidst the serene atmosphere of the sakura realm.

In that fleeting moment, amidst the ethereal beauty of the Sakura realm, Yae's facade of hatred began to crumble, revealing the deep-seated remorse and longing that had been buried within her heart.

Meanwhile, Shin rushed forward with determination in his eyes.

Yae, accepting her fate, lowered the 12th divine key to the ground. "Thank you," she whispered, a sense of peace washing over her as she extended her arms.

But then, unexpectedly...

Shin dropped his own katana and placed his hand on Yae's chest. "I'll save you!" he declared, his stigmata glowing brightly as he absorbed the corruption from Yae's body.

Switching again to Shin's perspective.

"Tsurugi! I'm offering you a present, so don't hold back!" I gritted my teeth against the searing pain as I absorbed the corruption from Yae's body, feeling the overwhelming surge of honkai energy threatening to consume me.

The agony was unbearable, but I refused to falter. With every ounce of my strength, I continued to draw out the corruption from Yae.

As I absorbed the corruption through my stigmata, the whispers of hatred echoed through my mind, their malevolent voices clawing at my sanity.

Each whisper was like a dagger, piercing through the fabric of my consciousness, threatening to overwhelm me with its dark allure.

And after completely taking the herrscher of corruption out of her body, I withdrew my hand from Yae's chest and stumbled back, a searing pain ripped through my body, causing me to grit my teeth in agony.

Yae's eyes widened in shock as she realized what I had done. "Did you... just..."

Before she could finish her sentence, a wave of excruciating pain washed over me, leaving me gasping for breath as I collapsed to my knees.

At the same time, Kiana and Kika come out of the cave, They are covered with bruises and cuts.

"Shin!" Kiana's voice rang out as she rushed to my side, concern etched across her face.

But I held up a hand to stop her, my voice strained as I spoke. "Don't... come closer..."

Confusion flickered in Kiana's eyes, but she obeyed, stopping just short of reaching me. "What's wrong, Shin!?"

"What's happening to him?" Kika's voice was filled with worry as she joined Kiana by my side.

Ignoring the pain coursing through my body, I mustered every ounce of strength I had left to speak. "Call Major Himeko... and Fu Hua... Tell them we found the 12th divine key."

Kiana and Kika exchanged worried glances before nodding in understanding.

"And what about you?!" Kika asked, her voice tinged with concern.

I managed a weak smile. "The rest... is up to me."

Crap... I'm starting to lose it...

As darkness threatened to consume me, I could hear Kiana and Kika's voices calling out to me, filled with fear and desperation.

"Shin, please... don't leave us!" Kiana's voice was trembling with emotion.

But my strength was waning, and I could feel myself slipping away, drawn inexorably into the abyss of unconsciousness.

With one last effort, I whispered, "I'll be... alright..." before succumbing to the darkness, my consciousness fading into oblivion.