
Another Mei

"Hm? What's wrong?"


She tilted her head, looking puzzled. "Senpai? My name is Mei... yes... but Senpai?"

"Eh?! Mei-senpai?! Are you alright?! What about Kiana?"

"Calm down, young boy..."

Young boy?

I took another look at her. Something about her aura felt different from the Mei-senpai I knew.

"Ermm... Sorry, you really look exactly like my friend."


"Yes... W-would you like to introduce yourself?"

She nodded, a calm smile on her face. "My name is Hokushin Mei, but you may call me Raiden Mei."

My mind spun in confusion.

Huh? But Mei-senpai's name is also Raiden Mei... Eh? What is going on right now...?

"What's wrong?"

"No... Nothing..."

"Is that so?"

"By the way... how long was I out?"

"Three days."

"Thr– Ah..."

"Normally, it would take weeks or months to recover from such injuries. Speaking of which, how did you get those wounds?"

"My friend and I fought."

"You and your friend? It seems personal, given the wound on your chest. Good thing it missed your heart."

"I see."

"If you would like, can you tell me the details of why you and your friend fought?"

"...Sure, it's a long story."

I paused, gathering my thoughts before continuing. "It started when the Herrscher of the Void took over my friend's body, Kiana. We had to stop her before she caused more destruction. It wasn't just a simple battle—it was about saving Kiana and preventing a catastrophe. Of course, everyone was in it."

Even Major Himeko almost died due to her almost sacrificing herself... but right now I'm hope she's alright.

Mei—or rather, Hokushin Mei—nodded thoughtfully. "A fight driven by necessity and friendship. It sounds like you had no choice."

"Exactly. I had to protect her, even if it meant risking my own life."

"You must care about her deeply."


With a subtle pause, Hokushin stood up, her expression distant. "I don't remember the last time I had friends at my back, but I do remember one person who rescued me when I was in a pinch. Her name is Jingwei."

"Jingwei? That name sounds familiar. I think I read about her in the books at St. Freya."

"Hehe, it was a long time ago. I'm sure she's out there somewhere, still saving people."

"I see."

Another silence filled the area, the crackling of the campfire the only sound.

"Now that I think about it, are we in some sort of cave?"

"Yes, it's raining hard outside, so I carried you here for shelter."

"You even made a campfire and prepared food." I noticed the grilled fish near the campfire. "Can I take one?"

"Sure, it's all yours anyway."

"Thank you." I reached for a piece of fish, savoring the warmth and taste as I bit into it. The flavors were simple but comforting.

It kinda reminds me of Mei-senpai's cooking.

As I ate, Hokushin Mei watched me with a curious expression. "You must be very determined to save your friend. Not many would go to such lengths."

"I have to be. If I don't, who will?"

"Right..." Hokushin smiled softly. "Your friend is very lucky."

I looked down, feeling the weight of her words. "I just hope I can find her in time."

"You will," she said with quiet certainty. "Determination like yours can move mountains. Or at least, it can find lost friends."

"Thank you," I said, handing back the remains of the fish. "For everything."

She nodded. "Rest now. You'll need your strength for whatever comes next."

With a final glance at the cave's entrance, I lay back down, feeling the exhaustion pull me into sleep. 

[Back at Hokushin's point of view]

Hokushin Mei stared at the fire, her thoughts lingering on Shin's story. "Herrscher of Void," she muttered, "if I remember, that was one of that bastard's experiments."

A sudden, unfamiliar voice interrupted her thoughts. "Oh? So you know him?"

Hokushin Mei spun around to face Shin, who stood there with an unsettling calmness. "Shin? What's wrong?"

He lifted a finger to his lips. "Shhh... Don't worry, I'm merely borrowing his body."

Hokushin Mei's eyes narrowed. "Who are you?"

"Nice to meet you, Hokushin Mei. My name is Tsurugi. I don't know if you still remember me, but I am the Herrscher of Blade."

She stiffened, scanning his—or rather, her—features for any sign of recognition. "Tsurugi... No, I don't remember."

Shin's voice suddenly turned into a girl... for some reason...

"Hehehe... I see, that's good." With a sly grin, Tsurugi stood up in Shin's body, her demeanor completely changed. "Come out, and show me that blade."

Hokushin Mei's eyes narrowed. "Blade? What are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I mean," Tsurugi's voice dripped with a taunting edge, "famous swordsman of the warring period."

"The Holder of a Demon Sword: Crimson Flames."

Recognition and alarm flickered across Hokushin Mei's face. Her eyes widened, then hardened into a glare as she locked onto Tsurugi.