
War 1

Count Lysanthir's POV


'Boom! Boom!'


'Ching! Ching!'


'Ching! Ching!'





The icy ocean turned into a battleground between the Disas and the continent of the gods as hundreds of fireballs were hurled towards the adversary. We are already organizing our next surprise strike to neutralize the adversary.

"Your highness!" A healer came inside the camp.

"What is it?" Crown prince Lucas asked.

"We're running out of healing potion."


"The production of the potions right now is very low." Healer.

"Your highnesses." A knight came in, rushing.

"What is it this time?" The Crown Prince said without even hiding that he was getting frustrated.

"More bombs have just arrived," The knight said.









"Who sent it?" Imperial Crown prince Reeve asked.

"The sender was from Count Lysanthir's territory."

"What?" Everyone was staring at me. I was under pressure at the moment. I appreciate you sending me so many things, my lord, but you've put me in a difficult predicament right now.

"And also, a letter came in with the healing potion. The sender said to give this to Count Lysanthir." He handed me the letter and everyone was looking at it.

"Thank you, you can leave." I said and he lowered his head before leaving.

"Then we'll give some privacy to read your letter, Count Lysanthir." I could feel the coldness of the Crown prince before leaving. After they had gone out, I opened the letter, and inside was a crystal.

"A crystal?" Why did the Lord give me a crystal? I read the letter.

'You must have been astonished when I sent this letter to you. I shall entrust this crystal to your protection, because it seems like it has gotten out of hand. You can use this to slow down and contain the enemy for an additional 150 years. Donate this to someone who can safeguard the continent for the next hundred and fifty years, just in case you forgot.'

"My lord." I was completely touched and thankful to the lord.

'Good luck.' After I read the letter, I went outside, where I saw the others talking.

"Your highness," I said, lowering my head.

"Are you done?" Princess Rhyne asked.

"Yes, *Fake cough* Princess, I would like to have a private conversation with you." I wisphered.

"Fine, follow me," She said, and we excused ourselves from the other royalties and went to a quiet place.

"What did the Lord say?" I gave her the letter, and she read it.

"Do you know someone we can trust?" I asked, as she was thinking of something or someone.

"How about one of the beast men that knows the identity of the lord? I heard Seymour was a graduate student of the mage academy. I'll call him." She spoke. She used telepathy to contact Seymour.

Minutes later, I could see someone rushing in our direction.

"Oh my! It's my first time seeing your wolf form." The Princess was delighted when she saw Seymour in his beast form. Seymour quickly transforms into a human.

"You called?" 

"Yes, we have something to tell you," I said and he walked closer.

"What is it?" He said and the princess handed the letter to him.

"Don't ask many questions," I said and he just rolled his eyes.

"What is it?" He studied the paper before reading it. After reading the letter, he became silent for a moment.

"Seymour?" Princess Rhyne was called Seymour.


"Hey! Are you alright?" She asked, her hands in front of his face. He flinched and quickly stepped back five meters away.

"I don't want to!" He yelled in disagreement.

"Why not?" The Princess asked.

"You want me to monitor the Disas continent while the others are having fun! That's not fair!" He yelled again and stamped his feet.

"He's throwing a tantrum," I said and the Princess nodded.

"I don't want to!" He yelled, grabbed a wooden stick and threw it away. The Princess and I sighed heavily when we saw his childish side.

"*Sigh* He is too troublesome," I said and the princess agreed.

"I didn't know you had this kind of personality." The lord said, the princess, and I nodded.

Wait, what?

Even Seymour, who was throwing a tantrum, froze, and he looked towards our side, where someone was standing beside me.

"Hello." The lord greeted us in a casual tone and waved his right hand.

"We greet the Lord," We said in unison, kneeling while placing our right hand on the left shoulder.

"There's no need for you to do that."

"But..." He cut me off.

"It's fine, it's fine. You may rise now." He said, and we quickly rose from our knees.

"My lord, may I ask..."

"Ah! Don't worry, I'm just visiting stealthily," He said, lowering his hood.

"But, is it really alright for you to be here, my lord?" Seymour said.

"It's fine, as long as I will not help you physically," the Lord said with such confidence.

"What do you mean by physically, my lord?" The princess asked.

"All I can do is help you plan or give you some remedies. Gods can't, after all, meddle in human affairs. However, since we, the Alexio, were the reason the Dark—i mean, the Disas continent—existed. the lord explained.

"But we don't what to do?" The Princess asked, and Seymour and I also nodded.

"Well you just need to let it float up the sky." He said while giving us a big smile. Now we are even more confused about how to handle it carefully.

"Ah! You better not tell anyone about it," The lord said and his silver aura came out. We gulped hard when we saw the Lord smiling.

"You're all dead." We gulped in fear, kneeled down, and placed our right hand on our left shoulder.

"Yes." we said in unison.

"Now, now. I'm not planning on staying here, you know. I'm just visiting this place for a second," the lord said, and the three of us stood up.




"Until next time, fellas! I pray for success." The lord said, and he vanished.






"It seems the reinforcements have arrived," Seymour said. The Princess started walking towards the camp.

"Let's finish this quickly, since the Lord gave us a special mission," I said.

"I hope you're ready, Seymour." the Princess said in a cold voice and I saw Seymour stretching his arm and smiling.

"Don't worry, I won't mess up." He said and we three walked towards the battlefield.

'Ching! Ching!'





"Kehahahahahaha!!!!!! Come and taste my wrath!" The enemy yelled and summoned demons to fight.


The others were screaming in pain while fighting the demons.

"I'm going first," Seymour said and his sword appeared.

"Heh... you better not disappoint the lord." The Princess said, and Seymour stopped in his tracks and quickly glanced at us.

"Don't worry, I will not fail," He said, continuing to walk.

"I didn't know he was a tough guy." The Princess said.

"He sure is."