
Protecting The Enemy

"Why do you keep following me?" She asked, with an eyebrow raised intimidatingly. "I-I....um..I live here". Her look was of pure surprise for a little while before it slipped back into the cold look. She came really close, squinting her blue, upturned eyes at me, the ice blue shade piercing my soul, she said, "Don't think for one moment, you have permission to visit me just because we are seatmates, got it?" I nodded, slowly. Then she left. Haiz! Adriane Athanasia, a 15 year old Type One Vampire, orphan and sister to Kieran, also. Type One Vampire. Once loved children of the Varon Family by both fantasians and humans, now publicly disregarded by humans and known as the Athanasia Siblings but feared and respected by the fantasians. A tragic mistake took the life of her parents Ade Arison, a 16 year old affluential only child of his parents, but his mother is dead. He recently moved to Mystic High as the new bad boy. His father is a retired vampire hunter, so he (Ade) carries the torch as he does this for one reason only......... Pls read for more

achildofGod · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Laying Down the Rules

*Adriane's POV*

I just can't believe I, Adriane Athanasia, is being assigned to protection that..that...aaaaaahhh

*me screaming out of frustration*

I am genuinely angry right now. But why me?! "Oh God, why me?!"

"Cause you happened to be there, girl. Get over it", Vivian said harshly.

Hey, I was hurting here

I got home, right after the horrible news that I would protect the Materially Rich Mental Retard in my science class. And i was venting to Vivian, but it seemed like i was losing my best friend to the fine fool. So we were sitting in our little living room, talking about it, like adults.

Well, these adults weren't agreeing on anything at the moment.

But i wasn't backing down in an argument.

"Nope, i didn't just 'happen' to be there, there are tons of other older, vampires there that could actually protect that idiot"

"First, stop calling our School Prince an idiot", she threw me a side glance, "secondly, there had to be a reason Ripley picked you, right?"

Kieran provided an answer i was about giving, "Yes, a reason, let's hope its reasonable one"

I clapped my hands in approval. This guy really is my brother.

"Guys, lets see this situation from the angle of an authority, kay?"

"But you're not an authority, are you now?", i returned.

"I soon will be if you don't shut the heck up"

On her face was a look i never thought she'd send towards me, the Fall on Your Knees look, Stage 1 of Angry Vivian.

Its her signature anger look, usually directed to guys who tried to get her to date them, but that look sends them all away.

I was usually there to see the recipients walk away slowly in fear, as if escaping a predator. But i was never the recipient of the look.

She looked scary.....

The whole room went silent as she tried to control her face back to it usually cute and calm demeanor, but she was clearly still angry.

Vivian broke the silence.

"All I'm trying to explain is that you guys should try to see reasons to this, also this job you are currently dreading will help you finally get the house for yourself. No more grumpy witches at your door"

That's true, but what she didn't know was that, we would soon be losing the house anyway.

Aaaggghhh, that bastard.

But a thought slipped into my mind...and out of my mouth

"Vivian, do you like Ade?"

Kieran looked like he'd been stabbed, even though it was impossible for us.

Her voice broke as she answered and she kept clearing her throat and stammering.

Something she does when she's shy or....


"W-w-what are you thinking?! O-of course i don't..... i mean why would you e-e-even th-think that... I h-h-hate him a-as much as you guys d-d-do...."

Yep, definitely lying. Yes i dislike him very strongly, but if she.likes him, what can i do?


Oh, I'll tell you what i can and will do.

"Vivi, look me in the eyes, and listen to me very well, you are not dating him, Ok?! He doesn't genuinely like girls, believe me, okay?!"

"Oh. My God, Adria, can you just allow me for once, do what i want?! You are always blocking me from meeting anyone, even GIRLS! Don't you think you are getting a tad bit paranoid?!"

"I am NOT paranoid, Ok?! I am just trying to protect my one and only friend from the guy that ruined my life in 30minutes"

"I can change him, Ok?! He's going to be a nice guy. Ok wait, wait, oya tell me now now, what don't you like about him?"

Ok, stage 2 of Angry Vivian, Uses her African Mother Voice to speak.

"Well, shall we talk about him promiscuity, he could be dating about 5-10 girls at once, they would know but wouldn't leave him, but just compete for him"

"Oh please, it happened in his former school, about how many months ago? He's changed"

"You seriously do not know what i see, do you?!"

She's making a huge massive mistake right now.

Tell her we should make a deal. Kieran's thinking voice.

What are you talking about now?

Just hear me out. Leave her to her own devices, let her run her own show, if he doesn't break her heart in 3 months, she wins and you give her space to develop her relationship with him, but if he does, we deal with him, Athanasia Style.

Hmm, Ok. I can vibe with that. Thanks, you're the best.

Oh, i know.

I looked at him face to find a cheeky smile. Maybe he had more brain cells than i do. Whatever.

I turned my attention back to Vivian.

"Ok, fine you can do whatever, just let's make a deal here and now"

She looked up and asked, "Kini, ehen, what is it?"

Oops, she's already at Stage 3 of Angry Vivian, Speaking Yoruba furiously.

BTW, Kini is 'what' in Yoruba.

"If he accepts and doesn't break your heart within, maximum 2 months, I'll let you guys be and you can do whatever, but, if he does break your heart", i cracked my fingers, "I'll break his bones"

She thought about it for a while, and spoke. Surprisingly, she was back to Cute and Calm Vivian.

"Ok, deal. But there has to be a clause, you", she.pointed at me,"cannot interfere or introduce him to any other girls, Ok?"

"Hey, I'm not petty"

"Mo mo, gidigan"

"I know, very well"

"Please, stop speaking like that, you sound scary"

She laughed and we both agreed, there and then, she can date him.

I also forgot to mention, i can understand Yoruba, very well. But can't speak it.

So yeah, i guess, i am now protecting that.....aggghhhh

After bidding Vivian goodbye, I turned around to see Kieran look at me with a familiar look,my Dad's look of What did you just do?!

And then he shook his head.

'Why did you change the timeframe?"

"Why did you give me such a long timeframe?"

"Don't answer my question with a question, Adria. Answer me, not question me"

Sometimes, he acts too much like my dad.

"You can't blame me, I'm literally like dad, reincarnated. Younger and smoother"

I thought aloud again. I face palmed myself and tiller my eyes.

"You still haven't answered me"

"Can i ask you one question in return?"

"Yes, you may. Now answer"

"Well, i couldn't hear to see that cheat with my best friend for 3 whole months, 90 days of suffering"

"Well, 102, if you count January 31st and March 31st, February is just 28 days, so that should be-"

"Oh, the misery, Ade just wants to be my enemy", i sang a line from Imagine Dragons.

"Maybe he is nice" "Believe me this one time, believe. He's not alright"

"Can you stop singing in a normal conversation?, this isn't Zombies"

I laughed silently. Nope.

"Fine, can i question you now?"

"Sure, yes"

"When are you coming back to school?"

He fell silent and his green eyes, went dark then light. Uncertainty.

"I don't know". "Bro, you're 13, you need to go back to school, seriously. Also, i don't think mum and dad would want their son to be a drop-out"

He was still silent. "Yes you are younger and smoother than dad, but to complete him in you, you need to start school again. My homeschooling skills aren't that good anymore"

I was about to exit the room when he spoke, "Ok, I-I'll start after Winter Break"

"Are you sure? I mean I'm not forcing you or anything"

"Yes", he looked up at the ceiling and groaned. "I just don't know how to start"

"I know someone who can help you if you need help with anything. She's really smart and knows a lot about our family, she's not a stupid bimbo, also"

"Adria, if you're trying to set me up with someone, i-"

"Woah, woah, slow down there, dude. What makes you think i would set my cold brother with a girl who doesn't like me? I mean come on"

"Fine, after winter break, we'll go to school together"

I squealed in joy, he was finally coming back to school.

He left soon after, for his part time job as the till guy at the biggest supermarket in Fantasia. Apparently, the owners of our house put in good word for him and he is working there.

Someone thought he should work at hospitals so he could drink other people's blood, but my brother and I don't really like human blood which is why, when taking Ade's, i was a bit disgusted and also annoyed the venom got into ME!

But anyways, He's gone now.

He wasn't always like this though, I mean he used to go to school.

But after Jedediah died.....

*Sorry, about the cliffhanger, well, it isn't much of suspense*

*Anyways, here it is. Ciao!*