

Lies and betrayal. These two can be a deadly combination together. How are you suppose to cope up after you find out that the life you have always lived has been a lie and you are not who you always thought you were. Among the darkness of her life Scarlet tries her best to figure out what is true and what is a lie, along with facing new emotions for the first time.

Musarivin · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

'Okay Okay I heard it' I thought as I descended the stairs taking my own sweet time to do so. Someone was ringing the doorbell continuously almost like singing a song. Truth is that I am annoyed, I finally dozed off after a particularly hard night but as its always said misery loves company. I faltered while grasping the handle and tried to take deep breaths so I wouldn't snap at the unlucky soul on the other side of the door. Being sure that I have calmed down I open the door with a slight smile, that I have mastered over the years, only to have it wiped off. There, in all his glory stood my boyfriend showing off a perfect set of white teeth. I inwardly groaned, if he was here then that means that my cousin is not that far behind.

They were like a packaged deal, wherever he went my cousin was sure to follow and vice versa. To say we don't see eye to eye ever would be an understatement, we're like water and oil. We don't mix well and we DEFINITELY do not get along. Whenever we're put in the same room an argument is sure to arise, now don't get me wrong we don't scratch the other or pull each other's hair, we just simply let our words do the damage. After all words are more powerful than actions.

"Isn't your follower here with you?" I asked frowning. Stupid question I know, even more so since I know the answer.

"she'll be here in a minute" he replied while inviting himself in.

"Sure, come inside and make yourself at home" I sarcastically said rolling my eyes

"Thanks" Xavier says smiling brightly. I couldn't help but cringe at the smile, not being used to it.

Just then I heard the door slam and a minute later my ever so charming and kind cousin came into view, note the sarcasm, going straight towards MY boyfriend hugging him not even acknowledging my presence. I don't mind, being used to it by now. Sighing rather audibly i sit back and relax.

"Oh. Hi Scarlet, didn't see you there" Rachael says laughing. While one thinks that she is a lovely and charming girl, I don't miss the hidden venom her words are laced with. Not bothering her with a reply I just roll my eyes. I know some might wonder why I let her talk to me like that, but the truth is experience is one of the best things that make you learn something in life.

At least I have.


I'm not someone special, not someone's favorite and I'm okay with that. Now. I blend into the shadows and I like it like that, the less the attention on me the less likely I'm to screw up. Every word I say and every small gesture is reported back to my parents. After a couple times you just learn to adapt and I have. God forbid if I hadn't.

I sit back relaxing as best I can and watch Rachael and Xavier chatting among themselves making me wonder as to why did the even come over to my house. Making me wonder, where I went wrong on this life or my past life.

Over the years I have become almost mute you could say, I don't talk often only when asked something or with someone whom I'm comfortable with but that hasn't ever happened. Not talking much lead me to study people more often and you can say that I have perfected the ability since I can clearly see a bounce in Rachael's walking like she is on cloud nine or how Xavier is bouncing his leg and continuously fidgeting or the continuous nervous glances he sends my way.

Sighing I bring my attention towards the pair silently praying for strength.

"Xavier, can I talk to you alone?" both look towards me, Rachael scoffs

"Oh, look she can talk too, I thought you were mute?" Not bothering with her I only sent her a glare.

"Actually, I was going to leave, just wanted to check up on you since you weren't in school today." He says standing up. 'right you didn't even ask how I was' I think bitterly.

"I think it's best to break up. I can't be in a relationship right now" I blurt out.

There was complete silence and if you listened closely you could hear the non-existent crickets.

The tension in the room is so thick it can be cut with a knife. Rachael and Xavier look at each other while I try to figure out if they'll confess or not. The truth is that Xavier has been cheating on me for the last 2 months. Wanting to be a good girlfriend I wanted to surprise him when he got back from his cousins wedding, instead when I got to his room, I saw those two getting on with it.

There was no wedding.

It was all a LIE.

Now you must think why was I with him for 2 months still? I wasn't by choice I couldn't get in touch with him and he was out of city. Today was the first day of school and I couldn't attend due to reasons.

"if that's what you want then I wouldn't force you into anything" Xavier replies sincerely.

I guess we'll be burying the cheating thing as well. We walk towards the door and while leaving he turns back to hug me. I just stand stiffly not being able to return the hug.

"I'm sorry" he mumbles softly.

"Goodbye Xavier" I say coldly pushing him away.

Closing the door, I slump against the door wiping away a few stray tears. Since no one is home I might as well make the best of it since it's the only time I can do something.


Within half an hour I had stuffed myself with pasta that could keep me going for a few days. Jumping off of the counter made me regret eating so much. I stood in front of the stairs watching, they seemed to on and on. That made my stomach cramp. Just as I put my right foot on the first step, there was banging on the front door. As soon as I opened the door, I feel something hit on my head. I hold my head blinking away the dizziness feeling a start of a headache.

"Shit! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that" I pay no mind as to who said that.

"It's fine. Can I help you?" I ask eyeing them up and down. They were dressed so weirdly.

"Ah yes, my name is Jackson." He says glancing behind me hoping to see inside "I'm looking for a..." he pauses widening his eyes. "what was the name?" he asks turning behind.

The other guy giggles, like a little high school girl he giggles.

I blink.

"Scarlet. Scarlet Jones"

"Right. We are looking for Scarlet Jones." Jackson says turning towards me

I just watch these two in amusement "Can I ask why you are looking for her?" I should be scared of them; they tower over me, but I only feel a welcoming feeling radiating off of them which is weird.

I open my mouth to say something but a piercing pain in my head makes me stumble back. I try to keep my grip on the door but darkness overshadows the light.

And I'm out.