
Going His Way.

I began walking on the street once again with the aim of finding another couple...a boy and a girl who were in a romantic relationship.

Well, after walking for a few minutes and seeing different people sitting on chairs on the sides of the street, I finally found another young couple.

They were standing on one side of the street resting their bodies on the wall of a particular building while conversing with each other and showing each other affection.

There were smiles on their faces as they were conversing, and I could tell they were enjoying each other's company...

I tried my best not to be intimidated by the fact that they were enjoying each other's company so much, I was going to shoot my shot. I was going to try my best to make the girl become attracted to me and see if it would work out.

Well, it didn't work out, I failed again. I watched the boy and the girl walk away while holding hands.

I didn't plan on giving up though, I can't give up when a good $35,000 was involved. That amount would be able to help out with a lot of things.

I was already walking on the road again in search of another couple.

Well, I'd come across some couples for the past minutes of walking on the street. Some were sitting on chairs on one side of the street, while some were standing and conversing while showing affection to each other.

They were all young couples, and I tried my best to grab the attention of the girls. I tried my best to make them become attracted to me...but I kept on failing over and over again.

These girls were just too in love with their boyfriends, or was I doing something wrong?...

Maybe I was doing something wrong, and thinking about the fact that I could be doing something wrong was making me afraid.

I mean, I was handsome enough, my dressing was okay...in fact, they were looking good. I'd done everything that needed to be done, so what could I be doing wrong?

The time I had left to accomplish the quest wasn't up to a few hours anymore, it had reduced to minutes. And time was still counting.

Before I knew it, the minutes would go by completely, and that would mean I'd failed the quest.

'Shit! I can't let that happen'. I thought to myself.

The thought of failing the quest was already so heartbreaking. I mean, I'd be missing out on a good $35,000 and all the other rewards that come with accomplishing the quest.

I was walking on the street currently in search of another young couple feeling so determined not to fail the quest though I had minutes left to accomplish it.

I found another young couple sitting on a chair on the left-hand side of the street. A boy and a girl that would most likely be in their late teens or early twenties.

If they were in their early twenties, then they'd be nothing older than 20 or 21 years old, this I was sure of...

And the girl was fucking pretty, I mean, her beauty was captivating.

I was with a flower in my right hand, a flower I picked up in a certain garden while walking in the street. I'd decided to add another tactic to see if it would be able to help out in making a guy's girlfriend become attracted to me.

..And you know what? I planned on giving this flower to the pretty girl not minding that she was with her boyfriend.

The moment I reached them, I handed the flower over to the pretty girl and said to her,

"This is for you pretty one, you're too beautiful. This flower is just to appreciate your beauty".

She and her boyfriend weren't conversing when I handed the flower over to her, they were just sipping a drink with the help of a straw from each of their red cups.

So I didn't disrupt a conversation or something...

The girl collected the flower from me, then glanced at her boyfriend for some seconds after she did so, before focusing her gaze on me again and saying with a smile on her face,


"Yeah". That was the last thing I said before walking past them.

The girl had already perceived my perfume, noticed my handsomeness, and the fact that I had swag by now. So walking past them, she didn't glance at me immediately.

It was after I'd walked a few meters away from them that she glanced at me and kept on staring at me like that.

I didn't plan on walking away just like that. Of course, I needed to see if I'd be able to make this girl become attracted to me though she was with her boyfriend.

So I just walked toward a particular wall that wasn't far from where they were sitting before resting my back on it. I did a good job handing that flower over to the girl, it was going to help out a lot.

Both the boy and the girl were staring at me as I was resting my back on the wall standing there...

The girl was staring at me with liking in her eyes due to the way I handed a flower over to her and complimented her beauty, and the fact that I was also handsome and attractive.

While the boy was staring at me with anger in his eyes due to the fact that I handed a flower over to his girlfriend and complimented her beauty right in his presence.

And the fact that his girlfriend also seemed to like the compliment and liked the fact that I was handsome. The boy had definitely noticed that I was handsome.

And it was making him a little afraid because it seemed like his girlfriend was already becoming attracted to me.

..And that was just the complete truth, his girlfriend was already becoming attracted to me.

She kept staring at me because of how handsome I was looking, the fact that I was smelling nice, and the fact that my dressing was just superb.

From my clothes, to my trouser, and my shoes, they all fitted me well. I was looking so cool. She couldn't deny the fact in her mind that I was way more handsome than her boyfriend.

I noticed that she was staring at me, and seems like she was attracted to me, and it was making my heart glad.

I had a few more minutes left to accomplish the quest. I just needed her to become attracted to me completely so I could accomplish the quest.

I glanced at her after the passing of a few seconds, and the moment our eyes met, she felt butterflies in her stomach. Getting to see my face properly again made her realize I was more handsome than she was thinking.

There was no doubt about it that she was attracted to me, I just needed it to reach a hundred percent.

Her full attention was on me though her boyfriend was right beside her...it was just like she'd forgotten about him completely.

Her boyfriend had noticed what was happening and was feeling anger and confusion at the same time. They were having a good time here until I arrived. I was the cause of all these.

He tapped his girlfriend on the right shoulder which made her glance at him immediately, and he was like,

"What are you doing?".

"What do you mean? I don't understand what you're talking about". She voiced out.

"You don't understand what I'm talking about? I mean, you've been glancing at that boy over there for minutes now. You suddenly focused your full attention on him". The boy stated again.

"I don't know what you're talking about".

And the moment she was done saying that, she focused her gaze back on me. Her boyfriend basically just told her what she was doing wrong, but she brushed him aside and continued doing what she was doing.

She'd become attracted to me completely, it was just like I'd spellbound her. She didn't care about her boyfriend's feelings, all she wanted was to keep staring at me.

I was feeling that urge to smile due to how happy I was that things were going my way now. But I didn't want to due to certain reasons, so I was just controlling myself.

I took my gaze away from the girl and focused them somewhere else, and she wasn't happy about that at all. She wanted us to keep locking eyes, she was enjoying it.

She was getting to see my handsome face more when I was glancing at her. But now that I'd taken my gaze away from her, she wouldn't be able to do so anymore...