
Prophecy: rising of the first hybrid

WARNING WARNING!! THIS BOOK CONTAINS MATURE CONTENT. {WSA ENTRY..} Orpheus was once a young vampire, born into a family of vampires who turned him into a werewolf through the use of black magic. This transformation created a battle within him as vampires and werewolves because of a deep-seated enmity towards each other. Orpheus struggled with this duality for thousands of years and eventually learned to live with his newfound self. However, this transformation left him ruthless and cold, instilling fear in people who worked for him. Despite his fearsome reputation, there was one exception - Camilla Grande. Camilla was a young woman in her twenties who lost her parents in a devastating car accident when she was just eighteen. She had to give up her dreams of pursuing a degree and a career in dancing to start working. However, her lack of a degree made it difficult for her to find a job in a regular office. One day, while wandering the streets, she overheard someone talking about a luxurious mansion on the other side of town that needed a housekeeper. The previous staff who worked there either got fired or left on their own accord, and no one could tell a complete story about the mysteries of that house. Camilla was about to dismiss the thought, but when she heard the amount they were offering to pay, she decided to apply. Little did she know that her decision to work at that mansion would change her life forever.

dera_damsel · Fantasía
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59 Chs

Chapter six: The Supernatural Orb

Deep in the heart of the supernatural world lies a mysterious and enigmatic entity known as the supernatural orb. This supernatural orb is said to be a portal that leads to the human realm, a place where very few supernaturals are allowed to go due to their notorious reputation for causing trouble. For many years, the search for this portal has been a tireless and often fruitless endeavor, with only a handful of supernaturals ever managing to cross over.

Orpheus and Danny are two close yet unfriendly Supernaturals who have dedicated their time to finding the supernatural orb. They have spent decades searching for clues and following leads, hoping to uncover the elusive portal that could grant them access to the human realm. Despite the many challenges they have faced, their determination has never faltered.

The supernatural orb holds a special place in the hearts of the supernatural community, as it is believed to be the key to unlocking a world that has always been out of reach. Its existence is widely known, and its enigmatic nature has only added to its allure. For those brave enough to venture into the unknown, the supernatural orb remains a tantalizing mystery, one that promises both adventure and danger in equal measure.

Their journey has been fraught with countless dangers, from treacherous terrain to deadly creatures lurking in the shadows.

Despite the overwhelming risks and challenges that they face, Orpheus and Danny remain resolute in their pursuit of the supernatural orb.

It was said in ancient tales that the supernatural orb changes positions, that what makes it hard to find. But as the journey progresses, Danny's frustration begins to build up. They have been searching for what seems like an eternity, and the lack of progress is starting to take its toll. One fine day, Danny reaches a tipping point and decides to voice his complaint, unable to keep his frustration bottled up any longer.

"What if we never find the supernatural orb?" Danny asked, his voice heavy with frustration.

Orpheus didn't reply but kept walking forward, his eyes set firmly ahead. Danny persisted, "Don't you think it's time we take a break? What if we reach the human realm, do you even know anyone there who can help us?"

Orpheus remained silent, but then he pulled out an envelope that he had received from the witch that helped his father. "The witch gave me this," he said, gesturing towards the envelope.

Danny quickly opened it and scanned its contents. His doubts continued, "Even if we find this man, how do we know he can help us? It's been over three thousand years since your parents passed, and this man is human. He may have passed away by now. Even if his descendants know about us, how can we be sure they will help us ?".

"For once stop thinking about what could go wrong, their lineage swore an oath to my family thousands of years ago. If the oath is broken they die and am very sure his descendants know that. All we have do is to find him. ". Orpheus replied.

Even though Orpheus was right about the descendants, Danny couldn't help but point out the fact that they had traveled West, South, and North, and now they were heading East, and they still hadn't found the orb. He was worried that they might not find it at all.

"Well, what if we don't find it? Aren't you tired of searching?" Danny asked.

Orpheus understood Danny's frustration, but he also knew how important it was to find the orb. "Aren't you tired of being haunted here? At least in the human realm, there is a low chance we will get haunted over there because it will cause too much damage, it's a risk no Supernatural is willing to take. So, if you are tired of searching, you can stay here, but I am leaving," Orpheus said firmly and continued his journey.

Danny was feeling exhausted and worn out from the long and grueling journey. Despite their thirst for not consuming blood for days, Danny followed Orpheus closely, hoping to find what they were seeking. They ventured deep into the East, and even Orpheus, who had been leading the journey, began to doubt their mission's purpose.

As they came upon a dark hole that seemed to be sucking everything in with its darkish color, Danny pointed it out to Orpheus. The hole looked like a portal to another dimension, and looking at it made Danny feel like he was being pulled towards it.

"That's the orb! We found it!" Orpheus exclaimed, his eyes lighted up.

But Danny hesitated. He was worried that the hole might not be the supernatural orb they had been searching for. He was afraid that it could lead them to someplace where they would be lost forever.

"What if it's not the supernatural orb? What if it leads us to hell or someplace where we'll never see anyone for the rest of our lives?" Danny voiced his concern to Orpheus.

Orpheus rolled his eyes in annoyance at Danny's hesitation. "Well, if it's hell, then at least I'll be rid of you," he muttered sarcastically.

Grabbing Danny's hand, Orpheus leaped into the portal before Danny could say another word.

As soon as they stepped out of the portal, Danny couldn't help but express his skepticism. "Nothing looks different," he said, "Are you sure we're in the human realm? Because it looks like we're still in a forest. I knew that portal leads nowhere." Orpheus, on the other hand, seemed more confident that they had arrived at their destination. "No, I think we made it," he said, gesturing around them. "Look at the trees, they're different, and the air smells clean, not bloody."

Danny took a closer look and had to agree. The forest they were in looked similar but somehow different, and the air felt fresher than before. However, he was still unsure of how they were going to locate Orpheus's familiar in this new realm. "Yes, it is different," he said, "but how do we find your familiar now?"

Orpheus paused for a moment before replying, "I don't know, but let's head to the main road. Maybe we'll find some clues there." The two of them set off in the direction of the road, hoping to find some answers to their questions.

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