
Promises where meant to be broken

In this story you are in the eyes of a girl who is unfitting to the world because she is different, as your on a journey to find a dear friend of hers who helped her feel complete and like she fit in, will she find them? What problems will she face? What people will she meet? Find out in this novel.

Inky_thekiki_ · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Humanity’s wrath

I hate humanity...they are so unfair...oh hello! Let me rewind a little for you! In my younger years, I've always been bullied and humans just naturally where hostile toward eachother...constant new problems popping up...constant disbelief beyond everyone...


Good morning world! I say as I get out of bed! Maybe today I will be adopted...i have lived in a adoption center since...basically when I was a baby! I run out toward the hallway where I'm greeted with a shove to the ground.... "hey!" I yell staring up at piercing hostile yellow eyes "what's the matter red eyes? Did the demons finally trip you? Guess they really do want to take you back!" Laughter spouted out of the blonde boys mouth "we've been over this...I'm just like everyone else....my eye color doesn't change who I am!" I say getting back up and looking at the Blonde boy who's name was Tyler "think again you little creep!" I looked up at Him, hurt but I try to look strong, my eyes starting to water "you will never be like us...you'll never fit in with us...and you'll never be important to us!" I looked up at him, and just stopped talking...there wasn't must of a response I could give....and walked past him to everyone else...

End of flashback/

Always called a freak and saying I don't belong...I wish I could escape this place I wish there was somewhere where I wasn't seen as different or weird.., I turned 13 recently... didn't change much though...my eyes darted to the sides of me as I walk through the town with eyes staring at me like always.. I just dug my eyes deeper into my notebook...maybe one day I'll finally escape this horrid place..I walk over to my cabin it's small, but has roses surrounding it, with a beautiful white gate, I open it up and walk inside, I sit down and look at an old letter, I opened it up dear Ava I miss you and I hope we'll meet again! I'll always find a way to see you again besties forever right? Just because I'm moving doesn't mean I can't visit-from max, this was the only friend I had at the center...but he left...I have a lot of fond memories with him though


I wrote on the paper, different ideas I had time to time, "time isn't a idea silly" max giggled, I pout "yeah it is! Different times! Like universe or past and present!" I say back with a smile and show him the drawings of what I was saying in my notebook, "well you've proved me wrong once again Ava!" Max replies with a calm grin, "no I wouldn't call it that...I'm not proving you wrong that sounds to mean...I was explaining things to you is a better way of saying that" I say thinking and then giving a proud accepting smile at max, "I guess you explained well!" He smiles, I look at him brightly "hey...max? Can I ask you something?" I say with a smile but more serious, he looks at me with a smile "of course Ava, what's up?" He reply's with a reassuring smile, "you'll always be here for me....right? We will stick together?" I ask, he suddenly grabbed my hands "like super glue!!" He said with the brightest smile I've ever seen In my life, his smile really made me feel safe as if I could take on a dragon and I'd be safe, "thanks max..." I say holding back tears, he wipes the tears that unfortunately succeeded at falling "hey don't cry! Remember that's a promise!" He says with sincerity, I nod "thank you...for everything..." I say gently

"no problem" he replies

End of flash back.

Id be lying if I said I didn't miss him...he made the darkest moments seem like a party...he taught me most of the things I know...until he unfortunately had to transfer to a different shelter 'cause our place was getting to crowded' I swear they probably made that up because I was being to happy or something...it's been 9 years since I've seen him...but I'm sure I'll see him again...he promised after all...right?..I say putting the letter back in the draw next to my bed and walk over to my shelf, grabbing my favorite book about the galaxy, it's a chapter book, I read it a few times and reread it again a few times...until I decided I'd go to sleep.