

" AnAn ! stop there " hearing the angry voice little AnAn stopped there and turned back. she is like a little fairy. but she gave a devil smirk and jumped into the bushes and disappeared. a hand tried to grab the girl but missed. The hand looked like that of a boy with a red round mole on the arm. .................... he, again and again, have the same dream but if he is the man in the dream then who is the girl? can he really find the same girl in present or should start to prepare for marriage without the concern of wasting time and then love his wife? LET'S SEE WHAT HAPPENS

sweet_rose_4925 · Fantasía
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6 Chs


"AnAn ! stop there " hearing the angry voice little AnAn stopped there and turned back. Her amber eyes, Dark golden brown hair braided in two piglets, Rosy pink lips, Sharp nose, Little face. Makes you think of her as a little fairy.But she gave a devil smirk and jumped into the bushes and disappeared. A hand tried to grab the girl but missed. The hand looked like that of a boy with a red round mole on it.

After some unclear images again the same hand embraced a girl and it seemed to be they are sitting in a cherry tree garden in full blossom "Little AnAn, Stay with me forever like this, don't always run away". She smiled shyly "I will be forever with you."

Next a place looked like the top of a mountain appeared, when a teenage girl turned back water droplets are falling from her amber eyes and blood dripping from the corner of her mouth she gave a heartbreaking smile "Big brother Gu, little An will come to you but remember our promise, to full fill in next life otherwise I will not show any mercy for you" And the girl jumped off the cliff.

Again the same hand covered in blood stopped, in the mid-air seeing the girl jump "AnAn I'm with you" a hoarse voice came a man also jumped off the cliff.

He saw the girl, her face is devoid of all the worries in the world and when she saw him, her smile disappeared. His hand, seemed to grab the girl hand he tried to increased his weight in lower direction to increase his speed, his hand with a small red round mole grabbed the girl's hand and he pulled the girl into his embrace "did you forget your promise to me, that you will be in my embrace forever, I'm happy to be with you".

The girl's eye's teardrops moved in the upward direction when she moved back. Her face from his gentle hug moved and touched his face. Her lips gave a beautiful smile, She moved closer to him and hugged him back and they both closed their eyes and hugged each other tightly with more affection and their bodies are floating in the air.

Suddenly Qi Guang opened his eyes and saw around him. He was on his bed his heart is beating faster, he can hear his heartbeat in the silent night. When he touched his forehead he is sweating and his body is also drenched in sweat he looked at the wall clock, It is 1:16 Am.

He took the air conditioner remote and decreased the temperature. He saw his right hand, there is a small red mole is present on the arm. He remembered the dream he remembered the girl's features and her name, but the scenes are blur, He only understood that the man in the dream is he himself because of the red mole on the arm of his right hand.

He suddenly stood up and went to the large glass door in the lanai room then he stood in front of the door that separates the garden from of the room, he pulled out a cigarette from the pack and lit it, And he started to smoke. He saw through the transparent glass into the garden and remembered the blurry scenes, He understood that these scenes are not in the modern period, the dressing style of the girl is like periodic costumes in TV dramas.

He started to think ' is this my previous life? '.

He again said to himself 'No, No due to the workload it should be a dream, I created myself '. But the scenes are so life-like and every time he dream's the same dream his heart feels like stabbed with a sharp thing, And often he tears in the dream.

He started to think back to the time when he first dreamed this dream. On that day he Luo Chen, Qi Da and Fan Lei went to camp in the mountain area of Yunnan province ,in the car seeing the 13 peaks of Jade dragon snow mountain it really looked like a lying dragon and snow-covered it made it look like dragon sleeping peacefully in the heaven's clouds.

Luo Chen:" Guang I said it but you are now looking at the mountains without blinking an eye."

Fan Lei: "lazy Chen, You are saying as if you suggested us to come here."

Chen:"old Lei did you forget who fought world war III with single hand against three of you to come here."

Qi Da : "and we three with both hands fought against your same single hand like world war IV and we utterly defeated by you from waking you up this morning."

Chen:"Guang, Their piggy team is winning against me help me."Chen made a pout and looked with puppy eyes and stared at Guang.

Guang: "lazy Chen." With a single sentence, Guang striked out Chen.

"Hahaha.... lazy chen it serves you right" both Lei and Qi Da started to laugh.

Chen: "you ... you ..... Stupid lei stop laughing, And you driver Qi Da drive properly do you want to get into an accident".

BAM! Suddenly the car went off track of the road within seconds. Qi Da applied his force on the brakes with his legs but the road is a little slippery. Chen closed his eyes and hugged the seat in front of him and others also tightly gripped their hands on seats.

Chen started to yell: "save me! Help me! God, Almighty, Jesus. Mary, Buddha, Zeus save! save! save me"."Yama, Hades please don't take me to underworld I beg you! I beg you" Lei:" you are not only lazy but also cursed mouth. Shut your mouth now".

Chen now opened his eyes and looked around the car just stopped on the mud side of the road.

Guang:" I think you better shut your mouth during our journey."

Qi Da: "blabbermouth, follow what big brother say."

Chen: "Qi Da the nasty driver! if you drive properly, I wouldn't have yelled. By hearing my sweet voice gods saved us. If you be like this gods will not save you next time."

Guang: "what? You want next time to experience this, sure I will make it happen."

Chen: "No! No! I mean gods won't save us next time. Both gods and devils also save us, And as devils are on our sides there will be no next time. Ha..haha....hahaha...".

Because of Chen's blabbermouth, all the three made him change the burst tire and all his clothes were rolled in the mud . as he was dirty, All the three isolated him. After reaching the mountain region they made him bathe in the ice-cold water which made him shiver and he caught a cold.but the other three didn't show any pity and made him walk deep into the mountain region by exhausting him. Lei and Qi Da never stopped joking on Chen and Chen never stopped cursing them and he grinned his teeth until they started to crack. Guang just smiled at the other three.

At night they also saw some people camping. But because of Guang's so-called peaceful atmosphere, They went deeper and started camping and made campfire first because of cold weather as snow present all around the year, But now it is a lot better than compared to winter. they made two tents one for Chen, Qi Da, and the other for Guang and Lei.

Qi Da arranged the tents, Qi Guang grilled the barbecue, and made other dishes for camp. Fan Lei helped both Qi Da and Qi Guang. Blabbermouth Chen did no work by the excuse of cold, but entertained himself by non-stop war of words against Qi Da and Fan Lei but never offended the devil Guang. They finished food by 9 pm. at night all chitchatted and enjoyed themselves with beer.

This night is filled with laughter, which is usually covered with the hectic business schedule. they all relaxed for today and slept peacefully by the view of the dark sky covered with bright stars, And the moon illuminated its light which even increased the beauty of the forest. And all slept nearly at midnight.

If they normally camp in their respective hometown they will chat up to dawn but due to long travel and exhausting work of arranging camp, they slept fast. But only one person because of excessive work of mouth and cold slept fast. That is none other than 'CHEN THE GREAT'.

After they slept, The forest also slept with them and it became silent to NOT disturb the beauty sleep of four handsome men.