
chapter 4

Avery's pov

I walked into the cafe, with a stormy expression on my face, as if daring anyone to mess with me.

Then I remembered, that this was the cafe Mr Billionaire had chosen. No one here knew me. They wouldn't care about my attitude. I sat down and begin to go through with the pro and con of going through with the marriage.


Here is the mental list I'm currently going through

-Making my parents happy

-i get to live in a big house, that'll be an advantage for agreeing to get married to him I guess, now Avery you sound like a gold digger.


-Getting married to a stranger

-Having to be around him

-The thought of becoming a wife, am I going to bear his children? It's scary.

My list of pros and cons were equally balanced. I took a deep breath and thought to myself, "Come on, Avery, you can make the best of this." But then I thought, "Who knows, this might not work out after all. It could be worse than I imagine."

I couldn't believe he was late. "Who the heck shows up late to something like this?" I thought. First impressions matter, right?

I didn't feel happy about the arranged marriage, but I showed up on time at the cafe.but he didn't.

I'd been waiting for about 30 minutes.if he didn't show up in 10 more minutes, I'd leave.

"I hope he doesn't show up, so I could tell my dad that he doesn't want to marry me and he even stood me up" I thought.

Nice idea, Avery. I applaud myself.

When I looked up, I saw a pair of hazel eyes gazing down at me with an unreadable expression.

"Oh, look who decided to show up" I said with a sarcastic tone.

"I have more important things to do" he replied.

I let my eyes wander over him noting his features.

Black hair that was styled in a messy, yet sexy way. Beautiful hazel brown eyes that looked like pools of molten chocolate.

A very chiseled jawline, those plump lips looks so inviting. He looked tall, maybe six foot five inches.

"He looks like a greek god" I screamed in my head.

At least there's an advantage to this arranged marriage, my future husband is a fine specimen.

"Avery you're staring too much" I chastised myself, trying to shake off my daze.

"I know I'm good looking but can you stop staring at me?" He frowns making me snap out of my daze.

" cocky much, I never said you look good" I said annoyed to be caught staring.

"You didn't deny it " he said trying to be a smartass.

He took a seat across from me, leaned forward and said " let's cut to the chase. This marriage won't work. I don't know you and you don't know me either. So we can't actually get married, unless you are a gold digger. How much do you want? I'll give it to you, just tell your father you can't get married to me."

He looked at me expectantly, as if he'd solved all our problems.

"Well I can't do that" I replied.

"Ohh I can see that you're a gold digger he hollered at me.

"A gold digger?, i didn't know about the marriage, it's not like I knew you are a big shot." I shouted back.

"We can't get married" with that he walked out of the cafe

"Arrrgh! I can't believe he walked out on me." My voice rose with indignation coursing through my body.

By this point, everyone in the coffee shop was looking in my direction. I could feel the heat of embarrassment rise in my cheeks.

" The audacity of this guy to call me a gold digger!" I muttered under my breath.

I'd come here hoping we could find a solution, but he offered me money like some kind of charity case.

I was so angry, I grabbed my bag and stored out of the cafe. I could feel the eyes of everyone in the shop following me.

" I can't believe that guy!" I fumed as I walked out into the street. He had the nerve to insult me like I was some kind of beggar. I was so mad and I couldn't think straight.i just wanted to get away from that place.

On getting home, I met my father sitting on the couch sipping coffee.

"My dear, how did it go?" Father asked, sipping his coffee.

I sighed and shook my head. "Father, he said he doesn't want to marry me." I tried to look sad, but inside, I was ecstatic.

"Hehe, I expected that," Father laughed.

"What do you mean?" I asked, frowning.

"Well, he's just acting like any normal person would in that situation," Father explained.

"He called me a gold digger" I said to my father trying to convince him that the match was terrible." There's no way I can marry a man who would accuse me of such a thing, especially when it's not even true!"

My father frowned, and I could see the cogs turning in his head." I know he said that" he finally replied, " but maybe it's because his father threatened to take away his company if he doesn't get married to me."

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Yeah" father replied.

"No wonder he hates me dad" I yelled.

"Hating you or not, you're getting married." He replied his voice eerily calm.

"Next week?! That's so soon!" I exclaimed.

"I feel like we are rushing things"

" I guess his father just want a wife for him, that's all" he said with a shrug.

What was I supposed to do? Write my vows?

I felt a sense of dread welling up inside me, knowing that the wedding was just around the corner. I craved some peace and quiet, some serenity, to help me prepare for what lay ahead. But it seemed impossible to find.

I felt so overwhelmed, and my thoughts were racing in a million different directions. How could I possibly focus on writing my vows, when all I could think about was how fast everything was moving?

I took a deep breath, trying to center myself. I knew I needed to find some peace and quiet, no matter what.