
chapter 10

Avery's pov

Every time he does this, he drops a bombshell and then leaves without giving me a chance to respond. Why does he think I'm planning something with his father? I don't understand. I was also forced into this marriage. Can't he see that? I'm so tired of all this.

It hurts when he calls me a gold digger, even though it shouldn't. I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to this arranged marriage proposal. I just hope nothing happens at the honeymoon. I'm not ready to lose my virginity to a man who doesn't care for me. I want him to care for me, and maybe even love me someday. I sighed, feeling a little hopeless.

I thought to myself, "Avery, you shouldn't be thinking about that right now."

I hoped it wasn't true that I had a crush on Ace. I would only end up with a broken heart, I reminded myself.

I curled up on the bed, feeling dejected and lonely.

"Would this marriage ever work out?" I wondered.

I don't want to be a divorcee, I know I signed the contract but I signed it hoping that before the year runs out he'll end up loving me and we can enjoy our marriage.

"You're such a hopeless romantic," I said to myself. "You've been watching too many romantic movies."

I heard a knock on the door and quickly wiped away my tears, not realizing I had been crying.

"Come in," I said.

"Ma'am, dinner is ready," the maid said.

"Is Ace at the table?" I asked.

"No, ma'am," she replied.

"I'll be down in a few minutes," I told her.

"Okay, ma'am," she replied and went downstairs.

I hurried into the bathroom to rinse my face.

After I had done that, I looked into the mirror.

My face was red. I hoped no one would notice that I had been crying.

No one really cares anyway, I thought.

I headed downstairs to eat dinner.

As I entered the dining room, I saw Ace sitting at the table. The maids were already serving him.

I thought about turning around and heading back upstairs, but then I stopped myself.

"I can do this," I said to myself. "It's just dinner."

You've got this, Avery!

I sat down at the table and asked for a small serving, as I didn't have much of an appetite.

The meal was spaghetti with red sauce and meatballs. It looked delicious.

I caught a glimpse of Ace staring at me, but he quickly averted his gaze when I looked at him.

I kept my head down and began eating my food quickly, eager to leave the dining room as soon as possible.

As soon as I was done eating, I went straight to my room and climbed into bed. I closed my eyes and let sleep take me away.

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. Today, I'd be meeting up with Zoe. It would be nice to do something fun, rather than sitting around in this boring house.

I went into the bathroom, grabbed my toothbrush, and started brushing my teeth. After I was done, I hopped into the shower and sang a song while I bathed.

When I got out of the shower, I wrapped a towel around myself and went to the closet to choose an outfit. Since I'd be meeting Zoe, I decided on something casual.

I chose a top and a pair of jeans, and decided to wear flip-flops. I pulled my hair back into a bun.

I put on a little makeup - just mascara, eyeliner, and lip gloss.

I grabbed my purse and headed downstairs for breakfast.

When I got to the dining room, I saw that Ace was already there.

"Good morning," I said to him. He didn't reply, as usual.

I didn't let it get to me.

The maids served me toast, scrambled eggs, and fruit juice.

I dug into my breakfast, enjoying every bite.

I noticed that Ace was still staring at me, but I paid him no mind.

I wasn't going to let anyone ruin my day.

After I finished eating, I grabbed my things and told Ace that I was heading out. According to the contract I had signed, I had to leave the house.

I turned to leave, but he stopped me. "Where are you going?" he asked.

"None of your business," I snapped.

"Tell me where you're going, Avery," he insisted, his voice sharp.

I couldn't help but notice how good my name sounded when he said it. But I couldn't let myself get distracted.

I got a text from Zoe saying that we should meet at the cafe.

So, I hailed a taxi and it took me there.

The ride was peaceful and it helped me to relax a bit.

When I arrived, I went straight to the cafe.

Zoe was already sitting at our table.

I rushed over to her and gave her a big hug.

"Zoe I've missed you so much" I said to her happily.

"I've missed you too Aves" she replied.

"You look so beautiful Zoe, being away for a while was good for you " I said staring at her.

"Thanks Avery, how have you been, I heard you got married, you need to tell me everything" she said sounding excited.

I laughed and reminisced about the conversations we've always had.

We've always talked about getting married to someone we love.

And how our marriages are going to be ones of bliss.

Living happily ever After with our partners like characters in the Disney.

"Zoe it's an arranged marriage" My voice was quiet I wasn't sure she heard me.

"Did you say Arranged marriage" she asked her voice full of disbelief. What do you mean?

I told her everything. I told her about how my father had promised his friend that I would marry his son.

I told her about the day I went to the cafe, hoping to talk things out with my future husband, but he called me a gold digger instead.

I told her how my future husband loathed me, and how he made me sign a one-year contract.

I didn't realize it at first, but soon I found myself sobbing.