
Solo Protagonist(Project Zero)

Most people say that we are all the protagonist of our own story that's because they don't know the truth we have all been blinded with that belief with no hope of seeing the light but one day normal humans started to discover the truth about the reality that we are all side characters/ Npcs of someone's story which led to the creation of an organization called project zero who's sole aim is to get rid of all the protagonist to make all of us stand on the same road ,we follow the life of kaito who wants to join that organization and become the best In it's rank but fate isn't something you can leave aside read solo protagonist for a new taste of fantasy

Voiddrk · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 3: The Emblems

### **Part 1: The Emblems**

"Now that the commotion has settled, let's resume the registration process," announced the mediator.

"So, I will explain the meaning of the emblems that you are all standing on," the mediator continued.

The mediator explained the meaning behind each emblem. There were four emblems: a lotus, a gem, a blue flaming bird, and a double black scythe.

"The lotus emblem represents the Treants, powerful guardians of their forests. Their immense size, use of tree energy, and ancient knowledge help protect their home. If threatened, they can animate other trees around them, making them formidable foes. The second emblem, a gem, represents a golem, a creature brought to life from dust or earth by ritual incantations."

He gestured to the third emblem, "The blue flaming bird represents a blue phoenix," and then to the fourth, "and the last emblem, a double scythe, symbolizes the Grim Reaper."

"Each of you must know that the line you are standing on indicates the legendary creature you will need to defeat. This will be your first step to entering the organization," the mediator explained.

Confusion spread through the stadium as contestants complained about choosing their lines randomly just to survive.

"That's exactly why we chose this method," the mediator continued. "Your success will be based on your own strength. But since Kaito is an irregular, he will have to sign on all the emblems to make the numbers equal," added Shi.

"Are you sure? Isn't that a bit unreasonable for him?" the mediator asked.

"If he doesn't like it, I can kill him right here, right now," Shi said with a twisted grin.

"No problem," Kaito replied. "I can handle it. Where's the fun in taking the easy way?"

"Alright, let me go over the rules. First, this will be a group test. However, since we value individual power, if all your group members die, you will still be allowed to continue. You will be assigned dorms based on your emblem, located in the lower levels of the stadium. There will be training centers and all necessary provisions, like food and drinks. More details are provided in the documents you will receive after registration," the mediator explained.

"Now, everyone get in line and register. Remember, you are not allowed to use your real names because Project Zero is a secret organization, and secrecy is paramount. For those who have already shared their real names, like Kaito, once you pass through the gate, your real name and face will be erased from our system and replaced with your codename. Kaito, you will have to register on every emblem," the mediator announced.

"Keep it moving, we don't have all day," one of the registrants shouted.

"What's your name, codename, and age?" asked the registrant.

"Kenji Watanabe, Spectral Whisper, 18 years old," replied one of the contestants.

"Ryo Suzuki, Solstice Enigma, 12 years old," said another.

"Cipher Eclipse, 16 years old," added another.

It went on until it was Kaito's turn.

"What's your name, codename, and age?" asked the registrant.

"Kaito Fujimoto, Void, 17 years old," Kaito replied calmly.

The registrant's eyes widened in shock. "It can't be... You—"

"Yeah, yeah, it's just a coincidence. Can I go?" Kaito cut him off.

"You may," the registrant said, still bewildered.

Kaito repeated this process three more times, each registrant reacting the same way. After completing the process, he received a brochure.

"Make sure you read it," the registrant added.

As Kaito passed through the gate, a strange sensation washed over him, as though a weight had been lifted from his mind. A calm, refreshing feeling settled in, and a compartment opened, revealing a mask deserving of the name "Void." He put it on and started reading the brochure.


### **Project Zero Recruitment Schedule:**

- **7:00 a.m.**: Breakfast 

- **8:00 a.m.**: Training Grounds 

- **1:55 p.m.**: Lunch 

- **3:00 p.m.**: Project Zero Lecture 

- **5:00 p.m.**: Monster Lecture 

- **7:00 p.m.**: Relaxation Time


### **Part 2: The Meeting**

As Kaito descended the stairs, searching for the dormitory, a chilling sound slithered through the air, like a serpent creeping in the dark.

"Hello, my dear friend. Allow me to introduce myself: my name is Shadow Serpent, and there's no need for you to introduce yourself," a voice said smoothly.

Kaito turned to see a figure emerging from the shadows. His voice carried a sinister, almost hypnotic tone.

"Void, the organization is just a vessel, a puppet dancing on the strings of fate. I seek power beyond its petty constraints. The shadows grant me the means to wield that power. Don't you see? This organization needs people like you and me. I heard what you said, and it gave me shivers. I agree with you," Shadow Serpent hissed.

Kaito took a step forward, and the shadows seemed to retreat in his presence. "You speak of power, but at what cost? The organization is built on balance. The only way to truly succeed is to become the source of that balance."

Shadow Serpent's eyes gleamed with a dark light. "Balance is an illusion, Void. The world is in constant flux. I am merely an agent of change. The shadows I cast are only the beginning of a new era."

As they faced each other, the air around them seemed to hum with unseen energy. The clash of their ideologies echoed through the stairwell. Void, the embodiment of emptiness, and Shadow Serpent, the harbinger of darkness, stood at a crossroads of destiny, their fates now intertwined.

Shadow Serpent placed a hand on Void's shoulder. "We'll see each other again. Very soon. I hope you remember that."


### **Part 3: The Dorms**

Kaito moved silently through the dimly lit corridors of the organization's headquarters, guided by an unseen force. As he approached the entrance to the recruitment dorms, a sense of anticipation filled the air. The door, marked with an unassuming insignia, slid open soundlessly, revealing a mysterious world within.

Entering the dorms was like stepping into a realm where shadows danced in harmony. The walls were cast in ethereal patterns by ambient lighting in shades of cool blues and deep purples. Void's cloak billowed slightly in the soft breeze, and he took in the scene with a mix of curiosity and intrigue.

Rows of sleek, high-tech pods lined the dormitory, each housing a recruit in a state of deep sleep. A gentle, rhythmic hum filled the air, the sound of countless dreams being woven into the fabric of the organization's future. The pods, obsidian and sleek, seemed to absorb the ambient light, creating the illusion of an endless sea of shadows.

Void approached one of the pods, his eyes narrowing. Inside, a recruit lay suspended in animation, their features obscured by the soft glow. Their dreams, hopes, and untapped potential pulsed like a heartbeat, waiting to be awakened.

The insignia of the organization adorned the walls, glowing subtly in the dim light. It signified unity, secrecy, and the delicate balance between light and shadow. Void's gaze lingered on the symbol for a moment, acknowledging the power it held over everyone who had entered this hidden world.


this is the third chapter I will make sure to attain chapter 35 before the end of next week

Voiddrkcreators' thoughts