
Solo Protagonist(Project Zero)

Most people say that we are all the protagonist of our own story that's because they don't know the truth we have all been blinded with that belief with no hope of seeing the light but one day normal humans started to discover the truth about the reality that we are all side characters/ Npcs of someone's story which led to the creation of an organization called project zero who's sole aim is to get rid of all the protagonist to make all of us stand on the same road ,we follow the life of kaito who wants to join that organization and become the best In it's rank but fate isn't something you can leave aside read solo protagonist for a new taste of fantasy

Voiddrk · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 1: The beginning of The Quest

Part 1: The Quest for the Veritatis Codex

Over half a millennium ago, an unprecedented archaeological expedition was launched. It was led by the most renowned archaeologists of the century, and anyone wishing to join was welcome. Together, they departed on a quest to uncover the legendary artifact known as the **Veritatis Codex**. It was said to contain the truth about the essence of life itself, and everyone wanted a piece of it.

Their journey began in a small village on the edge of sharp-peaked mountains. Spirits were high, and their determination was unyielding as they ventured into the oppressive jungle. After days of grueling travel, they finally reached the outskirts of an ancient temple. 

Their first encounter with death came when the cartographer, while mapping the path, triggered a hidden trap. Poisoned darts shot from the walls, claiming his life despite the team's desperate attempts to save him. Honoring his sacrifice, the others pressed on. 

As they ventured deeper into the ruins, the expedition faced countless perils—pitfalls, wild beasts, and mysterious curses. One by one, the members succumbed to their fate. Only one individual survived to reach the relic room, where they discovered the fabled **Book of Truth**.

 Part 2: The Truth

The lone survivor, trembling with exhaustion, opened the book and was stunned by its contents. Within the pages were the names of every person who had ever made a significant impact on the world. According to the book, these people had been destined for greatness from birth. The idea that hard work alone could determine one's fate was shattered. The truth hit him like a blow: heroes were born, not made. No matter how hard someone worked, only those fated to rise would ever reach the top.

He struggled to suppress his rage as he continued to read. The book outlined the specific criteria that determined who could become a hero, as well as the extraordinary benefits that came with the title. Hope briefly flickered in him, but that hope was crushed as he read further.

The criteria for becoming a hero were as follows:

1. You must possess courage, conviction, and resolve.

2. You must sincerely pursue your goals to the very end.

3. You must be a hero from birth.

4. You must be willing to sacrifice everything to improve the world.

5. You must always consider what would benefit the world the most.

6. You must uphold your principles, no matter the situation.

7. You must fight for justice.

8. No matter how much someone hurts you, you are never allowed to take their life.

Part 3: The Beginning of Our Story

Despite how unreasonable most of the criteria seemed, the rewards of being a hero were immense: unlimited potential, extraordinary luck, and the admiration of every race. However, the requirement that struck the explorer the hardest was that one had to be **born** a hero. A deep sense of injustice filled him as he realized some people were privileged by birth, while others were doomed to mediocrity. This revelation inspired him to create an organization known as **Project Zero**, with the sole purpose of eliminating all heroes from the planet—and beyond.

Now, let's turn our attention to Kaito. He is not our protagonist, not our hero, but he is our focus.

Kaito stared into the distance, his expression somber. "I don't remember anything from before I was six," he said softly. "All I know is that I've lived with my master since then. Every day, he trains me, pushing me to be the best." For seven years, Kaito had trained relentlessly, pushing past his limits, determined to prove his worth. That was until Sato arrived.

Sato was a wandering boy who appeared one day at their master's doorstep. Kaito welcomed him with open arms at first. They trained together under their master, but Sato quickly surpassed Kaito, despite being younger and having started later. Jealousy festered in Kaito's heart, and soon, it grew into a burning hatred. The more Sato excelled, the more Kaito resented him.

One day, while their master was away gathering herbs to help them reach a higher state of training, Kaito's resentment reached a dangerous boiling point.

As they sparred, a member of **Project Zero** suddenly appeared, interrupting their match. He pulled out a device that looked like a tablet, examined a photo, and said in a sinister voice, "Found you." He leaped forward, covering the distance in an instant, and engaged Sato in hand-to-hand combat. 

Kaito had always believed he could take on Sato, but what he witnessed in that moment shattered his confidence. Sato fought with skill and power that Kaito had never seen before. Though Kaito longed to help, he knew he would only be a burden in the fight.

The surroundings were torn apart with each strike—trees splintered, rocks shattered—but after a long and grueling battle, Sato finally managed to defeat the attacker. However, he sustained serious injuries in the process and collapsed to the ground, struggling to breathe.

Kaito rushed to search the attacker's belongings for help. He found a first aid kit, but he also found something far more intriguing: a strange invitation. As he touched it, a hologram appeared, welcoming him to **Project Zero**. The message explained the contents of the Veritatis Codex—the very Book of Truth. Kaito's curiosity peaked as he browsed through the attacker's tablet and discovered something shocking: Sato was destined to be a hero, a **protagonist**.

An overwhelming sense of rage washed over Kaito as the realization struck him: the system was rigged, and Sato was one of the chosen few. That was when Kaito heard a voice for the first time—the dark voice inside him that would haunt him for years to come.

Suddenly, Kaito found himself in a dark space, facing a figure that looked identical to him, but with glowing red eyes. The figure grinned and said, "Kill him."

Kaito shook his head. "I know I hate him, but not that much."

The figure laughed cruelly. "You fool. Don't you see? He's outshining you. You'll never go anywhere unless you remove him. Permanently. But don't worry—if you're too weak to finish him, I'll do it for you."

A spark of hate, jealousy, and anger ignited within Kaito. He approached Sato, who was still struggling to stay alive. Taking the attacker's dagger, Kaito knelt beside him.

"Tell me, what is your last word, old friend?" Kaito asked coldly.

Sato gasped, "Help..."

"I said one word," Kaito interrupted, his voice devoid of emotion. He gripped the dagger and, in a frenzy, stabbed Sato repeatedly until the boy was motionless, his breath gone.

As Sato took his final breath, Kaito let out a dark, maniacal laugh, grinning with twisted satisfaction. 

"If I can't shine as a hero," he declared, "then I will shine as one of the greatest villains. The world will know my name."

And with that, Kaito's transformation was complete. Consumed by his jealousy and hatred, he had become a villain. Little did he know, his actions would set in motion events that would change the course of history forever.
