
Project Witchcraft

This is a grand tale of Ancient times, dealing with the Seven realms. A period of war, carnage, and bloodshed against the Ashyn Realm, attempting to destroy the Witch Clan for good. But when a Witch of unfathomable strength defended the realm, wielding her magical powers, she was feared and highly respected. During the Great War, the Witch Clan was wiped clean off the map, except for one. Now, she is said to be a myth, her name is only told in old bedtime stories, forever forgotten as a legend. Her name remains unknown, but she is called the Witch of Mutiny. ______________________________ Warning: This novel does have LGBT, and Dark scenarios inside of it.

StarMutiny · Fantasía
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16 Chs

Run Thomas, Run!

He ran forward, hands tied in a bind.

Breathing heavily, he was exhausted, barely able to stand. But that was only natural, considering he was running.

It wasn't a run to catch up with anybody, but a run for his life. Frantically pacing himself across the dirt road, he screamed for help.

"Aaaaahhhh! Don't kill me, don't kill me, don't kill meee!!"

His hands were bound behind his back in magic rope, making his movements slower.

"If you want to live, I suggest you pick up the pace."

"What is that thing?! Somebody do something!!"

"When you're running at high speeds, you subconsciously use your shoulders, and arms to help you balance."

The bandit was hyperventilating, trying to catch his breath as he ran for his life.

"If you fall over with your hands tied behind your back, it'll be harder to get up, leaving you to be consumed by the Hound of Tindalos."

"H-Hound of Tindalos?! What the hell is that?!" The Jester bandit stumbled a few times, speaking to the wizard who was flying above his head, watching his despair.

Hermfry was there as well, looking at the whole thing with a disappointed expression while walking behind the entire commotion.

"Brunhilda, just what the hell are you doing? If this guy is a bandit like you said, just kill him."

The wizard cackled, looking at the warrior below.

"Why should I do such a boring thing like that? He'll be of use to us."

"Damn mage. What use does some bandit have to us when it comes to slaying undead?"


"Huh?" Hermfry twisted his expression into confusion, asking, "Bait? What do you mean by that?"

"We'll use him as bait for the undead."

"Hmm..." pausing for a second, the warrior looked down in question, brushing his beard. "That's not a bad idea." Looking back up, he said, "If we're using him as bait, then he's no good to us if he's dead. Can you take that familiar away?"

"I'm afraid not. You see, I'm training him. Our bait must be fast and agile when running for their lives, so this is simply a lesson for him."

Hermfry closed his eyes, grumbling under his breath.

"Yeah, fine. Do what you must."

"Aw c'mon man, you're seriously gonna let her keep doing this?! Waaaaahhh!" The bandit started crying out loud as the snarling hound opened its gaping maw. "I'm gonna die, Mommy help me! Gaia, anyone! Even the Gods of the Seven Realms!"

"This bastard. He's calling out to all the Gods rather than relying on Gaia. He must not be very religious, is he?" Said Hermfry before laughing. "Pwa Ha Ha! Now I don't feel any pity at all for that son of a bitch!"

Brunhilda swiftly landed next to Hermfry as the bandit screamed in the background.

"Are you religious?"

The warrior continued gazing ahead of him before nodding his head. "Yes. I'm a Paladin if you haven't noticed already."

"A Paladin. Really now? I heard your kind left Britana long ago into the Holy Lands of Gaia."

"Yes, indeed. I lived my entire life slaying the undead. It is my holy duty as a Paladin to cleanse the lands of Gaia and ensure a safe society for the people of this realm."

"I see. You're commendable, Hermfry."

The Paladin had a small blush, laughing out loud at her statement, "Pwa Ha Ha! Naturally. So, tell me Brunhilda, why did you choose me?"

"Hm?" The small mage looked up at the tall Paladin, lifting her brow in question.

"At the Guild Hall, you chose me. Why is that?"

"You were strong."


"It's that simple. You are a strong warrior, and I am a strong mage. Together we can slay the undead quite easily."

Hermfry brushed his beard in question as he gazed into the sunset.

"From the looks of it, you don't even need the help of a warrior. You're capable of dealing with things on your own."

Brunhilda giggled. "I'm quite versatile, yes, but in close combat, I'm far more vulnerable."

"I see. That's the weakness of all magic casters after all." Hermfry stopped in his tracks, grinning at the mage. "Now it's your turn."

Brunhilda rooted herself in place, looking at the Paladin, in question.

"What do you mean?"

"Tell me about yourself. Your history, background, upcoming, anything. It's only fair since I told you mine!"

"I suppose that is true." Brunhilda closed her eyes, exhaling through her nose as if hesitant.

"Please, help me!! I ran enough, cut me some slack! I said I'm sorry, didn't you hear me?! I meant it, I meant it!! Waaahhhhhh!"

"Well... the people I lived with were horrible people. They want to destroy the realm of Gaia, and spread chaos."

"Ah..." Hermfry widened his eyes. "...Is that so?"

"Yes. Their primary goal is to seek the Great Witch that ceased the Great War of the Seven Realms."

"This group of people sounds like a damn cult."

"It's because they are."

"...Wait, don't tell me."

"Yes. It is exactly what you're thinking. The Black Oblivion."

"...You mean to tell me... you lived with these monsters?!"

"Mm." Brunhilda nodded her head. "I tried to convince them that their actions will do nothing but cause unnecessary pain, but that's what they wanted in the first place."

Hermfry brushed his beard, closing his eyes in thought.

"Are they after you? The Black Oblivion."

"Indeed. I was an important asset to them. I was powerful, and could use magic that they weren't capable of. When I left, they lost half of their strength."

"I see. So their entire reason for opening Dimensional rifts across Gaia is to bring the undead from the Realm of Desmodia, so they can destroy this one?"

"Mm." Brunhilda nodded. "They hate the realm of Gaia, and how it's so peaceful, and interconnected. Black Oblivion wishes to spread chaos and despair, in the name of their Lord, Asmadon, ruler of Desmodia."

"What a twisted cult. I'm surprised you didn't take any of their bad traits." Hermfry looked at the bandit running for his life, having second thoughts about what he just said. "...Actually, never mind."

"Hm?" The mage questioned.

"Tell me, Brunhilda, this Hound of Tindalos, what is it capable of?"

"Hounds of Tindalos are from the Realm of Chaos. Long ago they were used as metaphysical hunting dogs that can move through space and time."

"Metaphysical hunting dogs that can travel across space and time? Just how the hell do you beat that?!" Asked the Paladin.

"It's quite simple. These creatures are weak to holy magic, and you can temporarily disable their ability to travel across time by giving them the scent of blood. It's what they drink to refuel themselves."

Hermfry grinned, asking, "I see. So blood attracts them, does it?!"

"Mm. The only reason they aren't moving through time is because I gave it a simple command to chase the bandit down."

"Alright, easy enough." The Paladin stepped forward, cupping his hands over his mouth. "Hey, you shit-for-brain, bandit!!"

"W-W-What is it?!!"

"What's your name?!?" Shouted Hermfry.

"It's Thomas Ironheart!! My name is Thomas Ironheart!!"

"Ehhh?! Thomas Ironheart? There's just no fucking way. You're that blacksmith's son in Camelot. What the hell are you doing out here?!"

"Listen, man, I don't have time to answer any questions! Help meeee!"

"Well, alright. Bring your ass over here."

"Are you going to slay it?" Asked Brunhilda.

"Of course I am. It's a good way to test out my capabilities after all, heh heh heh."

Upon command, Thomas made a U-turn, juking the Hound.

He wasted no time running towards the Paladin who reached behind him, drawing forth his massive axe.

"Brunhilda, stand back."

"By all means." The mage took flight, gaining distance from the warrior.

"I'm getting tired, I can't do it... I can't outlast this thing! Just what the hell is it made out of?!"

"Shut up and keep running." Shouted Hermfry.

The snarling creature kept its mouth open, stretching its head forward, attempting to chomp the bandit's leg.

"GwaaAAaaa! It's extending its fucking head, man!"

Hermfry lifted his finger, biting the skin of his thumb to draw blood as a magic circle appeared in front of him. "Hear me, Light of Justice, grant me your divine radiance. I call upon thee to smite evil in the name of Justice, laying waste to the wicked. Lunar Edge!"

The Bandit started to lose his footing, witnessing the Paladin's magic.

"Jump out of the way, Thomas!"

The tired lad sluggishly leaped to the side, watching the Hound approach the Paladin from the scent of blood.

"I'll smite you down!"

Placing his palm against the magic circle, a blast of holy magic in the shape of a spear would shoot forth, piercing the Hound's chest.

The creature lost its footing, causing it to roll forward in pain.

"I got you!"

Wasting no time, Hermfry lifted his massive axe, engraved with the holy symbols of Gaia, slashing vertically at the creature.

Its head would lop off, spraying otherworldly blood from its neck.


But to Hermfry's surprise, this blood could corrode his body if it touched him.


It spilled all over the ground, decaying the grass and plants, causing mayhem... but at the last second, there was a protective barrier wrapped around the Paladin, shielding him.

"Ah... this is Runivid." Muttered the warrior.

"You did well, Hermfry." Brunhilda smiled, witnessing the tired bandit and nervous Paladin.

"Hah...hah....haaa..." Thomas laid on his back, catching his breath. "Thank Gaia it's over."