
Project Sparrow

As tensions rise between nations, millions of people are caught in the middle. Death tolls rise and the value of human life is discarded as governments solve their disputes by throwing as many bodies as they can at each other. The world now feeding the flames of destruction with hatred and death, faces yet another world war. In the midst of it all, several nations improved their technology and incorporated it within their weapons. The Republic of Lanston, formerly France, Belgium and Germany, led the arms race and began a secret supersoldier program as a trump card to win the impending war. Taking disabled veterans and soldiers who are no longer fit for combat and turning them to lab rats for body augmentations. Wanting to turn them to mindless killing machines, failing and killing most of their experiments in the process then calling them a necessary sacrifice to achieve power over all their rivals. Enter Hilbert Straüss, one of the few who had successful augmentations and is considered the strongest out of the program. They operated under the grid and were mainly used before to kill anyone who opposes Lanston's government. As the war slowly creeps up on the world, Lanston activates the program once more and requested to have all available field agents to be attached to the military. The world will now see a new generation of weapons that will forever change the face of warfare.

Exia_Valentro · Guerra
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48 Chs

The Devil in I

Hilbert now inflamed with rage, covered Kolin's lifeless body with a blanket and walked out to the lobby where he found two Soviet soldiers. He slowly approached them while pulling his bayonet and pistol out. One of the soldiers notices and raised his gun towards Hilbert.

"Kto ty? Chto ty zdes' delayesh'?" The Russian soldier asks while slowly backing away.

"YA bugimen, begi, ditya." Hilbert softly sang in response.

The soldier fired a warning shot to Hilbert's shoulder as his hands trembled in fear. Hilbert kneeled down, acting as if he was mortally wounded by the gun shot. The soldier carefully inched closer while keeping his gun barrel towards Hilbert. He poked the barrel on Hilbert's arm and he was suddenly pulled towards Hilbert as the knife dug into his chest. Hilbert lounged up and ran towards the second soldier, violently bashing his head with the butt of the rifle. Even when the soldier stopped thrashing and screaming, Hilbert didn't stop till he saw brains seeping out of a small rip on the helmet. Three civilians watched as Hilbert walked towards the exit while panting. Unsure weather they should be thankful or scared at what they saw.

"What was that thing?" A man asks as his voice trembled.

"He's one of the soldiers at the border." A woman replied.

"That means Lanston is going to help us, right?" The man added.

"We should go to the border, it's the safest place right now." One of the hotel staff states before leading the other civilians out of the hotel.

Hilbert continued to rampage around the city, killing every Russian soldier he sees in the most gruesome way possible. Even as far as ripping one's intestines out with his bare hands. It was neither Hilbert nor Agent Sparrow, his movements mimicked that of a predator hunting a herd of its prey. His barbaric way of killing didn't resemble that of what his squad mates have witnessed before. His eyes looked empty yet filled with pure rage at the same time. No matter how many bullets he took to his body, none were able to slow him down. The civilians he saved all headed towards the border where they were given medical aid by the medics on standby. Eugene and the other medics gathered the civilians on the other side of the border by orders of Jacques while Jeremy and the others went into the city unarmed and with red cross bands around their arms. They took the wounded civilians on stretchers and would bring them back to the border. Once they reached deeper into the city, they began to see more dead soldiers who seemed like they were ripped apart by a large animal.

"Hilbert did this, I'm sure of it." Jeremy mumbles.

"The stretchers are full, carry the others if you can." Tristan orders the men.

"Are we not going to stop Hilbert? He just started another war." Jeremy states.

"The Russians made the first move, we merely intervened. Let's just finish helping these people and let the government worry about this later." Tristan replies.

As the people began to crowd the small infirmary on the other side of the border, Jacques and Roger did their best to organize the situation. Reassuring the civilians that the Lanstonian government would help them once everything is sorted out. Roger then took over while Jacques called the higher ups and informed them of the current situation, he also told them that Hilbert may have potentially gone rogue. They replied that Doctor Basch would be sending two additional agents to recover Hilbert.

"That's all they said. Expect the arrival of two agents." Jacques states.

"Did they say who the agents are?" Roger asked.

"Negative, but they'll definitely stand out once they arrive." Jacques replied.

"How so?" Roger asks once more.

"I've already seen other agents like Hilbert, they definitely stand out." Jacques added.

"Major! Hilbert's back!" A soldier shouted from outside the bunker.

Roger and Jacques ran out and watched as Hilbert was limping on one leg and covered in blood. On one hand, he held a small bunch of daffodils and on the other was his bayonet. None of the soldiers approached him and just watched as he sat down outside his assigned pillbox. Out of breath and slowly drifting to sleep, exhausted but back to his usual self that they knew.

"How are you, Hilbert?" Jacques asks before crouching down beside Hilbert.

"I don't know...I thought I would feel anything after doing it, I still feel nothing." Hilbert replies with his eyes closed.

"Of course you won't, Agent Sparrow." A voice suddenly states from behind Jacques.

"Johann, did the doctor send you?" Hilbert asks.

"He did, he also sent me to pick you up." Teresa replies as she leaned against Johann's arm.

"Don't worry, I'll come peacefully." Hilbert added before handing Jacques the flowers.

"Will he be coming back?" Jacques asks.

"We have to run some tests and rehabilitate him. I'd say a week at most." Johann replies as he pulls Hilbert by his arm and assist him stand.

Jacques nodded and stood up before watching Johann help Hilbert walk towards a jeep. Teresa walked beside him and whispered that no one saw the three of them being in the vicinity and that the civilians will receive a good amount of money to remain quiet about what happened. Jacques gave his word and that no one will be telling anyone else what happened. Teresa and Johann then drove away with Hilbert on the back seat of the jeep. Roger hurriedly walked towards Jacques and asked what the agents said and he replied with silence. Roger kept asking questions but Jacques gave little to no replies as he called high command once more.

"Yes sir, they already left. I understand." Jacques says over the phone.

"You can't leave me out of this, we're a unit now." Rogers firmly states.

"They don't want us to talk about what Hilbert did out there. They'll give us a raise and they'll pay the civilians to stay quiet as well." Jacques replies.

"Look, the body count just came in. Hilbert killed at least two hundred soldiers. What are we supposed to say if they come looking for an entire company of missing soldiers?" Roger asks.

"We don't. Lanston will declare war with the Russians tonight, the rest of the military and the Old Guard units will be mobilized along the border by sunrise." Jacques added.