
Project Sparrow

As tensions rise between nations, millions of people are caught in the middle. Death tolls rise and the value of human life is discarded as governments solve their disputes by throwing as many bodies as they can at each other. The world now feeding the flames of destruction with hatred and death, faces yet another world war. In the midst of it all, several nations improved their technology and incorporated it within their weapons. The Republic of Lanston, formerly France, Belgium and Germany, led the arms race and began a secret supersoldier program as a trump card to win the impending war. Taking disabled veterans and soldiers who are no longer fit for combat and turning them to lab rats for body augmentations. Wanting to turn them to mindless killing machines, failing and killing most of their experiments in the process then calling them a necessary sacrifice to achieve power over all their rivals. Enter Hilbert Straüss, one of the few who had successful augmentations and is considered the strongest out of the program. They operated under the grid and were mainly used before to kill anyone who opposes Lanston's government. As the war slowly creeps up on the world, Lanston activates the program once more and requested to have all available field agents to be attached to the military. The world will now see a new generation of weapons that will forever change the face of warfare.

Exia_Valentro · Guerra
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48 Chs

Frankenstein's Masterpiece

The clanging of metal, surgical equipments that Doctor Fenrich would take from the tray, ringed out around the operating room. After shaving Jeremy's head, he traced the area where he would make incisions. He took his scalpel and began cutting through Jeremy's skin while following the lines.

"After this, you will become one of my best masterpieces." Doctor Fenrich stated as his smile grew bigger.

"I can feel the blade cutting me but I don't feel pain." Jeremy commented.

"The anesthetics help with the pain while we perform your surgeries. Though, there would be a high chance that your brain and other organs would reject the augmentations." Doctor Fenrich added.

"Just keep going. I can't fail." Jeremy mumbled.

"I have reasons to believe that you'll do just fine." Doctor Fenrich replied as he took the circular saw and began cutting away at Jeremy's skull.

Once Jeremy's brain was exposed, doctor Fenrich took a device the size of a matchbox and placed it against the brain tissue. It was disclosed information on what the device was but it seemed to be what regulates the brain and makes it possible to push it to it's limits without causing damage to the brain itself. The doctor placed the portion of bone back and began drilling holes to each corners in order to screw them back to place. After securing the cut-out he made on the skull, he began stitching back the skin. His hands showed great dexterity and he definitely is talented in performing surgeries, being one of the top doctors of Lanston at a young age certainly shows.

"Now, your spine. I have made a brace because I felt that it would be sooner or later that I could implement it to the next generation of supersoldiers I'm making." Doctor Fenrich stated as he took the brace.

"I'm a prototype for the next generation?" Jeremy asked.

"Yes, and if you're a success...you'll be the foundation I'll build them on." Doctor Fenrich answered as he moved Jeremy to the other operating table.

Jeremy laid on his stomach as doctor Fenrich pushed his fingers on his back and tried to feel where each segment of his spinal column is. After locating one, he would estimate the size and mark it for reference. He would continue this until he finished marking to the entire length of Jeremy's back, he laid the brace on top of Jeremy then he took his drill. He began drilling on the marks and fixed the brace in position with nuts and bolts. The next part of the surgery was the hardest because he had to connect wires that pick up the small flow of electric current sent throughout the nerves. The wires would transport the small current to the nerves beyond where they were severed by the shrapnel and would continue the path of information through the nervous system. The surgery required delicate hands to not damage the nerves, doctor Fenrich was very careful not to cause any damage while keeping up with his fast pace. After three hours of surgery on the spine, doctor Fenrich tested Jeremy's sense of touch and began poking Jeremy's thigh.

"Do you feel anything when I poke here?" Doctor Fenrich asked.

"I feel something it's still faint though." Jeremy answered.

"That's all I have to know. Now for the next part, you'll have to be asleep. I'll see you when you wake up." Doctor Fenrich added before increasing the dose of the anesthetics.

Jeremy woke up on a different bed and with a headache. He looked around and concluded that his surgeries were finished. He sat up and noticed he could move his legs again which got him excited. He stood up from his bed and his legs trembled as he held onto the wall for support. He heard the knob on the door turn and doctor Fenrich entered the room.

"You shouldn't walk yet, your body is still getting used to the augmentations. But I'm glad to say that after two weeks of observation, your body seems to have accepted the implants." Doctor Fenrich stated.

"I've been out cold for that long? Did anyone from my unit send any updates?" Jeremy asked as he sat down on the bed.

"I recieved a letter from Major Enfield. He was asking how you were doing and that they were holding out pretty well out there." Doctor Fenrich replied.

"I see...how are we doing in the war in general?" Jeremy asked once more.

"It's a huge stalemate and it's still unclear if the English will be helping us or not. The UN is still quiet but I have a feeling they'll make their move soon." Doctor Fenrich added.

"I have to get back soon then..." Jeremy mumbled.

Doctor Fenrich started his routine check-up and Jeremy passed with flying colors. Doctor Fenrich had high expectations for him not just because of the success in his operation but also because Hilbert personally recommended him to the program.

"So doc, how long till I'm good to go?" Jeremy inquired.

"As soon as we finish the tests on the implants then I can approve you for field combat. Since your records when it comes to combat is flawless, I recon you need any additional training." Doctor Fenrich replied.

"That's good then, I can go back to the frontline as soon as possible." Jeremy stated before frisking his chest and abdomen and felt where the stitches were made.

"I'll give you a while to get ready, I'll meet you in the courtyard afterwards." Doctor Fenrich said as he exited the room.

Jeremy took of his hospital gown and slowly wore his clothes as he struggled to stand up without his legs shaking. He made his way down the hallway and at the end waited a nurse that pointed him towards the courtyard. Doctor Fenrich stood in the middle and gestured to Jeremy to walk closer. Jeremy did and the doctor handed him a syringe.

"Let's see if you're what your records say." Doctor Fenrich stated before walking away and signaling the two guards behind him.

Jeremy uncapped the syringe and injected it into his forearm. A loud ringing deafened him and made him kneel in pain. He felt like his head was throbbing, his heart beating fast and his muscles twitching. One of the guards placed his hand on Jeremy's shoulder but was immediately put up against his face as Jeremy swiftly twisted the guards arm and dislocated his shoulder. Jeremy's heavy breathing could be heard along with the guard's screams. He pounced the second guard and tackled him down on the ground before subduing him. Doctor Fenrich kept quiet and went back inside without a word, however, a smirk was plastered on his cheeks.

"I pity the world. They'll never get to witness my masterpieces." Doctor Fenrich mumbled as he walked towards the nurse.