
Project Sparrow

As tensions rise between nations, millions of people are caught in the middle. Death tolls rise and the value of human life is discarded as governments solve their disputes by throwing as many bodies as they can at each other. The world now feeding the flames of destruction with hatred and death, faces yet another world war. In the midst of it all, several nations improved their technology and incorporated it within their weapons. The Republic of Lanston, formerly France, Belgium and Germany, led the arms race and began a secret supersoldier program as a trump card to win the impending war. Taking disabled veterans and soldiers who are no longer fit for combat and turning them to lab rats for body augmentations. Wanting to turn them to mindless killing machines, failing and killing most of their experiments in the process then calling them a necessary sacrifice to achieve power over all their rivals. Enter Hilbert Straüss, one of the few who had successful augmentations and is considered the strongest out of the program. They operated under the grid and were mainly used before to kill anyone who opposes Lanston's government. As the war slowly creeps up on the world, Lanston activates the program once more and requested to have all available field agents to be attached to the military. The world will now see a new generation of weapons that will forever change the face of warfare.

Exia_Valentro · Guerra
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48 Chs

Fear Monger

Bullets ripped through flesh and bones, splattering blood on the walls and riddling holes into the wall. Behind the mask, Hilbert licked his lips in satisfaction.

"What the hell are they doing all the way down here?" Jeremy asks.

"Must have had the same plan as us. It won't matter, their guns can't penetrate the APS." Hilbert replies.

"Sir! Is it under control?" A soldier asks as others followed behind him.

"Yeah, we got it under control. Move up and secure the end of the tunnel." Jeremy ordered.

The others went down the end of the tunnel as ordered while Hilbert loaded a new belt on his gun. Jeremy checked the bodies and found a map in one of the pockets.

"Bingo. Do you think we can ambush these suckers?" Jeremy asked as he handed the map to Hilbert.

"This junction is just up ahead, this group must have got separated from the others and got lost. From here, we take a right then left at the junction, they should just be four hundred meters away then." Hilbert replied before walking to the rest of their group.

Jeremy followed behind and directed the others as Hilbert walked ahead of them. The eerie silence along with the splash of every footstep once again fell upon them as they navigated the tunnels. The nearly pitch black darkness within the sewers added to the fear of the unexpected that might just be a few inches away from them. Hilbert on the other hand could see as far as the tunnels go with the help of his goggles.

"What's that smell? Shit, that stinks." A soldier complains.

"We're in the sewers, what did you expect?" Jeremy asks.

"Keep it down, we're approaching the junction." Hilbert ordered.

They stopped talking and walked to the end of the tunnel before the junction and peeked around the corner to see men carrying flashlights gathered around one spot. Hilbert signaled Jeremy to hide behind the small space between the wall of the tunnel and the metal pipes. Jeremy squeezed through the small space and stood still to blend in with the darkness.

"I'll draw them closer, get ready to shoot once they pass you. Hug the walls and don't move." Hilbert ordered before stepping to the middle of the junction.

The others followed what Hilbert said and waited as Hilbert cocked back the bolt of his gun and got the attention of the enemy. One of the soldiers shone a light towards Hilbert and the red of his goggles gleamed brightly.

"W-what the hell is that?" One soldier said as his hand trembled in fear.

"Hold fast! You there! Turn around and get down on your knees!" The enemy officer shouted.

Hilbert turned around slowly and walked down the opposite side of the tunnel. The enemy officer warned him that they will shoot if he doesn't stay down but Hilbert kept walking. The enemy unknowingly fell in Hilbert's trap when they decided to chase him.

"Freeze!" The enemy officer shouted as he shot at Hilbert's leg as a warning shot.

The bullet hit the armor plate and bounced off towards the wall, Hilbert didn't even flinch and just continued luring the enemy into the trap. Jeremy quietly watched as they walked past him and he signals the others to fire on his command. The group of enemy soldiers passed by them, clustered up in a big circle, fearing the uncertainty that lies within the cramped spaces they venture in.

"If you don't stop, I will shoot again!" The enemy officer shouted.

Jeremy squeezed out of his space and aimed his gun towards the clump of soldiers, the others followed behind and did the same. The deafening sound of bullets breaking the sound barrier within the small and cramped space echoed down every passage. The dying screams of men as they were riddled and distorted, bleeding and almost shredded to bits.

"Reload and move topside. We're late." Hilbert said before walking on top of the bodies and down the tunnel.

"Damn...what an alpha male." A soldier muttered.

"56...You all heard him, let's get moving." Jeremy ordered before catching up with Hilbert.

The group followed them and one by one they climbed out of the manhole and out into the street. They were now just two blocks away from where the enemy barricaded the streets. They carefully and quietly made their way under the cover of darkness and the loud gunfight that was occuring in the market area.

"Keep their heads down! And someone please silence those MGs!" Henry shouted to the others.

"Henry, I just got an update from Roger! They pushed the enemy back and they're heading our way!" Jacques exclaimed while shooting at the enemies on the other side of the plaza.

"That's good, how about your volunteers? Any updates on their position?" Henry asked.

"Nothing yet, they've been on radio silence ever since they went down. Don't worry too much, I trust Hilbert and Jeremy. They're one of my bests." Jacques replied to reassure Henry.

Little by little the enemy's gunfire thinned out and before they could realize it, the enemy's side of the plaza went quiet. The paratroopers and the 116th were confused when all of a sudden a bone chilling scream broke the silence. The darkness made everything hard to identify but one of the soldiers called out what he thought was movement, they diverted their attention to where he pointed to. Two glowing red lights, piercing red glares that Jacques immediately recognized as the goggles on the APS.

"Speak of the devil. That's them!" Jacques shouted.

"Son of a bitch, they did it." Henry said before bursting into laughter.

Once the clouds moved out of the way of the moonlight, Hilbert became visible and their rejoice was silenced at the chilling scene that laid upon their eyes. Hilbert had in his hand the decapitated head of one of the enemy soldiers, the horror in it's eyes was printed during his last moments. A terrifying gaping mouth, this made clear that his piercing screams was the one they heard. The image was burned into their minds and they trembled in fear as they realize that they walk among a beast with insatiable bloodlust.