
Project Sparrow

As tensions rise between nations, millions of people are caught in the middle. Death tolls rise and the value of human life is discarded as governments solve their disputes by throwing as many bodies as they can at each other. The world now feeding the flames of destruction with hatred and death, faces yet another world war. In the midst of it all, several nations improved their technology and incorporated it within their weapons. The Republic of Lanston, formerly France, Belgium and Germany, led the arms race and began a secret supersoldier program as a trump card to win the impending war. Taking disabled veterans and soldiers who are no longer fit for combat and turning them to lab rats for body augmentations. Wanting to turn them to mindless killing machines, failing and killing most of their experiments in the process then calling them a necessary sacrifice to achieve power over all their rivals. Enter Hilbert Straüss, one of the few who had successful augmentations and is considered the strongest out of the program. They operated under the grid and were mainly used before to kill anyone who opposes Lanston's government. As the war slowly creeps up on the world, Lanston activates the program once more and requested to have all available field agents to be attached to the military. The world will now see a new generation of weapons that will forever change the face of warfare.

Exia_Valentro · Guerra
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48 Chs

An Unfortunate Soul

Jeremy slowly gained consciousness and realized where he was. He looked around and pieced together that he was in a medical tent. He tried to sit up but he couldn't feel anything below his chest.

"Help! Shit! I can't feel my legs!" Jeremy exclaimed in a panicked state.

"Sarge! Calm down, Eugene and the other medics tried their best but the damage was too much. The shrapnel damaged your spine." Phillip stated as he entered the tent.

"My spine? How am I supposed to fight like this? I can't be useless at a time like this." Jeremy replied.

"You've been unconscious for three days now. Best let your body heal on its own. Don't push yourself so much." Jacques said as he entered.

"But Major...What use am I as a soldier if I can't stand?" Jeremy asked before clenching the sheets.

"None, that's why you need to rest and heal. There's no point in pushing yourself if it will make your condition worse." Jacques replied.

Jeremy slowed his breathing then nodded before calming down. Phillip pat his shoulder and stepped outside with Jacques. Jacques told Phillip not to tell Jeremy but he plans to send him to a hospital back home. Phillip agreed and thought it was better for Jeremy if professional doctors would help him.

"Major, one question. Do you think Hilbert's doctor can take him in the program?" Phillip inquired.

"He's fit for the program but I'm not gonna let him. The success rate for the augmentations is really low, I don't want him to throw away his life a second time." Jacques replied.

"But he could walk again if the surgeries are a success. Isn't it a chance willing to take?" Phillip added.

"And he'll have a collar around his neck, ready to be used to kill against his own will. He's not like Hilbert." Jacques replied once more.

"Who's not like me?" Hilbert asked from out of nowhere.

Jacques and Phillip turned their attention to Hilbert who was walking up to them. Jacques shook his head to a no then immediately walked away as Hilbert got closer. Hilbert went straight in the tent and sat on the chair beside Jeremy.

"I heard about your situation. You're paralyzed below the waist because of the injuries you sustained to your spine." Hilbert stated.

"Why? Do you think there's a way for me to walk again?" Jeremy questioned.

"Project Sparrow. But only if you're prepared to die over and over again." Hilbert answered.

"Have you forgotten? We're already dead." Jeremy added.

"Then give it your all. You want to be better than me, right? Prove to me you have what it takes to be a supersoldier." Hilbert stated as he stood up.

"I'll do everything it takes to become stronger than you. Once I come back, I'll be the best that came out of that program." Jeremy mumbled as tears slowly streamed down his cheeks.

"I doubt that but I'd like to see you try." Hilbert said as he exited the tent.

Jeremy wiped his tears and looked down to his legs. He was certain that he was prepared to become a part of the program like Hilbert and the other agents just so he can walk and fight again. He grew up in a family of soldiers, he won't let his failure destroy the foundations of their name that his father and his father before him built. He felt obligated to honor their name and their service to Lanston, even if it meant becoming a monster.

"Jacques, I spoke with Jeremy." Hilbert stated.

"That's good, he needs the support. Especially because you're someone he looks up to." Jacques replied before letting out a sigh.

"I've already told the doctor. He said that he has new tech waiting for a volunteer like Jeremy." Hilbert added.

"You told that psycho? I'm not letting you take one of my men and let some crazy doctor torment him and turn him into a play thing!" Jacques exclaimed as he held Hilbert by his collar.

"I have the authority to disobey a direct order from you. Jeremy needs this, would you rather let him degrade into a pile of shit? Rewarded with medals and flowery words but completely hollow and dead inside..." Hilbert said.

"His chances of surviving the procedure is low. If I say no to this then he can still live a long life, away from all this pointless mess." Jacques mumbled as he slowly let go of his grip.

"If you call that living then you can stay that way. Rotting in your chaotic delusions. I'm giving him a second chance, I'm giving him a chance at life." Hilbert coldly added.

Jacques let go of Hilbert and sat down on the ground against a wall of sandbags. Feeling hopeless and doubting their position as soldiers. What are they anymore? Just a number on a body count, just a pile of bodies to throw at each other. In the end of the day, once this war ends, nobody wins. Everyone will loses, be it battles or lives.

"Hilbert! Where's Jeremy? There's some guys here looking for him." Edward shouted from the distance.

"One moment! Jacques, this is our reality. Learn to live with it." Hilbert stated before walking towards Edward.

"Live with it..." Jacques mumbled as he held his head.

Phillip and Eugene helped each other to move Jeremy to a stretcher while Hilbert talked to the soldiers by the truck. He gave them a message for the doctor then sent them off with Jeremy. Jeremy was given an anesthetic and was put to sleep on the trip, instead of waiting hours, he slept through the entire trip and woke up inside the facility already. He was being wheeled into the operating room where doctor Basch stood waiting.

"You must be mister Friëg. Hilbert told me a lot about you, he also said that you have what it takes for this program." Doctor Fenrich stated as he wore his gloves.

"Is the surgery starting?" Jeremy asked as he looked around.

"Yes, I'm gonna need you to be awake for the start of this surgery. I have to crack open your skull." Doctor Fenrich replied with a large grin on his face.