

Ren, the most hated student in middle school, finds a pair of Unique Glasses in a river. They transport him to a place called The White Room, a place where his life becomes a Video Game with quests. His new quest is to finish High school, but his initial plans were flipped when he discovered through The white room that his parents death wasn't an accident but a planned murder and to gain more information he must first increase his favourability with the mastermind behind his parents fatal accident, who is linked to his dad's school which is infested with bullies from his middle school. Despite wanting to avoid past bullies, he sets the quest location there. His plan is to seek revenge on the mastermind by increasing his favourability with everyone and that is through becoming the most popular person in the school by using the glasses' abilities, plus he also plans on getting revenge on the entire school for his past traumas. Can he succeed and uncover more powers? Find out in this thrilling story.

SEN_PANDA · Ciencia y ficción
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11 Chs

The Basketball Tryout

Goto looks pretty excited ,

I wonder how many people will tryout probably not a lot ,

I doubt that many people play basketball in this school,

I opened the door to the , and to my surprise there were at least 10 students waiting for the tryout

Goto clearly seeing the surprise in my face said

" it's to be expected after all this school came out 3rd in the last championship"

Well i guess it doesn't matter , at the end of the day no matter the number i will come out on the top,

After all its just a step towards my goal.

A girl walked into the court , she looked like a third year

" everyone gather around i am the manager of the basketball club "

She looked around the room

" okay, there are 15 of you"

She then separated us into 3 teams ,

Looks like she tried to make it fair since she made the teams with our height in mind

And seems like the tallest person on my team is me ,

Too bad i was separated from Goto ,

Would have been a guaranteed win ,

Game Eye activate

#Game Eye Activated

Seems like my team is on the weaker side ,

The manager then said " First game is team 1 and team 2"

Am on team 3 , so i guess i will be playing on the second game.

Goto looks pretty confident ,

According to game eye he has the highest basketball ability compared to everyone

The guy on the other team has pretty high stats too ,

His name is kaido

He is short but his shooting skills are pretty good ,

Its even better than Goto

But its not enough to stop Goto ,

And as i thought it was a bit too easy ,

"okay, the winners play against team 3 for the last game"

I know my team is weak but that won't stop my victory,

You might think that is pretty cocky coming from someone that never played in a team ,

Just watch ,

But with the new skill i just got as a reward for the friends quest

#skill: eye memory

Can do anything the user sees as if its muscle memory ,

As long the users body is capable enough to do it

( videos do not count).

If it wasn't for the last part i would be shooting laser beams like in those Animes ,

But for now this is enough

"Team 3 get ready to play"

My team is pretty nervous , i guess they really want to make the team

Too bad for them they won't even touch the ball,

" you two come for the tipoff"

She pointed at me and Goto ,

Makes sense we are the tallest,

I obviously won't win the tipoff , he is 185 and am only 183

But that is not what am aiming ,

She blows the whistle and throws the ball up , Goto jumps up and hits the ball to his side ,

Just as expected , before someone could catch i was already there and caught the ball,

The manager looks surprised

A random guy said

"i see he knew he couldn't win the tip off ,so he ran behind him to catch it"

Thank you random mob guy for explaining what happened,

Now let's see , what to use next ?

I dribbled past the guy in front of me , i guess i should just from here

I jumped and shot from behind the three point line ,

Kaido looks surprised ,

" that shot is identical to my form"

Yup he guessed it , i am using eye memory,

It entered ,

Its first to 12 so i guess i need 9 more points ,

Okay time to defend ,

Just like the other they are passing it to Goto,

I am probably the only one that can defend against him ,

Goto started his attack ,

I played against a lot of big in the park,

So i know how to guard against them ,

And it seems like it's working , his eyes are easy to read , he passed it to his teammate , he shot and missed ,

I grabbed it before anyone could and countered before anyone could return ,

And just like the game went they almost had a comeback , but luckily i could just keep shooting , and we barely won ,

But even though he lost Goto looked happy unlike my teammates, no one other me made a point

And after the trial it seems only four people were chosen,

Me , Goto , Kaido , and the tall kid from Kaidos team ,

The first day was pretty stressful , but it ended all according to plan