
project 01

Jack, a man with a lust for violence, wakes up in a new body, in a fantasy world that is ruled by the rich and the powerful. (This is my first attempt at writting and I am just doing it for fun at the moment, so please don't expect regular chapters. Also I am dyslexic so expect mistakes.)

Dark_O · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
42 Chs

Chapter 24: Let the adventure begin

(Warning this chapter containes some sexual content.)

A few hours later.

I opened my eyes and stretched my body, i sat up, scratched my head then went to bathroom. After that I went back I to the main room and grabbed a booklet out of my draw. The booklet was instructions on how to run the slime farm, I had made a deal to sell it to the village in exchange for 25% of any future profit and monster cores, of course I made sure to say that I only wanted the top, most powerful cores.

I had done the negotiating with Charles, he tried his best to leverage a better deal but I was adamant i wouldn't sell for less and as I had all the power in this particular deal I decided to use it to my advantage and force him into this deal, personally I thought it was quite resnoble.

After grabbing the booklet I put on my boots and coat and left. I made my way down to the fountain area where the party was going to be held, as I got closer I herd the hustle and bustle of people talking and laughing. The party hadn't started yet and everyone was already having a good time just gathering together, soon the drinks would flow and the music would begin.

As i arrived no one really spotted me untill I went over to the stage where the Cheif and the Elders where waiting as soon as I got there the chief took to the stage to announce my arrival and more importantly the begging of the party.

"Dear people of Han, we are gathered here today to celebrate the leaving of our beloved village member and my grandson to be... Jack Black!" The Chief joyfully boomed to the crowd.

'Ha... just had to add that last bit didn't you old man!' I thought bitterly he liked to remind me and the town I was betrothed to Lana. Firstly he done this to brag about having such a well established and powerful young man join his family, as i said before most people knew who i was either becuase of my slime farm or becuase of my awakening. But I was pretty sure he did it... just to p*ss me off! He knew I didn't like the attention.

There was some cheers and applause as the Chief pointed to me to step forward, I already new I was meant to say a few words and begin the celebrations, as I had seen Lana's party where she'd done the same.

Thank you kindly. People of Han when I first arrived here I was an outsider but you accepted me anyway, you showed me kindness and helped me become the person I am today I owe everything to you.. the people! But enough with the sentiment already! Eat, Drink, dance and be have fun! Hit it!

Cheers and applause erupted as the music begun and drinks and food where finnaly served.

The music was played on string and wind instruments but it was suprisingly upbeat and and happy. I made my way off the stage to join in the celebrations. The Cheif gave me an annoyed glance for not thanking him personally but I just ignored the old coot and went over to Marx, Hilda and Sarah.

"Nice speech kid!" Marx said happily, patting me on the shoulder. while looking at the food, booze and women, then looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Yeah, yeah just go already, just... don't cause an issue."

"I thought you knew me kid." He said in a pretend sad voice.

"Exactly!" Sarah and I both said in unison and Hilda nodded in agreement.

"Ouch... Hahaha!" He held a hand to his heart making out like he was hurt before chuckling and going off by himself... straight to the booze.

As i turned back to the ladies I was suddenly smothered by somthing plush, soft Sarah had embraced me in a hug pulling my head down envoleping my face in her cleavage instead of pushing her away as usual I hugged her back pressing my body against her's and pushing my face in her bountiful assets a bit more then I raised my head looking her straight in the eye's as I smirked. She was blushing hard and looking back at me with wide eyes.

"Ahem!" Hilda not so subtly coughed.

"Hehe, would you like to dance." I casually pried Sarah off of me and held my hand out to Hilda, She looked at me then the still shocked and blushing Sarah.

"No thank you, I am not one for dancing I think I will simply sit down with a drink and enjoy the music."

"Ok, as long as your sure." I couldn't help but smile, this is exactly what I wanted, spending the rest of the evening dancing with Sarah. This would be my last night here so I wanted to enjoy it to the fullest, whatever it was I wanted I decided I wasn't going to hold back be it food drink or... Sarah hehehe.

As Hilda dissapered into the crowd I grabbed Sarah by the hand leading her to the dancing area. I spent the rest of the night dancing and flirting with Sarah, realising I wasn't just teasing her she had a faint blush on her face most of the night.

As the evening came to an end the music changed from upbeat to a slow dance romantic style I took this opportunity to hold Sarah close and flirt a bit more looking into her eyes as we waltzed around, I noticed her hands wondering over my chest, abs and and back, I reciprocated by tracing my hands over her hips, back and occasionally her butt.

The moment I did she froze for second looking deep into my eyes as I looked into hers we was Incredibly close I could smell her flowery perfume and shampoo, I could tell the warmth her breath on my face in that moment al I wanted to do is kiss her.

'Fuck it!' I thought to myself.

I gave in to my desire as I leaned in putting my lips against hers she backed away in shock.

'F*ck did i come on to strong?'

"S-Sorry I- umph!" She smiled and cut me off by by kissing me, i put my hand on the back of her head running my fingers through her soft silky hair as our tongues intertwined. I suddenly realised where I was and pulled myself away. I saw her smiling flush face i ginned back but then quickly looked around nervously she saw and understood as she looked around as well there was a few smiles and some hate filled jealous glares but f*ck them I was more worried about if the Chief had seen us.

I didn't see him and if he did see us he didn't stop us. suddunly I felt I pull on my hand it was Sarah she was trying to pull me away from the party and I had a pretty good idea as to what she had in mind so I quickly followed as we walked past the crowd hand in hand getting a few more looks, but I didn't care.

we quickly got out of the crowd and headed towards my hut, we walked down the streets hand in hand.i couldn't help but keep glancing at her as she smiled back. With the thin white summer dress she was wearing the moonlight made it seem almost see through highlighting her curvaceous body, golden hair and reflecting off her sapphire eyes she somehow seemed even more beautiful.

we made it to my hut and went inside I was actactually feeling a bit nervous, I wasn't inexperienced by any means but with her my pulse quickened and I felt so tense at that moment i almost froze as she stood in front of me. But to her I must of seemed like a complete novice not knowing what to do next.

She walked up to me and started to kiss me while subtly pushing me in the room more towards the bed in the corner of the room. She took complete charge as she started to remove my clothes first my coat, then my shirt she quickly pushed me on to the bed and started feeling my body with her hands, lips and tongue she worked her way from my mouth to my neck, to my chest, down my abs then she stopped with a slightly surprised look on her face as she looked up at me.

by now I was fully in the moment and so was my d*ck that was bulging against mt trousers. I was obviously larger than she expected as she smiled seductively and got up. At first I wondered what she was doing but then my question was awnserd when she slowly kicked off her shoes and took the straps of her dress off of her shoulders allowing it to fall on the floor revealing her magnificent body she removed her bra as she slowly stepped over her dress getting closer to the bed.

I kicked off my boots letting them fall to the floor as she crawled on to the bed she undone my trousers and pulled them down along with my underwear allowing my d*ck to become fully erect, seeing this her eyes widened in delight, as she seductively licked her lips she removed her underwear, she straddled my body the moment she done that I decided to be a bit more dominant I flipped us over so I was on top and ...I'll leave the rest to the imagination, let's just say we had a "very" fun filled night.


The next morning I woke up to the warmth of Sarah hugging my body. I turned to look at her, her naked body was bearly coverd by the quilt I bought my hand up to brush some hair off of her face as I did she woke up.

"Morning gorgeous." I Smiled lifting up her chin and kissing her.

"Good morning to you too." she said sweetly as she smiled and hugged me, feeling my morning excitement she looked at me biting her bottom lip a bit.

"Wanna go again?" I said softly with a grin as I pressed myself against her.

instead of answering she simply kissed me, we spent a while enjoying each other. After we was both thoroughly satisfied I decided to have a shower Sarah joined me which lead to yet another round of "activities".

Eventually we actually showered and got dressed... unfortunately, I was meant to be leaving soon and I wanted to go get something to eat before I left.

"Hey I'm gonna grab something to eat wanna come with?"

"Umm... don't you think we need to talk for a bit?" She said a bit nervously.

"Uh... about what?"

"Us, idiot!" She said slightly annoyed.

"I kind'a thought it was obvious but ok."

"I like you, I've always liked you, from the first moment I saw you I liked you." I stood there for a moment to let that sink in then continued.

"I leave the the choice of what you want up to you, as long as you are in my life I'll be happy." As I said that I pulled out a ring from the dressing table and placed it in her hand.

"Wh-What?... Is this?... Ar-Are you serious?" She said shocked by my actions while staring at the ring.

"Of course, as I said the choice is yours, you can tell me what ever you decide any time you want no rush oka-"

"I Accept!" She shouted happily, putting on the ring jumping up, hugging me tightly and kissing me.

"Great!" I smiled estaticly and kissed her back. I had brought that ring a while ago just for this purpose, honestly I'm not sure if I love Sarah, but i really did like her she had a great personality, not to mention her looks, she also had seen how violent I could be and accepted me anyway. Plus I was still a bit worried about Lana not being my type, so having Sarah with me would be ideal.

"Ok now can we please go get some food!? I'm ravenous, I haven't eaten anything since yesterday... except you." I whisperd the last part in to her ear and grabbed her butt as I walked to the door.

"Hey!.. Wait for me!" She blushed and followed.

"Well come on then, slow poke." I chuckled and I walked out the door.

Sarah quickly followed, she held on to my arm as we walked down to the fountain area she acted a bit childish sometimes but I found it cute. We walked down the street both faintly smiling, gaining some looks from people as we passed by I just ignored them. After a while we arrived at the fountain.

"What d'you fancy? My treat."

"Mmm... Something sweet?"

"Ok, how bout we get some skewers then go for some ice cream?"

"Sounds good." she happily nodded.

we went over to the stalls I brought some skewers which we sat down and eat together then after that we went over to an ice cream shop Sarah ordered strawberry and I ordered chocolate, we sat down at an outside table I no longer gave a f*ck if anyone saw us one flash of that ring would explain everything.

I saw a strawberry sitting on her plate and had an idea I quickly nicked it.

"Hey! I was saving that!"

"Oh? Was you now?" I smirked and dipped the strawberry in my chocolate ice cream.

"Open." I smirked as I held the chocolate coverd strawberry up to her mouth.

"Ahh!" She playfully exaggerated. I plopped the strawberry in her mouth her eyes widened as she bit down.

"Mmm! So good!" She said mouth half full. chocolate on her lips I lent over and wiped it off with a finger and then promptly licked it off my finger.

"Mmm... yeah I know, I'm a genius." I said smugly.

She just sighed and smiled then lent over and kissed me.

"Hehehe! You had a bit on your lips as well "Mr Genius"." She giggled and said sarcastically.

we both finished our ice cream then left to go to the edge of the village where the Cheif would be waiting with the others to see me off. I wasn't looking forward to his reaction but he wouldn't do anything... I hope. After a little while we made it over to the others luckily Charles was there as well.

As we walked up everyone apart from Marx had a surprised expression seeing Sarah latched onto my arm like a love struck teenager, Marx had obviously seen us either kiss or leave the party together, The Chief's surprise quickly turned to a scowl.

"What do you think you are doing?" The Chief said sternly.

"Huh?..Oh! Right... Sooo we're kind'a engaged now." I said nonchalantly tying to diffuse the situation as quickly as possible. As I held up Sarah's hand showing of her ring.

"WHAT!" Everyone shouted in shock. 'Ha! Even Marx didn't see that one coming!'

"We're engaged." I said again waving the very, very, very expensive ring in thier faces I'm not joking that thing cost me about three hundred gold! It was platinum with a mithril inlay and some sort of blue diamond in it... And not a small one!

"And what about Lana?" The Chief said angrily.

"A man can have more than one wife Chief so don't worry I'll still marry Lana of course." He couldn't argue with me, I was right after all. A person can have a variety of lovers in this world be it slaves, servants, maids, mistresses or other wives, all where socially acceptable, even more so for magic users.

"Haa... I see... verry well then, but I warn you do not neglect Lana... Understand!? The Chief sighed then said in a cold threatening voice while trying to use his aura to put some pressure on me.

'Ha! yeah right you're gonna need a lot more force than that old man!' I thought to my self as I smirked at the Chief.

"Yes, Of course Chief." I said like nothing was going on. much his surprise, he didn't try inflicting any more force otherwise the others would sense it.

Before he could say anything more I pulled out the instruction booklet.

"Oh! Almost forgot, here you go Charles. I walked over to him and handed him the booklet, he pulled out his card and I did the same, he simply tapped his on mine and that was it transaction done.

"Nice doing business with you." I smirked at Charles.

"Yes." He nodded and returned to where he was standing, he was a man of very few words, when it came me at least. I grabbed a map of the Chief then went over to the others.

"Haa... This is the last time I'll see you guys for a while, I'll miss you take care of yourselves ok?"

"Yeah... sure thing kid." Marx said like he was trying to stop himself from crying.

"Yes we will, you two do the same." Hilda said with a warm smile as me and Sarah climbed in to a small cart that was attached to a large monitor lizard looking creature. If it wasn't obvious Sarah was coming with me.

"We will, bye for now." I said before picking up the reigns and commanding the lizard to move slowly.


"c'ya kid"

I waved before making the lizard speed up. I didn't like long awkward goodbyes so I kept it short and sweet. Sarah held on to my arm as the lizard sped up and we left the barrier concealing the village.i turned to Sarah and smiled.

'Let the adventure begin!'