
Progenitor Sovereign Saga

Looking down upon those Who dare look up to high Is the sin of man When Jason Bloodswrite is taken through trials to become an adventurer for the kingdom at a young age, things start to go awry quickly as all hell breaks loose and the prophecy that was told eons ago starts to happen. Will Jason be able to survive the days until he can carve out a home for himself? Progenitor Sovereign Saga, Blood Feud is the first book in the Progenitor series. Watch as Jason becomes death incarnate and channels his demons into killing all who dare to oppose him reclaiming his rightful place as ruler. This is the first novel I have written, and if you like it you can also check out Summoners Dilemma, another book in a separate series that is also a part of the Progenitor saga. Once the book is finished, I will have the updated version with all errors removed published on Amazon, and will also have concept art added to some chapters, along with quotes for the chapters leading up to chapter 14.

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The Lore!

The lore!

The Demon Court: The demon court is the collection of demons and cultists that live in the wrealm. They desire was and chaos, with there only end goal being the destruction of all realms and the supremacy of the Demonic kings

The Monsterous Masters: This is the leaders of the monster alliance. This includes several races, including the Dracons, the Sphynx, the Overslimes, and then finally the sentient monster races like minotars, Nagas, and more. There are also many other lower races including dire wolves, wargs, goblins, and much more. Though it is not widely accepted due to there scarcity, but the three creatures at the top of the food chain are slimes, dragons, and manticores.

The assassin guild: The assassins guid, or the thieves guild, is a guld that is run by thieves and bandits on the outside, but is actually a place where all of the top assassins gather to commune and look for work. This is one of the strongest guilds, and one of the most dangerous. Being run by the Black king, a wherebeast shapeshifter that is actually a hyena shifter, these bandits and assassins come up with devious plots from bandiry to royal assasinations.

The adventurers guild: The adventurers guild is the guild in charge of explorin the world and taking care of monster incursions. Every majoy city has an Adventurers guild hedwuarters, and each small town is required to have an outpost to provide the adventurers with reserved rooms to stay in and food to eat, for a fee of course. Though the adventurers guild is meant for protection against monsters, in times of great strife the kingdoms will use there adventurer guilds in war. When this happens the kill count overflows and sky is painted red.

The royal court: The royal court is that of the king, queen, and nobles. Though this looks innocent on the outside. The dark truths of these people will scar you, and the things they did to get there places are devious in nature. From drug trafficing and assasinations, to kidnapping and child slavery these politicians only care for one thing and one thing alone, there GREED.

The wandering traders: The wandering tractors are a group of mysterious people that travel from real to realm, using unique dimensional magics only known by then to get from one plane of existence to another, bringing rare or never seen goods with them. It is said that o attack a wandering trator is not suiside, but is the end of your life, as all those who have attacked them in the past have mysteriously disappeared without even a trace of blood.

The merchants association: The merchants association is a place where merchants gather to make trades and agreements. To sell your goods on a multi- area base, you have to be associated with the Merchants associations.

The god faction: The god faction is that of the immortals of this realm. With heaven being sealed off from them due to the last of the angels haloes being lost to time, the gods have been cut from the access to there homes, and now seek to find any way to get back home. There are good, neutral and evil alligned gods, but after the last halo went missing the gods allied themselves togher to find a way back home. Without the halo, the key to heaven, the gods cannot access other wrealms and must rely on the wandering traders for exotic goods to be brought into there world. Due to this, the realm has stagnated and is slowly dying from being cut off from the divine energies.

The demihuman republic: The demihuman republic is a collection of demihumans and demigods that have separated themselves from society and decided to live in tehre own city. These being are known for being extremely strong and having extreme magical tallent. Unfortunately they refuse to toyel in the affairs of pureblooded people and instead keep to themselves. Only the kinds and queens of nations are allowed into there city, and only for short periods of times. The elves and dwarves are also a part of this republic, but they have separate cities and think themselves above eachother. For this reason they are almost always butting heads, and are rarely seen by anyone. When a human does see a demihuman, it is considered good luck, and, if you talk to one you are considered blessed. For this reason the Assasins guild has bounties on any demihumans, and tty to enslave them as "comodities".

The 7 deadly sins: The seven deadly sins are the kings of the sin race, and want not to destroy everything but to reign supreme. Each of the 7 deadly sins want there own thing, but also despise both the royal courd and the demon court.

The 4 horsemen: The four horsemen where cut off from heaven when the gates were sealed, now statiolnary for eons, they have reviled in there freedom and will do anything to keep themselves free. They now have created there own factions and are defied, making them become stronger than ever. There only goal is to destroy the Holo's and seal heaven forever.