
Profane Collector

Earth has long since been wrecked by some unknown disaster, and millions of years later Humanity is surviving in a pocket dimension formed by some godlike being. The main character awakens from the forming test from his Aethis whilst being moved to the edge of pocket dimension, to be sent to explore the now strange world that is earth. His strange abilities and lineage give the living force they know as Fate the desire to force him into strength, leading him to unfair expectations, and vast potential. Perhaps such a strange existence can unveil the mysteries surrounding the Realms, and their origin from the First Realm, Earth. [Author's note] The strongly cautioned notice is due to violence, some very dark topics, and of course profanity.

inexplicablewren · Acción
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2 Chs

little update 1

this novel is something I've started and stopped dozens of times, and I don't really know if this is the final version I'll keep. Considering i actually published a chapter this time around, I believe in myself. I'm still juggling school, work, and at the moment, I'm overseas on a research project so I will unfortunately not have a set publishing schedule. I ask that you please bear with me until i find my groove and can start churning out the chapters to this story at the speed I'd like to. This is a project very near and dear to my heart, and my first attempt at publishing, so i appreciate any and all feedback. please send any you may want to give at inexplicablewren@gmail.com.

The title may change once I find one that doesn't give away the storyline, if i can figure out how to change it that is, but i believe this will be the version that stays published. 

Thank you, and i truly hope I can share this story with you properly,
