
The Results Are..

The entrance exam was over, and students were heading back home, and it wouldn't be till next week when the results would be released.

Lacirus needed water. Now that she thought of it, wasn't water basically her coffee? Well, her parents did drink coffee a lot, and their neighbors would often tease them for that, calling them "coffee addicts".

But then again, she really only needed water when it was summer, or if it got to hot. Maybe it was just stress in general?

Lacirus pondered, while taking a shower. This was the place where she could do anything she wanted. If she wanted to say her thoughts out loud, she could. She just needed to do it in whispers. Her parents would nag at her after all.

The cold water was something she looked forward to every day. The sensation was nice, and when she turned it off, she felt very, very, cold. She liked the feeling though. She liked most things cold.

Like her blanket being cold, so she could sleep comfortably. Ice cream, the snow, and more.

Stepping out of the shower, she began to dry herself. A thought came into her head. She didn't like how long her hair was. It was bothersome. But her mom did like it, so she kept it.

Many times had she thought about cutting it, but embarrassingly enough, she had grown to like it. Only a little bit though! She wouldn't give a second thought to cut it if her mom said so.

Continuing her monologue, she began to dress herself.


hi, author here. this is just a small note. let me now if u're okay with the monologue. i wanted it to introduce some things she liked, so you guys can like, know more of the main character. tell me if you think that's fine, or if it's just bad. comment here and tell me ur opinions.


The week was here. Many students weren't able to enjoy the weekend, as the results of the exam kept their thoughts away from at least enjoying the weekend.

And now, a crowd of students were looking at the results. They were just released 10 minutes ago, and students had their hearts break into small, tiny, pieces. Although, one thing kept them there.

There was a student at the very top, which had such a perfect score that some teachers thought of it to be suspicious. The name? Shishio Oga. The name of one of the new kids.

Thankfully, Lacirus was in sitting comfortably in top 5. Thank god all those hours weren't for nothing, although she didn't want to go up for so long again. She didn't want her mother nagging her for hours on end.

The teachers there began to quiet down the students. Soon, it was so quiet that someone could probably open a bag of chips and it would be heard. Well, then again, sometimes they were straight up weapons specialized to destroy ears. The students sometimes wondered if those bags were secretly created by some evil mastermind, which was just overthinking.

One teacher began to speak.

"We will be assigning you to your assigned dorms. Remember the numbers on the top right corner on your entrance exam. We have already instructed you to remember those numbers, and if you forgot, that's on you. Anyways, we will be assigning you your dorms based on those numbers. First.."

As the teacher began to call out the numbers for each dorm, the students got a pretty good idea of what was instructed.

Those who failed the exams weren't allowed to be a student of the school, and were already sent back home. Which were a majority of the students.

Sakurasou, the infamous dormitory which held the troublemakers, had no assigned numbers, as at this point, it was a special dorm for those who were special. A big reason for the rumors about them.

Curse Dormitory, a dorm where many students weren't interested in going. The people there were just weird, and no one wanted to be there. 1 to 3 were the numbers. A very small amount.

Bamboo dormitory, a dorm popular for the students there. It was famous among the students, as it was an amazing place for social butterflies. 4-15 were the numbers, much to the delight to most of the students.

As Lacirus looked at the students who were going to the Curse Dormitory, she noticed that they were more interesting than they looked.

One had spiky pink hair and light brown eyes, and he seemed to have a slender build. However, that wasn't the case. Instead, this boy seemed to have above average strength, just like her. Maybe she found a potential friend? If she could become friends with this boy, her parents wouldn't tell her to get a friend so much.

The other one had brown hair down to her neck. Her eyes were orange, and she didn't seem to want to be here, which was expected.

The boy with the spiky hair raised his hand, before speaking, "Ummm.. Should we introduce ourselves? We're going to be here together for a while." he suggested.

The girl scoffed, "Why would I want to be friends with you weirdos? They should've put me in the Bamboo Dormitory!" She clicked her tongue.

Lacirus made her decision, "Alright, my name is Lacirus." she introduced.

"Yuji Itadori."


The girl was stubborn, and both Itadori and Lacirus felt like this was going to be quite the school year.

"Well.. Anyways, let's get going to our rooms." Itadori said, after the awkward silence. Not wanting to be here anymore, Lacirus quickly rushed back to her room, while the girl walked back.


The girl opened the door, expecting a nice and cozy place. However, although most of her expectations were satisfied, she was surprised by the 2 people there.

That girl, Lacirus, and the boy, Yuji. Noticing her, Yuji waved his hand, "Hey! You! La… zirus made lunch!"

T-they were here?! What!? Although she knew that each room was usually occupied with other people, she knew that since the Curse Dormitory had many rooms, and few people, she could probably get her own room!

But guess what? These 2 brats were here! And that guy! She knew that he was going to make a mess, but it was far out of her expectations! Playing video games, didn't he know that we have a contest next week!

For that girl.. She was fine. She did make lunch, and although she didn't want to admit it, her cooking was… how should she put it? Not the best..

Throwing out these thoughts in her head, she decided to dig in. It was good, compared to the food she ate in the countryside. Perhaps staying here was the right choice.


hi. For u jjk fans out there, i decided to add some of them. now, i am in now way a jjk fantatic. i do enjoy it however. warning tho, the curse dormitory will not have any jujutsu sorcerers. No curses too. i cant write action scenes, so sorry if u were looking foward to that. peace.