
Priya Echo's Adventure - Book 4 - Transcendence

Priya Echo is a magical hero trying to save the universe from the evil wizard Telenon

DaoistmMAJLZ · Fantasía
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51 Chs


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"Nothing is harder than waiting when you're an old goat like me" thought Ruin as he paced the walkway of his residence. New plots of grass charmed with their verdant color, lightening the hoary features of his countenance. Words spoken in the past drove his footsteps, the shadow of their potency a humble beat that made his chest sore. Then, from the distance came galloping over a friend that he had not had the pleasure of meeting. Lithe body and four furry legs, it swept across the green towards him, then lifted up its head, flapping elf-like ears. Accompanying the escort, Timecurrent returned and went to her father, encircling him in a warm embrace. Behind them a flock of butterflies individually picked up and rearranged the red bricks of the dreamcastle of Ruin. In a somewhat similar circumstance far away in the city of Rabidarth of Bedla Xane Justar, suspecting a ruse, broke into the basement of Frisha's home, finding among dark shadows the girl embedded in a shard of jade.