
Prisoner princess

princess Natalie perfect life is shattered when she and her sister are abducted on a conquest, subsequently her sister is killed by her abductors when both of them try to escape on the tiresome trip to "milerus". Where she is going to be prisoner. Now Natalie is helpless, alone and a prisoner. How will she be able to flee from the fierce arms of her enemies and go back to reclaim and build her kingdom which was thorn to shreads. Prince Williams who is the son of the great emperor of milerus, unlike his father he is temperate. Not so long he is alarmed by his father zeal to conquer the neighboring kingdoms because of greed and over ambition. How will he stop this impending doom threatening to rampage the other kingdoms and innocent lives going to be lost in these event. He is bond to follow his conscience at the risk of sacrificing his love for his father and bretray his family. It takes guts......... Natalie and Williams cross paths, mixed feelings start to grow as natalie leans more and more towards the young prince. But she must not forget, he is the son of her enemy, despite his frantic efforts to make her trust him,. She must not forget her goal and risk it all over her emotions for him. let see how this plays out and how natalie will fulfill her mission inspite of all odds. Don't miss this exciting tale of legendary excellence at it finest.

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43 Chs

31 if only....

Yes, now you can do all you want with me, I took you as my son,loved you...

Love? You loved the kingdom not me, you took me because of the kingdom too, the same reason you killed my mother, he said then dropped his sword, he backed him and tears filled his eyes.

The king drew near to him to console him, and he quickly removed his hands from his shoulders.

If you are not my father then who is? He asked the king, facing him, regaining himself.

I don't know...

I had been believing in a lie for a long time, You made me hate my mother even when she did nothing wrong,you manipulated me... He went on blabbing, hurt by the same intense pain of knowing the truth about his mother's death rather being concerned of the king's presence.

The king drew his knife he wanted to stab Williams with, slowly without him noticing, he almost did it when Williams turned his back at him.

Then he felt a hard substance pierce through him, he look down and saw the tip of the sword with blood dripping from him.

His mouth wide open as his eyes started to dim, his life flashed through it, he knew he was dying. Williams looked at him, startled, he tried to talk but instead he fell down, dead.

This is for my father, she said sniffing back the tears.

You... You... Killed him. Williams said stuttering. His mind was racing and hr could not control his thoughts anymore. The Man who he had known as his father all these years lay on the floor, lifeless.

He wanted to... She didn't finish talking as he hugged her, he held her tight as she felt the steaming tears of pain emitting from him.

He held him tight too, she felt his pain. She had wanted to tell him the truth before now but she couldn't. Knowing it this way was terrible,

Gerald came bringing Sebastian with him, look I saw... What the hell is going on here? Hr asked seeing the king.

They didn't answer him instead Sebastian said to Williams.

You killed him? Well, I am not shock,you have always wanted to rule the kingdom and it is not like the king was my favorite person so who am I to complain.

You have always misunderstand me, he told Sebastian,who only looked at Natalie


This bitch, he said in his head, how dare she betray him, again.

Not everyone is like you, not everyone want to seize power and oppress people like you. He continued.

Says the son of the man who had been doing worse, he snapped then looked at the lifeless body of the king.

You know your ancestors he was not so successful at doing so, who would have thought his own son would end up killing him, he said taking to him as if he was alive.

As Williams made to reply him, Gerald interrupted the duo.

Look, Williams, no time for exchanging words now, we need to get out of here, quickly before the warriors sees us, Gerald said tugging him.

Exactly but you can't take me with you, if you do my army will see you and if you kill me, they will also find you and avenge me, Sebastian said grinning.

He is right, Gerald, we have to leave him and go, this is too dangerous, we need to go now, Williams told him ignoring the delighted Sebastian. They could hate him all they want but killing him like this was out of pocket and will only bring more trouble than there is already.

Hurry, tie him up somewhere, Williams said hearing footsteps coming.

Sebastian stayed, strapped on a pillar in there and before they go, he made sure he reminded them that this was not over.

You can run all you want but one thing is sure, I will make sure I find you, each and every one of you and feed your bodies to the birds of the air, he spat out.

They had no time to listen to his terrifying

Speech as they left there in a secret route they had passed when coming but this time, natalie was with them.

... .... ..... ..... ...... .... ..... ......

The night was cold, too cold for the two people walking in the open to their destination. Gerald had gone back to the troops and inform them of what happened.

They had left the horse far away on the way when it was tired and continued their journey. Soon they were in milerus and made their way into the palace without the guards noticing. They didn't want anyone questioning them at the moment.

Natalie lay on the bed, her bones making a squeaking sound from the tiredness of the journey. It replayed in her head like she had been dreaming. She killed the king with her own hands even when she did not realize she had such courage. He saw him with the knife aiming to kill Williams, she had no choice it was the only way.

Few minutes later she opened her eyes after she had forced herself to shut it, sleeping.

And she saw him, the king was there standing in her front, glaring at her.

She lay still confused and she made to stand up but her body refused to comply.

You, he said, still glaring this time with more intensity than the former. You will suffer, you will suffer. You will always suffer, you are meant to suffer, He seemed to be saying repeatedly.

I won't, she snapped at him. Why would she? She had done nothing wrong and he was the cause of everything in the first place.

she shut her eyes and muttered illogical words and she opened them wishing he would all go away as soon as she opened her eyes again, he had faded away.

She had no right to feel guilty but this was the first time killing someone, so she was shaken from the fright.

After some hours, she soon wake up again but this time around it was from the noise from the knock on the door.

She stood up walking at a slow pace to the door, who was it she wondered.

She opened the door to see a worried Williams, his eyes we're swollen and he didn't look like he had slept at all.

she didn't say anything as she watched him go inside the room and sat at the side of the bed.

She followed him, her eyes searching for answers in his face, she didn't know what to say, maybe she too was terrified.

I couldn't sleep, he finally said after few minutes of silence, staring at each others face.

i had nightmares all through the night, she replied him.

I am sorry, I don't want to burden you with this, he told her.

I just killed a man , what more burden could you give me she said laughing softly, that kind of laugh you know was not promoted by joy but of pain, pain she was trying to hide.

His mind cast back to when it happened and he grim minced. Not a nice thing to remember, he replied her.

But it happened, whether it was nice or not it did and I can't forget it, she said to him, her voice firm and strong.

"You are right, today, I knew pain, I thought I have been experiencing it since but I saw pain, clear with my eyes. All these years, he was not my real father and he had killed my mom when she had wanted to leave with me, claims he loved me but did the opposite. "

I can't believe it, he told you that? He is not your father?

In my face, I felt weak in my knees and wanted to disappear from the face if the earth.

So its true, sebastian also told me that, he said my sister was not my actual sisyer".

Do you believe that?

No but he was so serious... I didn't know what to think.

"Sebastian! He said scoffing, no difference from my father, saying he loves you but only using you as an excuse to do his selfish desires just as my father had done with me, he only loved the kingdom, loved himself. "

"He will come for us, he said it himself, he will, we need to... "

'Have a plan, he won't just come for us but for every of the neighboring kingdoms. '

Then what do we do? She asked him.

The question was left hanging as two of them fell in deep thoughts, fortunately they were able to cast the event of the king's death that had been disturbing them to face a new problem.


.... ...... ...... ..... ....... ......... ...... ......

Many of his men were dead and the others wounded but they had done worse to the king's army, only a few managed to survive.

His men came untiring him and did not have to explain what had happened because as soon as they saw the king, dead on the floor, they jupilated and were singing his praises.

He had not killed the king with his own hands but he didn't say it, what harm was he doing by not telling them what had actually happened. It was better for him, he gained more if their trust and most importantly their admiration.

This was the beginning, they would soon acknowledge him more when he had killed that son of a gun, Williams and taken over milerus. That would be a huge feat and would make it easier for him to acquire the other kingdoms. As for Natalie, he didn't care if he kills her anymore, she had chosen her path even when he had given her a chance and she had chosen the enemy's camp.

He would make her suffer and that son of a weakling would not be able to save her.

.... ..... ..... .. .... ..... .... ...... ........

What! The others gasped when Gerald told them of what happened yesterday.

The king is dead! He could hear the murmuring from the fleet of men. This was suppose to be good news if not for Sebastian who pose a new threat to their freedom which he suspected was going to be more ruthless than the former. He had waited for morning before he could break the news after his tiresome journey to here.

Silence everyone, the leader hushed them and turn to Gerald.

Does that mean, we are free to go back to our homes? He asked.

No, no, no, you can't and it is not because of Williams, trust me he wants the best for all of us and he is in this together but on the other hand, sebastian does not.

They all we're silent listening attentively to him and he continued. "He fought with the king's army yesterday and won and he had plans to capture as many kingdoms he can like the king had done. That is why you can't go back because he will be back after he recovers from this war, he will be back to take your kingdoms back. "

He looked at their faces which had been full of delight when he announced the king's death turn sour and he felt sad. This people had been fighting for their freedom and now it was almost here, there came another a oppressor again.

He has army, one of them said his voice full of frustration, we are barely an army, how can we fight and stop him. The others murmured in agreement.

He understood their pain but this was no time to give up.

I understand you all but not now, trust me we are this close, he said gesticulating with his hands to them, to attain our freedom,we must not give up now. We...

He is right, why should we give up now, the leader said patting Gerald shoulders for him to stop talking.

We have come this far only to let everything go at this point, I know the efforts and zeal we all have put into this and I a appreciate you all. We are going to do this and this time we would achieve our goals, everyone of us would go back to our homes, our families and our friends because we are not alone. They are people going to help us, he said smiling to Gerald.

Gerald smiled back, nodding his head at the speech, he didn't know what the man has in mind, but he believed him.

That was when the person came inside, he couldn't believe his eyes.

What are you doing here?