
The Temple

The next day the four of them decided to climb up the mountain using some of the rock climbing gear they found on the boat.

Blessed they were to have a beautiful sunny but windy day to have a pleasant weather on a day of a treacherous unknown adventure journey.

Leo at first then Kathy then Ange and last Ronald. All of them stayed quite and spoke if necessary in order to save their resources and be safe from any form of wild life that roam the forests on the mountain. As they neared the top it had a layer of mist which creeped them out. It had been four hours since they started.

"What is this place, it's giving me chills." Ange says.

"The mountain top. I think although I can't see I don't see any more ascent." Leo says.

"Should we stop and go back?"

"No I think there's something ahead." Kathy says and goes in front of Leo.

As she moves forward the mist starts to lighten and the outline of a huge building is seen.

"There's something here e we might find someone here." Kathys says.

A glimmer of hope to find an escape to be forever away from this desolate islands.

"We're here."

The moment they reach the mist disappears and they see a beautiful golden temple in front of them.

"Stunning." Everyone says a speechless moment.

The temple looked like it was made of gold. Even the bricks. The temples height looked like it reached heavens, the temple gates had beautiful intricate carving, as we walked ahead the gate carving were that of a goddess that was being worshipped by human and gods alike, she had four people around her as if protecting her and receiving the gifts. All the carvings on the gate were of her. As we moved thought the gates there were writing in an unknown language on the on the others side of the gate some type of writing could be seen.

"What Language is this?" I ask.

Everyone nods their heads saying no.

I go closer to the writing and touch the writing. I get a slight shock, and a slight glimpse of the writing being written. I felt as if I'd been there carving the writing on the wall. When I look at the writing again I feel like I understand them.

"Kathy…" Leo keeps his hand on my shoulder and calls me.

"Hmm…" I say.

"You OK?"

"Yes... uh.... Let's move forward."

I didn't want anyone to worry so I said nothing. We move forward a large lake comes in sight and the temple right at the center and the only way to reach is a row of stones or the two bridges on both it's side that look like they could break any moment.

The lake is surrounded by beautiful flowers. And at the other end of the lake an never ending waterfall can be see.

As we move forward through the bed of flowers the view becomes more enchanting and more mysterious. When we reached near the lake it was surrounded by knee length stone with engravings.

As I move towards the stones the others move towards the lake.

"Ouch. " my concentration breaks as Ange and Ronald scream as they stand on opposite side of he rock path.

"What happened? " Leo asks I go to Ange and Leo goes to Ron.

"The waters ice cold" says Ange.

"No it's boiling hot. " Says Ron.

"That's impossible.... "

"Some things not right" I say.

I go and and check the water temperatures. What I felt shocked me.

"The two sides of the lake have sides of the lake have different temperatures."

"It's like the rock path separated the water with different temperatures." Leo says.

"I think we should keep moving forward. I don't like this place."

As we move forward similar to the lake the land also was divided into a frosty winter and a summer day.

And this applied to trees, grass, flowers and everything around.

We kept until we reached a beautiful structure.

"That looks like a temple." I say.

"I think this temple is very weird. I think we should leave." Ange says.

"Let's go in."

"What?? We don't know this place. It looks too clean what if someone is there. there are tribes maybe. what of they are not friendly."

"I don't think anyone lives here. Let's go in."

"Let's go no pain no gain." Leo says

we all start to climb the stairs.