
A Passionate Night

Liam's hands reached his scabbard with caution. Jaw clenched from the sudden intrusion. "Stay where you are!"

Levi, who positioned comfortably while aiding the Prince, grimaced while entering the vigilant state. His face scrunched from the worst-case scenario.

"Take a chill." Anasthasia hooked her hands to her hips, shifting her gaze, "It's me, Anasthasia."

"What?" Feeling breathless, Liam had his color drain out of his face as he spoke. "That's impossible!"

"I know what you think."

She saw how the orb started to lose its luminescence, then darted back towards the twins, with a subtle shiver from their body. Her eyes grazed over her now clenched fist before she squeezed her eyes shut.

'I have to prove it to them, that's the only way!'

Her fingers danced with grace as she waved it all around; the dome began to show losing its structural integrity. The spewing white mist descended with calmness and hovered over them. However, her fingers snapped right away, thus had droplets vaporized and diffused the frigid mist.

The twins had arched their necks and welcomed the bright moonlight. The warmth energy melded with their shivering bodies. With trees ravaged to splinters, Like a panoramic view—an unobstructed view which had twinkling stars blotted the abysmal sky and with several known constellations—gave only but amusement to their eyes.

Anasthasia's lips quirked up as she noticed their gazes, slowly going down until she met theirs. She shrugged in response. However, eyes gleamed with curiosity looking at Freidmirth, who rested with ease and tail that playfully wagged around.

Freidmirth let out a hearty laugh, which she then sighed in defeat. 'Fried, you're not helping at all...'

"So it's you, Lady Anasthasia."

She nodded in response, "I'm sorry for not telling you right away." She shook off her dress, then walked towards them. "Would it be alright for me to check his condition?"

"Please don't apologize, all is good!" Shifting his gaze back to the Prince, he muttered, "He has calmed down for now."

Anasthasia went on her knees and reached out her hand towards his forehead. It was at this proximity she saw his flawless face. Just a little contact with his forehead sent electricity through her body.

'What's wrong with me?' She scrunched her nose, then cleared her throat, 'I need to get myself focus—I never thought that his skin is so smooth like a polished gem.'

Anasthasia rested her palms on his forehead, then glanced Levi, "Have you completely removed the bullet?"

Levi nudged his glasses, nodding. "Many thanks to Lady—"


"Yes," He blinked a few times, muttering. "Ana, allow me to say my heartfelt gratitude for supporting throughout our journey."

"You're welcome. Don't sweat it."

'What am I even doing? I need to get myself focus!' Anasthasia's slender fingers twitched, attempting her tracks to brush his disheveled hair, she cast 'Revitalize!' Her hand released small white light—embodying warmth and peace—endowed upon him. The luminosity complimented well with his hue. Never taking into account the smears of dirt and dust from the recent fight, without a doubt, he had this flawless skin.

She retracted while scrutinizing his features once more, "I hope this is enough." Her eyes graze over his long eyelashes, like bountiful silvers, the moonlight did an excellent job giving a shining effect on his hair.

'Have I mentioned he had this aquiline nose before? Probably not, but this carved well on his stoic face." She nodded, but this caught surprise from Levi.

"A penny for your thoughts?"

"Rest assured, It's not much of a big deal." She tried to hide her surprise by waving her hand off and sighed, "I wonder if he's okay, let me check his vital signs."

Her fingertips might prod his lithe neck, but her eyes locked on his unblemished, soft lips, murmuring, 'This was pale before, not it went back to the normal shade.'

"It's getting cold in here, let me do something."

"What do you mean—" Which, in turn, made Liam startled from her scream.

"Fried! Come here!"

Freidmirth had crouched on his position. Forearms carefully nested his head. He peeked through, half-eye open, and hear her rancid utterance. He huffed back in response.

"I'll sleep."

"—No treasures." This heightened his senses, abruptly elevated his neck.

"What did you say?"

"If you don't come here, I won't forgive you." She smirked, "That means, there would be no treasures."

He let out a deep growl but stood up in the end. He trudged his way to them, with every step created a tremendous rattle on the ground, his nostrils flared in annoyance. "What do I have to do from now on?"

The twins had scared-witless from the insane suggestion of hers; they looked at each other contorted in horror.

"Well, that's simple!" Anasthasia giggled, "Curl yourself over here, so we can rest comfortably."

Freidmirth hadn't spare any energy for rebuttals, he rolled his eyes and slowly bent his limbs. With ample space provided, he curled his head next to Levi, and tail around Anasthasia. Levi had his hairs stand on ends, as his snores gravely shook his core. Liam, on the other hand, looked like about to past out from fright and intimidation of the dragon.

'Uh-oh,' Anasthasia grimaced as she thought, 'Maybe this isn't a good idea after all."

Anasthasia's eyes had gone through immersion, she didn't notice it until recently, 'The twins must have removed his armor when he did the surgery,' she peeked over to the back of Levi, who momentarily froze in place, nodded, 'Levi kept them very well!'

Once again, she took a glimpse of his black long sleeves, 'That's quite a high-quality linen, perfectly weaved at every again.' This ignited her passion when it comes to clothes and fashion; her blue eyes shone with meticulosity.

'This must be created by a talented couturier in his kingdom. Such expensive material.'

But she couldn't ignore the subtle details on his cloth as she thought in awe, 'My, this man had such statuesque— that collarbone could allure the guest for days, cloth hugged which had an outline of a chiseled marble—which I'm not digging further to that!' She shook her head with fierce.

Then her brows creased further as she looked at the ripped dark leather trousers, which revealed the visible stitches and countless scars around the knee, she narrowed her eyes and showed a warm light once more.


It didn't take long the skin had carefully wrapped and meld together, scars disappeared, and revealed his unblemished skin. This also revealed how built and refined his legs were, and she pondered, 'Quite a good training of legs and footwork, I must say.'

"Levi? Are you still there?" She looked up and gazed through. But his glasses shimmered, which had her leaned forward, there she saw how he was petrified, "He passed out from Freidmirth. I feel so bad right now."

"Liam?" She turned around, saw Liam who fared worse—his mouth had bubbled, eyes shut so tight, and face out of vigor—as though ethereal form had already escaped from his body. His complexion turned so pale and deathly.

She just giggled in silence, 'These twins do have in common, and in terms of physical features, without Levi's glasses, they're pretty much the same!'

Anasthasia had her face shift towards his boots, but a familiar, deep voice broke the silent night.

"Done checking me out?"

Which in turn startled her, she eyed with skepticism. She furrowed her eyebrows further, whispered with clenched teeth, "Who's checking who?"

"I wonder who? I personally dislike voyeurs—"

"Excuse me?!"

"You look beautiful, nevertheless."

She brushed her unkempt hair, then flipped sideways, "Well, I pretty much know that—" But hard lump stuck on her throat, no words escaped her dainty lips. She could only bulge her eyes for a hot minute.

"What did you say?"

"You're beautiful, Tasha."

"No, no, no, no! Call me Ana—"

"Tasha." His voice echoed deeper than ever as he tried to sit upright. He winced from the lingering pain. She frantically overextended her arm and tried to support him. He groaned one last time, and panted from exhaustion, "I—I insist..."

"Okay?" Her brows arched up, "What's the matter?"

"Is that how you check and treat your patient?"

"I'm just a bystander, let me clarify that statement. In fact," Her eyes danced side to side, carefully gaped on the twins, "These two over here should be held accountable. Apparently, things have reversed."

He chuckled softly, but it clearly had a tinge of hoarseness, which made her worried about his condition, "Anyway, how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine," His deep grey eyes contested hers, but this time around was intense, "The surgery was enough for me to recover. But you did more than just that. I have no other way to repay you—"

"Save it for now."

"Very well then, I shall keep this in mind." He gawked up to the night sky and embraced the moonlight, "What a lovely, peaceful night."

"I agree."



"I have a dream."

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Hello everyone, and welcome to another chapter of Prismatic Sovereign's Legacy, where we get to take a glimpse of the wholesome adventure of Anasthasia in hopes of tackling her objectives.

I'll see you all next time; stay tuned!

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