
Principle Of Iniquity

Hero? Villain? Vigilante? I do not fight for justice, nor have I been thrown away by society to be labelled as any of those. I live for my own self, I'm me and that's all I need to be, even if "me" is considered a hero or villain.

YaGurlEden · Cómic
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5 Chs

An Undeserved New Beginning.

I am someone who has no grand ambitions, no dreams or goals to fulfill, the only thing I own is a life that i despise leading.

I am mediocre in everything, just another face that you will forget moments after glancing upon it, one amongst many, nothing special.

Although it makes my blood boil, I've had to accept it as the years passed by, I am no Heroine, I'm no Protagonist that has yet to awaken, I'm just an extra.

Which is why it had come to this.

Overdosing on sleeping pills, hah, I bet this isn't how my younger self pictured her death to be like now did she?

Well, she didn't have anything that would push her to do this back then so it only makes sense.

Letting out a sigh I move out to reach the bed handle for support, and failing miserably before flopping down on the hard marble paved floor, I could feel my nose breaking and slowly bleeding as I fell head first into the ground.

Well, I guess this is goodbye to the world of the living.







I suddenly feel chills run throughout my body as pressure starts falling down on me from every direction, I can feel all of my senses going haywire, but suddenly, it all comes to a halt.

My eyes slowly open, as I gaze upwards.

"Well, that's an unfamiliar ceiling."

Wait, this is no time to be messing around!

I know for a fact that I shouldn't be alive right now, why am I still able to open my eyes?!

Not to mention, this doesn't look like a hospital room at all?

Just where in the world am I?

This situation is just.... Unbelievable.