

When Liron arrived back to camp he gawped at the sight before him. Elves were leaning against trees, bleeding, and others were on the ground dead. 

Galax was going around treating wounds for the elves that were able to move.

Liron stepped into the clearing. "What happened here?" 

"We were attacked," Galax whispered. "Where were you?"


Galax growled, waving away the answer. "Forget it. We need to leave and regroup. Find somewhere new."

"Why would that matter?" Liron demands. "The werewolves will find us again."

"Be that as it may, Liron. Next time we won't be their intended target." Galax approached him. "So you need to break your bonds with the princess. Bid farewell because we cannot be seen again."

Liron struggled for words. 

"Liron, please." Galax gestured toward the injured. "We can't risk losing any more people."

"What about the princess?" Embry asked. He was no longer the small boy he'd been five years ago. "We should at least let her know what's coming. Right?"

Liron nodded. "I agree. We can't just leave, knowing what going to happen."

"At what risk?" Galax cried. "We're elves, for heaven's sake! The king will have us killed on sight, if not publicly. It's too risky."

"But we'd be responsible for the death of hundreds, maybe even thousands of humans." Liron shot back. 

"If we could at least in some way help-" Embry started.

Galax shook his head and started walking away. "Fine. Do whatever you think is best, but leave me out of it."


Elias stepped into his father's throne room, smirking.

"Son. What brings you here? Weren't you supposed to be scouting?" his father asked, peering down at him. 

"Yes. And I came upon something interesting."

His father cocked his head. "Oh?"

"The elves aren't camping far from here. And the humans are just on the other side of the valley." Elias twirled his blades. "We took care of the elves or course."


"I think that there is a way for us to conquer the humans." Elias licked his lips. "We could capture the princess and use her. No?"

His father rose to his feet. "Hm. Perhaps, son. But wouldn't be too obvious?"

"Well, I noticed that she has feelings for one particular elf. I let him live." Elias sheathed his blades. "I spread the word that we'll be attacking the humans next." 

"Oh. And how does the elf play into this?"

"Well, he'll want to get word back to the princess as soon as possible. But before he can do that the princess will have already been captured." Elias smirked. "No doubt her father would do anything to get her back."

"This plan sounds intriguing," his father said with a smile, revealing his long, sharp canines. He spun around to sit back on his throne. "Well, get on with it then."

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