
The Promise

The cheering crowd, waving flags and happy expectant faces eagerly watched their leader as he prepared to address them.

"Eighteen years ago," – Aryaman's (Aman) voice boomed through the hushed hall, "I had gone to India to attend a friend's wedding. As you might know, Indian weddings are a lavish affair of endless festivities, elaborate dressing, countless rituals.

Amidst all the celebration I spotted a young girl sitting all by herself in a corner. When I asked her why she was sitting alone, she looked at me with tears in her eyes and said- 'I will never have a baby.' She was five then."

There was a huge uproar of laughter in the hall.

"You might imagine my amusement." – he continued, "I asked her why? She looked at me angrily and said, 'because nobody wants to marry me. Mother says I will have a baby only when I get married."

I asked her when will she be married, to which she says- 'first I will have to find someone who would marry me...and I have asked all my friends but no one wants to marry me, and now I cannot have my baby!'"

There was another round of humongous laughter in the hall.

Myra was so embarrassed, she hid her face on her brother's shoulder and he hugged her, he was wondering what this little brat of his had been up to in her childhood.

"You cannot imagine my feelings as I sat there and listened to her. I took her in my arms and sat her on my lap. Then, wiping her tears I said – "I am going to marry you." Her eyes lit up and she began jumping with joy.

Another wave of thrill went down the hall.

"I asked her if she liked me, to which she says, 'I like you and I like the toys and the chocolates you brought me. Come let's get married.' --she was in such a hurry I had to exert enormous energy just to stop her; 'But we can't marry unless you are twenty-one, your brother is also getting married at twenty-one.' I told her.

How do I describe her disappointment as she considered this giant problem! She thought for a while before saying – 'when will I be twenty-one?'

" In sixteen years, and then I will come to you and marry you," I assured her

"....and then I will have my baby!" – she was overjoyed...

The crowd was roaring and cheering...

"You see?" – Aryaman continued, "It is that simple, I had promised to marry her when she is twenty-one, and I am already two years late, she has waited eighteen years for me. She will wait for more. She is willing to sacrifice her dream for mine. So this brings me to you," he paused as ominous silence hung all around him; " to whom I have dedicated my life; I ask you in all humility, as a man, a lover and a statesman – Can you show the same respect and faith in me as you have always done if I break my commitment to this young girl?"

His audience was baffled; "I cannot commit myself to you with a broken heart." – he pursued in cold determination.

"No" they protested in unison, "there must be a way" – came a voice from the crowd, and the others agreed. They waved their flags in support.

"There is no other way than to step down." said he, "I withdraw my candidature and propose the name of Alwyn Butler, as the Presidential candidate for Democrats. I am also resigning from my present position as the Vice - President with immediate effect."

Horror and sorrow enveloped every hope, as Aryaman Vardhan's supporters saw him step down.