
Princess & Knight

As a daughter , I had to engaged someone I had never seen or spoken to because I wanted to obey my parents, I did not try to understand him even after getting engaged. Even thought I got engaged to some one I didn't like , I didn't feel bad because two months later I was ready to go to higher education in Australia, Then I hope I never meet him again, but will fate meet us again? -------- MEI ROULAN------- Ever since I was a child , I lived a relaxed life without listening to what my parents told me. I know about love the day I saw her for the first time. After 2 years later . my parents forced me to engaged my father's best friend's daughter. I thought marrying the girl I loved, but never thought of being someone's else. But what to do? I didn't speak a word to the girl I saw , I didn't even know her name. But I never thought that my whole life change because of the girl I engaged. will I really love the one I'm engaged to? ------------ LI XUAN ----------

Moon11 · Adolescente
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9 Chs

Unexpected Proposal

''Shinar.... Shinar.... wake up... It's too late for us go to the lab.''

'' AH OK.. OK.... I got up.... OH MY GOD... this girl will never let me sleep..''

Rosy smiled like an innocent baby when she said, '' you can sleep after work today''

------ My name is Mei Roulan. I am now twenty three years old. I am a geography scientist and Actress. At age of 19 , while studying at a university in Australia , I participated in competition and was elected that year university princess. Since my childhood my dream was become a geography scientist , but I also got a opportunity to become an actress. Talking about my family ,my father is a businessman. My parents are always busy because our family has business in several countries. Also I have one sister one year youngers than me.

Now it was none other than Rosy who yelled at me to got up. I call her my best friend more than my assistant . Her parents died when she was young , she grow up being bullied by her aunt. I met her two years ago when I visit her village for research, since then I have been with her every ups and downs of my life.

'' Rosy. I'm ready let's go''

Even if I didn't go to the lab everyday she helps me with my work .

'' Look who is coming'' Kai said.


when I entered the lab everyone looked at Fang Lan.

Fang Lan is someone who studied with me. Almost everyone in the lab knows that he likes me.

''GOOD MORNIG SHINAR! Have you lost weight?'' he said looking at my face.

I know that everyone in the lab is looking at us now , also Rosy is angry with me at the moment. Having said that, Fang Lan likes me but has not expressed his feeling yet. A year ago , I had to face lot of problem because Fang Lan. That's why Rosy doesn't even want me to talk to Fang Lan.

I could not embrace him at this time so I talked him as usual.

'' It's been a long time since you've seen me. That's probably why.''

'' That's true. why are you here today? you have a ceremony this evening, right?''

''This man has found that too... where the ghost that followed Shinar since her previous life?'' whispered Rosy.

''AH yes, there is a ceremony today. Professor Cheng asked me to come. That's why I came today?''

'' OK then . See you later.''

''OK Fang Lan. see you.''

'' In your dream?'' Rosy muttered.


'' Shinar , are you here ''

'' yes you asked me to come, so I came'' I said and smiled.

Professor Cheng was my first teacher. I came from Australia and joined the lab and worked with him.

''I called you today asked for a help?'' professor Cheng asked looking out of the corner of his eye. He know that I am busy person, and he asks me for help only in the most difficult situations.

'' Tell me. what is the help? May be you want my heart?'' At that time he and I couldn't stop laughing.

''Many people are waiting in the line win your heart? so why I want your heart?'' Professor Cheng knows that I don't approach anyone easily. especially when it comes to love. I didn't have an answer to give him so I looked down.

'' you know I'm retiring. I gave classes to another professor at the university. but now she is pregnant. That's why I want you.....'' he stopped.

'' OKAY. you want me to teach that class. It's small thing.''

'' Thank you Shinar.''

'' If nothing else, I'll go and let's have your retirement party some other time.''

''Shinar, don't get too busy with work, think about your self. ''he said.

'' Hmm, I got it.''

After leaving the lab , we went to the event venue.

'' Shinar, we will be ready in a little while. now take some rest.''

''Ok. Rosy , go eat something. don't starve.'' I said looking out the window of the room I was in.

A few hors later , I was standings in front of the mirror dressed in a mix of blue and black frock.

''Shinar, you look so beautiful today. No words to say''

'' Thank you my Rosy Baby...''

'' Is that what everyone is saying that sister Shinar is a Princess'' said the makeup artist next to me.

Rosy and I came out the dressing room as it was almost time for the award ceremony to start. After entering the award ceremony , I sat with my friend Zhou Yan. Thus , in several step of the award ceremony , the moment to present the award for the best actor and the award went to the world famous Wang Leo. He got on the stage and received the award and started the speech.

''I am really thankful for this award. I am thankful to everyone who helped me during this time. and I have another thing to say. I have crush.'' Leo said.

At that moment , everyone was surprised.

''I met her few months ago when I went to an Ad shoot. she is beautiful and cute. After talking to her for a while I decided she was right one person for me. I think It was love at first sight.''

'' SHINAR....''

As soon as my name was called over the microphone , not only everyone look at me, the camera was also direct towards me. I couldn't imagine what to do in that situation. So I smiled sightly.

After saying this, he came from the stage and came in front of me with a bouquet of red roses. Then I accepted the bouquet because I could not refuse it in front of everyone.

English is not my first language. if there is a mistake plese tell me. I'll correct it.

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