
Episode 3 p2

(The episode opens with Charlie sends a wave of golden aura to the wall, but that didn't work)

Charlie (whispers): Okay, magic doesn't work, okay I give up.

(Princess K gets off Charlie, sleep walks to the wall and smashes it, this makes a hole)

(Charlie is shocked, but instead of staying that way, he goes to Princess K and puts her back in her arms, then runs out with his scepter)

Charlie (thought): Her power must help her sense when anybody is in trouble.

(Charlie leads to a light, then he is lead to a pit, where he sees a bunch of monsters eating bones, he backs slowly, but one of the monsters jump and was about to attack him)

(Sleepwalking Princess K kicks the monster, then knocks it out cold)

(More monsters come, then after a few brutal injuries, Princess K knocked out all of the monster, Charlie takes Princess K away, then teleports away)

(The screen shows Princess K and Charlie in another tunnel)

Charlie (whispers): Seriously! Another tunnel (walks up to the doorway, where he sees a fountain) Odd

(A bunch of kids appear from behind The fountain)

A girl: Are you lost?

Charlie: Yes, we are trying to get out of this maze.

A boy: Then, we can help you

Another girl: You see magic doesn't work here, so we created a exit the old way (showing a hole)

Another boy: I'll guide you

Charlie: Thank you

(They start to walk through the exit)

The boy: Are you a sorcerer?

Charlie: Yes, I am (looking at sleeping Princess K) she is a princess.

The boy: Cool, are you betrothed?

Charlie: No, just partners

The boy: Oh!

(A bright light appears and both Charlie and the boy see a beautiful river)

The boy: There you go.

Charlie: Thank you so much.

(Charlie teleports away)

(The boy walks back into the tunnel and to his group)

(Episode ends)