
Princess's Wrathful Friend

Dragons are prideful creatures. They're powerful but more importantly they're wrathful, vengeful , and loyal. What happens if you happen to pick up a boy who grew up with the dragons and swore his loyalty to you.

Nacht_Merrie · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Flight 10- Tikki's Sanctuary

The two girls weren't able to move or say a word other than ""WOW!!"" they were amazed that such a peaceful place was found inside such a dangerous forest.

"Wha- how- why-where are we?" Alessia asked as she looked at the forest behind her and the peaceful atmosphere she can see in front of her.

It's completely understandable seeing the gloomy and creepy forest that reeks of death and the bright and colorful place in front of her filled with new yet cute creatures as well as structures.

"This is Tikki's real territory"

"Tikki? Who's that?" asked Clara

"Nobody, this place is always colorful and full of resources yet it's been closed off." Yuki said as he plucked a flower before sending mana into it's stem making it grow back.

"Why?" Alessia asked but seeing the remorseful yet definitely angry look on Yuki's face they had an inkling to why.

"Are you seriously asking me that. Of course! you mortals always play the fool the ones without knowledge you're stupid but I pretty sure you know the answer already evident from the looks on your faces" Yuki said as he glared at them smiling sarcastically.

"You know the usual Mortals fight over the treasure, resources, and territory they can get. In the end the fools were driven out by nature itself and both of them end up with casualties and losses." Yuki said the smile on his face widening.

"You know what's even funnier? The fools didn't even care about the casualties they cried about the money they wasted HAHAHAHAHA!" Yuki's laugh scared the two girls as the crazed look in his eyes made the Alessia and Clara's tremble.

"In the end the families of the deceased soldiers protested but those greedy kings didn't even bat an eye and even spat on their faces starting a revolt. In the end all of them died as the kings died in their respective kingdoms and the rebels killed each other for the position" Yuki said.

Soon it clicked to the two girls which kingdoms Yuki was talking about the reason wasn't written in history books but they knew which kingdoms it was.

"Well at least that's what I told tsk tsk" Yuki said as he continued walking animals passed by them without a care for the world tempting them to play with them.

The girls hurriedly made a house using earth magic similar to the on they first made with some added facilities with relative ease.

A bath and shower was added and some furniture like seats and small table for them to sit on. The bath and shower, although it's called a shower it's really just a small room where you can use magic to pour water on your self using magic and the bath needs to be filled as well.


As soon as the two girls finished building the house they took off to look for creatures they might be able to play with.

Whilst running towards the creatures they were surprised by a sudden high-pitched whistle that made them trip.

When they look at where it came from they saw a small bamboo like plant that's being stepped on by Clara.

Clara moved her feet allowing the bamboo-like plant to stand again.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to step on you" Clara apologized while patting its side.

With a few angry whistle the bamboo-like plant calmed down and started to play some playful whistle as the other bamboo-like plants beside it all start to move accordingly and played similar tunes with differing tones all complimenting each other like a band.

"I'm gonna call you guys flute bandboo" Alessia smiled as she listened to the bandboos. Some excited whistles where heard as if agreeing to her.

A few fluffy birds came by to play after hearing the bandboos tune chirping happily to their tune.

When people say fluffy birds people would think of a bird with a bit of fluff but the fluffy birds are different. The fluffy birds are quite small without their fur, just as small as a human hand with small wings. with their fur they are a bit bigger than a humans head.

These birds way of flight is amazing instead of going at a constant height their way of flight makes them look like they are bouncing out nothing.

A bird had the idea to go straight into Alessia arms as if asking to hug and cuddled and another went in Clara asking for the same.


The two girls happily obliged as they hugged the fluffy birds and petting them to their hearts content.

One more fluffy bird went to their arms and one more fluffy bird joined and one more fluffy bird joined and one more fluffy bird joined and one more fluffy bird joined and one more fluffy bird joined and one more fluffy bird joined and one more fluffy bird joined...

This went on until all the birds went into their arms to the point that they couldn't even stand anymore and were just laying in the floor getting hugged and cuddled by the two girls.

The two girls however were overjoyed at the fluffy heaven they were experiencing as they made sure to hug and cuddle every bird.

The girls continued playing with the birds running around with them they even took a stick and played fetch with them.

They found it cute as the birds bounced in the air racing to get the stick and bring it back to the two girls.

The girls squealed in delight as the bird were seen bouncing off each others bodies as they collide with each other it was quite the comedic sight.

As the day was about to end the birds all gave Alessia and Clara a random flower or leaf as a sign of thanks.

"Thanks guys" Alessia said as she held the gifts in her arms.

"I hope we get to play again" Clara said smiling.

The birds flew back to their nest as Alessia and Clara waved them goodbye.

"I hope we get to meet more fun creatures, Clara" Alessia said with a smile as they were walking back to Yuki.

"Yes, I hope so too" Clara answered back.

""Wow~"" The two girls can't help but gasp at the sight before them.

As the night fell a bunch of flowers in the ground started glowing silver light.

Moon Sprouts this flower produces light for night creatures.

The two stopped walking for a moment without realizing it. The scene in front of them was that good as the plains in front of them glowed silver thanks to these flowers.

Some had dense population some had scarce and spaced a bit from each other.

The two continued walking breathing in the sight.

"I hope we get to see more of these sight together" Clara said bending over to touch some of the Moon Sprouts below her.

"I hope we can experience more together too" Alessia said doing the same as Clara.

"Un, together"


As the two girls were talking, they were unaware that back at their base Yuki has got a... captive.

"Believe me mate I wasn't following you guys" a boy wearing a green hood said his face covered by a circular wooden mask that has no holes. On it was a smiley face drawn on.

"Why are you here?" Yuki asked.

"I don't really know mate I just got an errand to explore the place and help Yuki" The boy said looking at hum.

'His telling the truth'

"I don't even know who Yuki is I just got teleported here and bam you caught me" The boy said.

"Fine, but you listen to my orders if I see you doing something suspicious I'm killing you..." Yuki stopped he was about to call the boy a mortal but he felt something in him.

"Sen, call me Sen you are..." The boy called Sen said looking at him.

"You're not human are you? What are you?" Yuki asked.

"I don't really know as well mate. My status says my race is Human???" Sen said as his left eye glowed white soon a rectangular screen appeared in the air showing various information.


Race: Human??? (temporarily)

Job Class: Apostle

Sub Class: Sand man

Hit Points: 245,050/250,000

Mana: 189,902/275,000

Strength: 1225

Agility: 1400

Vitality: 1250

Intelligence: 1025

Dexterity: 9,750


Yuki more or less understood what the items in the status meant but what he didn't know was what it actually converts too.

"If you want I can show you yours" Sen said as he tilted his head.

"Let me untie you first then" Yuki answered back.

After untying Sen, Yuki sat down and watched Sen stretch his body.


Sen's left eye glowed white again indicating the use of his power.


Race: Dragon

Job Class: Wandering Guardian

Sub Class: Butler

Hit Points: 1,500,000/1,500,000

Mana: 1,750,000/1,750,000

Strength: 10000

Agility: 25000

Vitality: 15000

Intelligence: 10,000

Dexterity: 10,000


<Dragon Series> <All Element Magic> <Create Magic> <Alchemy Magic> <Mana Regeneration X> <Tame> <Duty> <Life Magic> <Dark Magic> <Forbidden Magic>...


Human Dragon

Human Dragon, after ascending and various process this human has become a dragon fully leaving behind his humanity. The remnants of his humanity even has allowed this Dragon to keep it's various skills instead of only being a element specific dragon.

Spirits' Friend

Friends with spirits and sprites, this title is given to those acknowledge by spirits allowing them to communicate with them and sub-spirit creatures.

Beasts' Friend

Friends with intelligent beasts...


Yuki's status screen was so long that Sen had to expand it or scroll to see everything.

"This shows almost everything doesn't it?" Yuki said as he continued reading his status he knew how he acquired most of them during his training but there were some funny and weird ones he didn't know was there.

"Yeah... Sorry I forgot to dial it down a little I'm not quite there yet but once I get used to my abilities I could control it at will" Sen said scratching his head gently.

"It's fine, I have a different skill but it's less informative" Yuki said.

"I'm Yuki the guy you're supposed to help"

"Then once again I'm Sen at your service."

The two shook hands as a chime was heard and a voice was heard.

<Title Acquired: Friend of the Human Dragon>

<Title Acquired: Friend of the Sand Man>

<Title Acquired: Friend of God's Apostle>

A title was given to Sen whilst two were given to Yuki.

"Aren't you quite unfair. Why does he get two and I only get one?"

<There is no unfairness titles acquired are calculated correctly and fairly>

A monotone voice answered back.

"Tch" Sen clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Guess that just means I need to unlock my potential first..." Sen mumbled under his breath.

"Hey! what are we going to do here fight some drago- oh sorry mate, look for some hidden treasure, or save a beautiful princess? Just say the word and I'll help" Sen said as he lightly hit himself with his fist.

"Who's this?"

"Your subordinate?"

The girls ask.

"No, no he's Sen and apparently his been ordered by some higher up to help us. He's a helper for now" Yuki explained

"That's right I'm a helper, hel-per." Sen said treating them like kids.

"Yuki, should I?"

"Yes please." Yuki nodded.


Sen's left eye glowed white.

""Whoa it's so high"" ""Pfft""