
Prince of the Moon. Child of Space.

Warning ! R18 Scenes and dark elements will be present in this story. Such as : Poverty, hunger, war, breeding, murder, scheming, politics, and betrayal. However, do not let that fool you, for there will still be hope, and goodness spread throughout the story. Vector ( MC ) pays kindness with kindness, and death with death. He’s simply a man doing what he wants, when he wants, wherever he wants. A Hero to some and a villain to others… - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( Usually 5 + chapters a week, chapters usually around 2,700 - 5,000 words. Please read until chapter 10-13. My writing improves drastically. ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vector, had a childhood that could only be described with one word, and that word, “hell”. Having grown up during the chaotic times of world war 4. With no parents, no support, no love, or any clear ambition. Vector’s life was a repeated, constant, and miserable cycle. His only escape was his death. At the young age of 19, with a bullet in his gut, and his built up regret… Vector died. Vector could only curse his own weakness, the sh#t world, and his long suppressed will to gain power. His end coming to a near, his existence snuffed out, and his dream of power gone. Yet his death was not his ending, no in actuality, it was his beginning. For he would have the chance to gain the power once more. - - - Vector Invidia Zenith, the 3rd prince of the Zenith kingdom, was born a “dud”. What was a dud? It’s a magical being, naturally born with no mana, nor had the ability to gain mana. You could imagine his treatment, when the whole world ran on mana. In all eyes of the world, including his own family’s, he was “trash” and useleses. Constantly tortured by his brothers, step-mother’s, and all the other noble kids… He grew resentful, vile, and “evil” by all standards. Constantly drunk, harassing girls, and even treating one of the only people to ever show him love… his mother, in a rude and cruel way. His father, the King finally having enough of the constant shame brought upon by his 3rd son, exiled Vector away to his given lands. These lands were supposed to be provided for, taken care of, and protected. Alas, Vector did not care… and as a result, his people died, starved, and gang activity ensured. However, this would all change. On the road there, his caravan was attacked by highly trained Demonic-Fae, sent by the Den Kingdom. His party slaughtered, himself captured, and his fate sealed. Thrown into a slave mine, with the worst of conditions, and used as leverage against the Zenith Kingdom… Vector despaired. Mining day in and day out, for 3 constant years, laughed at by the whole world. His body and mind could take no more. At the young age of 19, with constant near death starvation, exhaustion, and blood loss.. Vector died. - - - 2 lives filled with misery and pain. 2 lives filled with despair and no love. 2 lives suppressing their long desired goal of power. Yet these 2 lives were not so different. For these two bodies housed fragments of the same soul. Watch as these fragments re-emerge, creating a whole new being. A being that will know no bound. A being that will strive for power. A being that will not bow to anyone! Vector Invidia Zenith, will make the whole world kneel, or he’ll die trying, for he only has one real goal. World Domination? Yes, but quite. A Kingdom? Again, close, but not quite. Yandere wives? OF COURSE!! … ahem* … I mean, Yes, but still not there yet. For what he truly desires is something completely unprecedented… What he wants is control! Control over everything … - - - Watch Vector rise from a slave to a King. From a King to an Emperor… watch him shed his immortal body for something more… something primordial… something cosmic. Watch the Prince of the Moon, as he rises time and time again. Simply doing what he wants…

SpatialDevil · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
30 Chs

A simple spec of light floating through the abyss.

Time has passed, though who knew, how many years, centuries, or even how many millennia it had been.

Was time real in the abyss? In the darkness that was never-ending.

Vector's conscience was gone, for all intents and purposes he's dead now. His memories had long faded, his life was extinguished, and his soul was slowly fading.

However, in a fleeting moment a blue aura could be seen pulsing around his soul. With various circles and cylinders evolving from each other forming a vortex.

Intricate patterns slowly appeared on each side of the milky white strands, misted in a small ball, which was his soul. These patterns were detailed and complex.

That bright blue aura slowly expanded and contracted until it was a stunning purple.

His soul, which had been stationary until now, slowly drifting through the abyss, suddenly began to spin until it took off...

The interesting part was, the soul did not appear traveling and rushing towards a destination, but rather resembled a magnet of some sort. It could only be described as some sort of rebound effect that rocketed it back to its original location…

That purple soul eventually found a planet surrounded by gold and purple. Swarms of color and huge gusts of wind filled the space. Like a cocoon winding up, multiplying, and constantly stringing together.

On the planet's opposite sides, three moons revolved around each other.

One dark red that constantly gave off dark wisps. Another grayish blue that pulsed various times, seemingly in a pattern. The last, a moon similar to the earth's, the biggest of them all, emitted silver moonlight.

Near the planet was a giant sun, which could only be described as giant and radiant. This sun was nothing like the earth's sun.

No, this sun was vibrant with various colors moving around. It appeared as a colored paint ball with splatters constantly changing color. With the background always being a dim orange.

This sun was at least triple the size of earth's sun. And if one looked closely, they would see civilizations and various beings roaming the sun, as if it was another planet itself...

Meanwhile, the planet in question was quadruple the size of earth.

Vector's soul finally reached its destination, hovering above the planet before suddenly plummeting with an untraceable speed.

It weaved around in space, passing through various colored mists and the splotches of color, which was the land of the planet. Finding its way into a mine where a young prince had taken his last breath in the most brutal of ways.

Exhaustion, dehydration, hunger, and blood loss killed the boy.

The boy's name. Ironically enough, it was Vector...

Vector Invidia Zenith: Third prince of the Zenith Empire, the strongest in the Faelands.

Home to millions of Fae, acting as an unofficial overseer of sorts for the Fae.

- - -

Vector's conscience slowly awakened... upon contact as the two souls collided with one another, slamming into the boys dwindling body, merging as one.

The souls appeared as a complex pattern of strings, constantly intertwining with each other, and eventually absorbing one another. As the souls moved, they created a deep rich purple hue and an obsidian black hue.

This aura pulsed, getting brighter and brighter... causing the wind to pick up, the sky slowly turned dark and gloomy. Lightning could be seen crackling across the now blackened clouds, not the normal blue... but gold and purple.

* Boom! Boom! Boom! *

Strikes reign down, rumbling the land above the mines, quaking the region on a huge scale, scaring hundreds of Fae and beasts.

A storm of this magnitude did not go unnoticed. This event attracted many wild beasts, various powerful beings, and even a few God beasts…

Though, it was of no concern, for Vector's mind was fully awake now. Reliving his last memories before his death. In addition to the glimpses of the journey his soul took to get here, mentally shaken by the seemingly forever and engulfing darkness.

The never-ending abyss, the coldness he felt, and the infinite nothing. Something that would make anyone regardless of their will, and desire to live, fall into despair of a whole different caliber.

However, at the onset of Vector's awakening, he was startled as a translucent purple and blue screen popped up, distracting him from the unpleasant thoughts.

With the outline in his vision of a simple square box in an ethereal lining, it appeared to him as... a screen, a status screen!

A voice boomed in his head. A genderless, but omnipotent, and neutral voice. Rather than a man or woman, this voice could only be described as a system; robotic and emotionless.

It had the air of authority but held nothing else but the feeling of its singular purpose, to display information.


[ SOUL RECONNECTING... 15%... 50%... 75%... 100% ]










Vector's conscience blacked out, instantly blank as pain flooded his whole being. His soul shrieked in pain, now stilled like before, unresponsive as he made his way deep within somewhere else...