
Prince of the Moon. Child of Space.

Warning ! R18 Scenes and dark elements will be present in this story. Such as : Poverty, hunger, war, breeding, murder, scheming, politics, and betrayal. However, do not let that fool you, for there will still be hope, and goodness spread throughout the story. Vector ( MC ) pays kindness with kindness, and death with death. He’s simply a man doing what he wants, when he wants, wherever he wants. A Hero to some and a villain to others… - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( Usually 5 + chapters a week, chapters usually around 2,700 - 5,000 words. Please read until chapter 10-13. My writing improves drastically. ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vector, had a childhood that could only be described with one word, and that word, “hell”. Having grown up during the chaotic times of world war 4. With no parents, no support, no love, or any clear ambition. Vector’s life was a repeated, constant, and miserable cycle. His only escape was his death. At the young age of 19, with a bullet in his gut, and his built up regret… Vector died. Vector could only curse his own weakness, the sh#t world, and his long suppressed will to gain power. His end coming to a near, his existence snuffed out, and his dream of power gone. Yet his death was not his ending, no in actuality, it was his beginning. For he would have the chance to gain the power once more. - - - Vector Invidia Zenith, the 3rd prince of the Zenith kingdom, was born a “dud”. What was a dud? It’s a magical being, naturally born with no mana, nor had the ability to gain mana. You could imagine his treatment, when the whole world ran on mana. In all eyes of the world, including his own family’s, he was “trash” and useleses. Constantly tortured by his brothers, step-mother’s, and all the other noble kids… He grew resentful, vile, and “evil” by all standards. Constantly drunk, harassing girls, and even treating one of the only people to ever show him love… his mother, in a rude and cruel way. His father, the King finally having enough of the constant shame brought upon by his 3rd son, exiled Vector away to his given lands. These lands were supposed to be provided for, taken care of, and protected. Alas, Vector did not care… and as a result, his people died, starved, and gang activity ensured. However, this would all change. On the road there, his caravan was attacked by highly trained Demonic-Fae, sent by the Den Kingdom. His party slaughtered, himself captured, and his fate sealed. Thrown into a slave mine, with the worst of conditions, and used as leverage against the Zenith Kingdom… Vector despaired. Mining day in and day out, for 3 constant years, laughed at by the whole world. His body and mind could take no more. At the young age of 19, with constant near death starvation, exhaustion, and blood loss.. Vector died. - - - 2 lives filled with misery and pain. 2 lives filled with despair and no love. 2 lives suppressing their long desired goal of power. Yet these 2 lives were not so different. For these two bodies housed fragments of the same soul. Watch as these fragments re-emerge, creating a whole new being. A being that will know no bound. A being that will strive for power. A being that will not bow to anyone! Vector Invidia Zenith, will make the whole world kneel, or he’ll die trying, for he only has one real goal. World Domination? Yes, but quite. A Kingdom? Again, close, but not quite. Yandere wives? OF COURSE!! … ahem* … I mean, Yes, but still not there yet. For what he truly desires is something completely unprecedented… What he wants is control! Control over everything … - - - Watch Vector rise from a slave to a King. From a King to an Emperor… watch him shed his immortal body for something more… something primordial… something cosmic. Watch the Prince of the Moon, as he rises time and time again. Simply doing what he wants…

SpatialDevil · Fantasía
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30 Chs

[ Chapter 27 ] - Caravan Attacked [ 2/2 ] / You dare touch my daughter??

AN: Story about to pick up!

P.S, Is it time for Vector to announce his return???...… hahahah!

P.P.S, Let me know how this chapter is, I personally think it's one of my best … hehe, but I'm biased.. of course;)


- - -

When everything was complete, he let the shroud go back to its original state, one where it moved with freedom, assisting the user, but where it was unpredictable, which worked well usually. Especially in Showdo's case, as he was very unpredictable himself…

'Time to have some fun, hehe' thought Showdo, as he rushed towards the opposition, who were currently scrambling about, flinging spells to try and break the Mana Zone.

Alas, no effort was made, and so, it was time for death….

- - -

Vector having finished with saving the three families of the recently made friends of Khione, while securing them safely. Started to then make his way towards where the action was. However, as soon as he looked towards the area, just as he was about to blink. He was quickly met with a sight of beauty, elegance, and pure danger.

A cloud of what could only be described as Eternal Darkness start to float upward in an unnatural way, which defied even gravity, as it expanded, contracted, and expanded once more. Now covering the area of the entire battlefield, or what was once the battlefield.

Vector feeling the magical signature emitting out of it, instantly put together it was Showdo's, and so, he finally opened his Spacial Eye.


Reaching the edge of the Mana Zone, in a mere second, he probed the area with his Spacial Magic, in utter dismay at the current display of power.

- - -

Meanwhile inside the Mana Zone, Showdo was effectively going to work. He did what he did best. He Reaped all who dared to defy him, and his darkness.

As the bandits grouped together, using the magic they all had, to intertwine corrupted vines, they fought back in a group effort. Even without any vision, they could still feel, and in a sense "see", as the Mana Zone was still over the land of the world.

Which they had full control over. And so, the bandits effectively grouped together in a formation, consisting of 10 Metal Berserkers in the front, as the tanks. While the other 14 or so bandits, pressed Showdo with corrupted vines, thorn bullets, and even boulders.

Showdo feeling slightly to comfortable, as he was in HIS zone, pressed on forward, with no thought of anything but taking the life out of the Foes.

- - -

Darkness was a particular element, as it was a broad spectrum to generalize types of magic. One Dark element user might be effective at curses, while another would be effective at necromancy, or one such as Showdo being effective at shadow control. With each particular use, came a different feeling or emotion as well.

Mana and emotion go hand in hand.

For Showdo, it feed into his bloodlust, the darkness did not want to devour as Vector's Mana wanted to always do. No, it wanted to establish a dominance. It was defiant, as it was stuffed into the depths of the earth, almost as it was the second choice of the world.

So, that anger made it fuel and burn for dominance. To show what it truly was, not a mere shadow, but a hell of sorts, a never ending torture.

An Eternal Darkness.

- - -


Showdo pressing against the line of 10 men, commanded his shadows to morph into a cage, which then surrounded them all, starling each bandit tank. Who after seeing the predicament they were in, tried reinforced their bodies with extra Mana, but it was far too late.

Commanding the cage to shrink, compacting on them, applying pressure to each, while then commanding his Shadow Cage to send out various spikes of pure Darkness. Which resulted in the closest 5 bandits, to die a slowly and non resistant death, as they screamed in agony.



"We're going to die!!!"

"DO I-… Ughhhh"


"Call the Prince! We need him!"



* THUD *

"Shut the f#ck up vermin" muttered Showdo, as he sent another shadow slash, effortlessly decapitating the last bandit tank. Leaving the other 14 bandits left, which he then rushed towards as well. While commanding the cage he had in front of them to dissipate.

- - -

'Half mana, I need to finish this now, before they draw it out' thought Showdo, as he deflected and dodged the incoming corrupted blackish vines, which came straight for him.

Weaving in and out of each, he reached one of the FAE, and sliced with ease..

* THUD *


"IS THE PRINCE COMING?!!!!!" yelled the squad leader of this bandit group, who then got a reply by the bandit in the back, who held a communication device close to his ear.

"He hasn't answered sir!"

Showdo seeing the squad leader, giving commands, sent a barrage of shadow slashes and spikes, in the process killing 2 bandits as they protected the squad leader. Which in turn, made the squad leader burn with hatred, as he screamed the question again,


Which he then got the reply which made him relax… slightly.

"He's on his way sir! The King is sending him now!"

'Good' thought the squad leader as he rushed toward Showdo.

The two now exchanging heavy blows, Shadow & Darkness vs Corrupted Nature, which consisted of various vines, rocks, and metals of all sorts.

As Showdo worked his way around, attacking blow by blow against the singular opponent, he suddenly disappeared. Only to appear behind the bandit line, as he wiped out another 6 men, in a single horizontal slash.

This Mana control and power costed a heavy debt, but it well worth it, so he thought at the time…

The remaining bandit's and the squad leader, then pulled back, reforming their formation, as they intertwined corrupted vines, to form a moving protective case, which looked as miniature castle of sorts.

Showdo seeing this, grimaced, as the combined and compacted Mana, would be very hard to penetrate, especially as Earth / Nature magic had the best defensive ability out of the elements. Nevertheless, this was his zone, and he would do as he please.

Willing his zone to uncover the surviving families, which they then widened their eyes in shock, as the once sunny day, returned to them. All crying as some survived, while some died. Yet, they clung to each other, watching as the once large misty shadow started to become smaller and smaller.

- - -

Vector arriving in time, as he blinked rapidly to get there, witnessed as the once large shadowy Mana Zone, dissipated, as the now bloodied, and body filled battlefield could be seen. The land itself black and corrupted, while it was soaked with blood.

However, that wasn't what caught everyone's eye at the moment.

It was the now massive, blackened, and shadowy spear floating above the heads of the remaining bandits. Showdo, barley standing, as his left leg trembled, whispered two last words, as he collapsed due to Mana exhaustion, which everyone could hear clearly.

"Shadow Release"

At this moment, the whole surrounding area began to tremble form these words, slightly, but still, the land itself trembled. As a deep silence took hold over everyone present.

As they use to say on earth, there is always a period of calmness, before the storm strikes.

Exactly so.


An explosion of pure darkness took place.

The massive darkened spear drove into the ground, causing a massive explosion, which resulted in a gigantic impacted crater. As the once alive FAE bandits, were now nothing but blood and mush. Fully flattened out by the compacted Dark & Shadow magic.

Which now permeated the air, flooding out in waves, as dust flew by all who were in proximity. With wisps of Darkness still visible, as Showdo himself was now about to collapse, but before he could,


Vector caught him, while saying two words, which put Showdo at erase, as he instantly crashed into a deep slumber.

"Good Job" Vector muttered to Showdo, happy that it was over… or so he thought.

Vector's Spacial Aura which was still active, as it usually was, felt several incoming figures approaching… by the back of the caravan camp, where Khione was waiting…

"F#ck!!" muttered Vector, as he started to blink rapidly once more, to arrive to the destination, albeit, slightly too late.

As the group of over 30 additional bandits, alongside the so called "Prince" had already arrived.

- - -

- Bandit Prince -

"Scout ahead, find all survivors, capture them. Do not kill them yet, they can be useful to persuade others who can still fight. Then all of the supplies, alongside a fresh batch of slaves, shall be ours, HAH" yelled the "Prince".

Which invoked several cheers, responses, and yells of motivation, as the bandits started to spread out. The Prince himself watched with greedy and lustful eyes, as he wanted to enjoy himself …

However, as his men started to spread out, an aura of danger started to approach, even for him. Which meant this foe was significantly powered, as the Prince himself, was level 118! He was very adapt at using Dark Nature magic like the rest of the Dark Zora bandits, yet he held something even stronger, Death Magic.

Which was an evolved version of dark magic, something thar didn't just exchange life for power, but essentially just stole life. Rather than devouring something, it kept it whole, while sucking out the needed ingredients. So, he was not worried one bit… however, this would soon change …

As a certain someone, just arrived not 50 feet away from the now scavenging group, who happened to land at Khione's carriage door, as they busted through. Finding the little girl, who happened to be asleep, from the constant crying and shock she's been through.

However, as soon as they grabbed the little girl, she instantly woke up with wide eyes. She started to scream, kick, punch, and fling herself at the bandits holding her. Doing anything she could to escape.

The Prince seeing this, was delighted, as she would make a nice slave … and so he commanded his people to bring her to him.

"Bring her to me" yelled the bandit Prince.

Which the people replied to, by instantly dragging the little girl by her feet, as her back scraped the ground, towards him. All the while, as she begged, cried, and screamed for help.

The bandits dropping Khione in front of their Prince, then looked at him with lustful and hateful eyes. As they proceeded to say seriously, as the vile men they were,

"Prince, can we indulge in her next. She's young… hahahah" laughed a bandit, as he looked at the little girl crying, in lust.

"Agreed!" replied another Bandit.

"Hahahahah" laughed another.

"Yes!!! Let's us Prince" replied another.

"Indeed, she will make a great slave" said another.

"Hehehe, calm down men. We must first take over the rest of the Caravan. Now let me inspect her" replied the Prince, as he picked up the sobbing little girl. However, upon doing so, he released something far more dangerous than he could've ever expected.

F#ck death. Or Eternal Darkness. What is that? In face of nothing at all, yet everything at once? Space? Void Ice? Nah, not even the elements needed to be said this time.

It was him.

All him.

He was angry.





Blood Thirsty.



Ready to murder all.

And so, as Vector raged with a feeling he thought he would never feel again, which was unconditional love. Nor, the feeling of possessiveness that washed over him.

He knew.

She was his.

Since the moment he met her, he knew. He would adopt this girl. It was his daughter now. And hell could freeze over, before he let a single hair be touched upon her head. Plans can change, such as people, and Vector was currently evolving.

So with the countless responses Vector could've said, only one sounded right, which in turn, meant the world for Khione. As she now cried with happiness and Joy.

While these words, and the aura of impending doom, drove straight into the bandits, cashing them to feel immense fear.

Even the higher leveled Prince.

They provoked something they shouldn't have. A Father. Or rather, a crazy, Spacial User, Royal Prince, who is sightly crazy… nope, completely crazy. Alongside of having no remorse to kill who needs to be killed, as well as being person who was trained by wild beasts, while also being caged like one.

For 3 Years….

- - -

"Who Dares TOUCH MY FUCKING DAUGHTER?!!!!!!!!!!!!" yelled Vector, his voice now sounding nothing like the charming man he was, but something of a different entity.

Something Cosmic.

Vector might've not noticed as he was too angry to focus on anything else, but in this moment, fueled by his emotions, Space started to warp around him. Small Cracks and fissures appearing as a jagged line, being slicked across the sky, as he walked forward slowly.

His eyes on ramming on his targets, while his vision turned red, his bloodlust fully exposed. Directed at all, expect Khione, who was already passed out, due to the strenuous Aura.

Which was good for Vector, because she shouldn't have to see the scene which will come next.

It won't be a fight, nor a battle, or even a massacre.

These men will beg for death.

No matter how long, or what ways Vector has to use. He will be sure to make it happen. These men deserve no honor, taking slaves, abusing and rasping little girls… but most of all… simply touching his daughter.

They shall pay.

And pay they shall.

- - -

Vector not even bothering to rush towards the 30 men who were getting in formation, all feeling the threat of this lone figure, yet too confident as they had the numbers. Especially so, as the Prince himself was powerful, and a higher level.

But what did Vector care? Level wasn't everything, this wasn't a RPG or a game. Plus they didn't have Space, which Vector happened to have, and so, he opened his Spacial eye for the second time tonight.

Yet, something was different this time…

During his now raging emotions of anger, he commanded his Spacial Magic to listen to his commands, not obey, nor work with, to simply listen, and so he had another epiphany, which resulted in more of his bloodline skill to unlock.

[ Reality Warping Eyes (56%) ] -> (+14%) [ Reality Warping Eyes (70%) ]

This higher precent, like the other times, unlocked another innate use, besides his already overpowered Spacial Eye and Void Plane manipulation. This use was far more dangerous, in a manner of speaking, as it was a pure offensive ability.

Something that would inflict pure destruction against Vector's foes. His current Foes, & Foes which would soon come in the near distant future…

- - -

'Spacial Eradication… hmm, sounds handy' thought Vector, as he angrily swiped his hand, activating the use for the first time. Resulting in something most unexpected…


The area in which Vector waved his hand, started to slowly crackle and pop with energy. As the mana which was now forming was something all people present have never seen, Vector included. The Mana twisted and formed, until it evened out, smoothing out the once twisted ball of Mana, into a clean horizontal blade, approximately 10 feet in size.

This thin looking blade, was in the shape of a half arc, as a blackish and blue colored aura, tinted it. As well, as the middle slowly sparkling, twinkling even, as what appeared as stars in the middle, slowly shined.

The blade pulsed once more, until Vector finally let it go.

In this moment, the whole field was silent, even the bandit Prince, for all his years of living, has never seen anything so beautiful yet deadly.

This Mana was elegant, dangerous, and beautiful. However, their thoughts on this would quickly change, because …

As the thin blade suddenly shot out, in a speed that even Vector couldn't track with his Spacial Eye. Went directly towards 5 bandits on the right side of the formation, who were all equipped with low ranking Mythical Armor.

As the slash made contact with all 5, no resistance was evident, it simply cut through each, as it was made to do so. There was no blood, nor any mark of existence left. The parts of the men, which split them in half, was simply gone.

Yes, Vector didn't just send parts of these men to the Void, which in theory was possible, and could work, just as this attack just did.


He quite literally erased their entire existence, due to his Spacial Eradication, which as the name suggested, obliterated everything it came into contact with….as long as the power it came into contact with, was not rivaling Vector's.

See, Vector's level may still be on a lower scale, but his Mana was not. As those three long years of constantly absorbing mana changed his body significantly. He was no ordinary FAE, or even a normal individual, as one had to struggle to harness the Mana in the air.

He was a vortex.

A greedy one, as well.

He was a pure vessel of Mana.

And so, as Vector watched his attack slice right through these men cleanly, precisely, and effortlessly. He now had some ideas. As that one attack took too much Mana, draining about 10% of the Mana he currently held. So, what if he used it in short bursts? Did the power really get effected that much? Or was it the size and shape that caused the Mana consumption to sky rocket in price?

'Time to find out, ha' thought Vector, as he rushed towards his now shocked Foes, who stood in place, as their knees rattled and buckled in fear, from the display of absolute power.

Vector reaching the front line of bandits, as they didn't have enough time to recover, willed his Spacial Eradication to barley activate, and only to do so, on the the tips of his knuckles.

Which resulted in a deadly combination of power, speed, and well… Eradication.

'Spacial Fist Hahahah' thought Vector, as erased the bandit's before him, punching cleanly through each one's head, torso, and or heart. Vector dropped the bodies, with no remorse. As the bandit onlookers, as well as the surviving families looked on, in total fear and awe.

Each place where Vector stood, another body dropped, as he rushed against the line of bandits, knocking them down in a momentum, just as dominoes.

One by One.

With no resistance from them, at all.

* BAM *

* THUD *

* BAM *

* THUD *

* BAM *

* THUD *

* BAM *

* THUD *

* BAM *

* THUD *

* BAM *

* THUD *

* BAM *

* THUD *

* BAM *

* THUD *

* BAM *

* THUD *

* BAM *

* THUD *

* BAM *

* THUD *

* BAM *

* THUD *

* BAM *

* THUD *

Vector having just killed the entire front line of bandits, started to advance where the rest of the bandits were located, right where the so called "Prince" of bandits stood, where Khione was now laying, approximately 30 feet away.

- - -

However, just as he was about to rush towards the last line, he felt a raging aura build up, and finally explode…

"ENOUGHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" screamed the bandit Prince, who was now covered in a pure black substance, as vines, leaves, trees, and even rocks started to interlock on him. Creating a golem-like suite of armor, which then inspired the other bandits to wake up from their stupor.

Vector paused as he inspected the situation, as he felt a sense of foreboding from this power, which made him hesitant, even if he did have his newly acquired Spacial Eradication. Vector knew he couldn't use it forever, as the Mana cost was great, and he had to make sure that Khione was not caught in the crossfire.

Vector looking towards, the now 13 foot "Prince" stationed inside his unnatural creation of death and nature. Directed his eyes at the only visible part of the "Prince's" body, which was his head, which poked out of the suit. And said in quiet but menacing tone, for all to hear.

"Hand over my daughter, and I promise to spare you. However, your men must die regardless, as their actions have killed many innocents."

Of course Vector meant no word he just spoke, as he would have the "Prince's" head on a spike. Even if the was the last thing he would do.

The Prince seeing what Vector was trying to do, feeling slightly bold, as Vector was obviously hesitant now, responded back.

"Haha! Don't play with me. I don't care what forbidden magic you might have. The fact of the matter is this. I'm more powerful than you. I have more men. AND, I'm going to slowly enjoy each and every second, with your Daughter"replied the bandit Prince, as he drew out the word of daughter, while licking his lips towards the unconscious and small girl.

The Prince saying this, as his confidence and arrogance grew, closed his eyes, imaging the vile seen as gasped in pleasure. Thinking he was safe and in control. However, when he reopened his eyes, he was met with a scene of unthinkable speed and power…

Each and every single bandit he brought along was already dead.

The bandit's bodies were strewn all over the place. Limbs ripped, heads decapitated, organs pulled from their bodies, and a lone figure completely drenched in a mess of blood. As his shining eyes were the only thing peeking through the gore. One appearing as bright shining amethyst. While the other appeared as black as the night sky.

All the while, the man in question, had a smile that would make any step back in fear. It was maniacal, one that held no sense of fear, nor any logic.

It displayed pure emotion.

Hate. Anger. Destruction.

Vector appeared as the incarnate of Wrath himself, his voice now distorted, and his whole being nothing like he once was. Each and every hair on his body started to float upwards, flapping around, as fissures of space appeared around him.


Not around him.

He was one.

He was the fissure of space.

He was space.

He was the Prince of the Moon.

- - -

AN: I hoped you enjoyed!

The next chapter will be dropping later today as well, maybe even two! After next fight which will obviously occur in the next chapter, the plot really starts to play out.

Thank you all, for sticking with me! I hope you have seen my improvement, as I think I've gotten better, lol ;)

- SpacialDevil