
Prince of the Moon. Child of Space.

Warning ! R18 Scenes and dark elements will be present in this story. Such as : Poverty, hunger, war, breeding, murder, scheming, politics, and betrayal. However, do not let that fool you, for there will still be hope, and goodness spread throughout the story. Vector ( MC ) pays kindness with kindness, and death with death. He’s simply a man doing what he wants, when he wants, wherever he wants. A Hero to some and a villain to others… - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( Usually 5 + chapters a week, chapters usually around 2,700 - 5,000 words. Please read until chapter 10-13. My writing improves drastically. ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vector, had a childhood that could only be described with one word, and that word, “hell”. Having grown up during the chaotic times of world war 4. With no parents, no support, no love, or any clear ambition. Vector’s life was a repeated, constant, and miserable cycle. His only escape was his death. At the young age of 19, with a bullet in his gut, and his built up regret… Vector died. Vector could only curse his own weakness, the sh#t world, and his long suppressed will to gain power. His end coming to a near, his existence snuffed out, and his dream of power gone. Yet his death was not his ending, no in actuality, it was his beginning. For he would have the chance to gain the power once more. - - - Vector Invidia Zenith, the 3rd prince of the Zenith kingdom, was born a “dud”. What was a dud? It’s a magical being, naturally born with no mana, nor had the ability to gain mana. You could imagine his treatment, when the whole world ran on mana. In all eyes of the world, including his own family’s, he was “trash” and useleses. Constantly tortured by his brothers, step-mother’s, and all the other noble kids… He grew resentful, vile, and “evil” by all standards. Constantly drunk, harassing girls, and even treating one of the only people to ever show him love… his mother, in a rude and cruel way. His father, the King finally having enough of the constant shame brought upon by his 3rd son, exiled Vector away to his given lands. These lands were supposed to be provided for, taken care of, and protected. Alas, Vector did not care… and as a result, his people died, starved, and gang activity ensured. However, this would all change. On the road there, his caravan was attacked by highly trained Demonic-Fae, sent by the Den Kingdom. His party slaughtered, himself captured, and his fate sealed. Thrown into a slave mine, with the worst of conditions, and used as leverage against the Zenith Kingdom… Vector despaired. Mining day in and day out, for 3 constant years, laughed at by the whole world. His body and mind could take no more. At the young age of 19, with constant near death starvation, exhaustion, and blood loss.. Vector died. - - - 2 lives filled with misery and pain. 2 lives filled with despair and no love. 2 lives suppressing their long desired goal of power. Yet these 2 lives were not so different. For these two bodies housed fragments of the same soul. Watch as these fragments re-emerge, creating a whole new being. A being that will know no bound. A being that will strive for power. A being that will not bow to anyone! Vector Invidia Zenith, will make the whole world kneel, or he’ll die trying, for he only has one real goal. World Domination? Yes, but quite. A Kingdom? Again, close, but not quite. Yandere wives? OF COURSE!! … ahem* … I mean, Yes, but still not there yet. For what he truly desires is something completely unprecedented… What he wants is control! Control over everything … - - - Watch Vector rise from a slave to a King. From a King to an Emperor… watch him shed his immortal body for something more… something primordial… something cosmic. Watch the Prince of the Moon, as he rises time and time again. Simply doing what he wants…

SpatialDevil · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
30 Chs

[ Chapter 20 ] - One long night in a frozen hell / Introduction to the Man in Black.

AN : HAPPY NEW YEARS!!! I don't know if most saw my comment a few days back, but my break and the books hiatus are done. My resolution for this year, is a chapter every other day. Much love!

- SpacialDevil , The Author.

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- Vector -

( Archeron Kingdom , FlameDen City , Slums, FAE LOUNGE INN )

- - -

As the people shuffled out of the bar, Vector having already collected the information he needed, while freezing the door to Khione's door shut… just in case.

As he wouldn't let any harm fall upon her, while in his care. Vector was finally ready… oh yes, he was ready… maybe a little too ready… yes, much to eager.

Eager to gain riches, spill blood, and as Vector's earth side calls it, to "take out the trash".

As Vector looked at the now dotted map, which had x's spread across the city overview, with one blue star, indicating the main gang's headquarters.

He had all the locations he needed now… Vector couldn't help but smirk, with a hint of amusement, excitement, ruthlessness, and anticipation.

Vector making sure Khione's room was secure once again, as you can never be too careful.

Stepped outside, now amidst the pitch blackness, with mana lights now illuminating the city, with the temperature low enough to bother any Ice - FAE.

Yet, Vector embraced it and welcomed it, with open arms. He was no ordinary Ice - FAE, he reviled in this feeling, as the coldness made its way across his body.

Vector looking down at the map again, saw his first destination, which was the closest, and the 3rd ranked in difficulty.

If difficulty mattered at all…

Approximately 6 to 7 level 30's, and one level 38 apparently. Vector didn't care though, he might only be "lower - ranked", but he knew, if he had too, he could face at max, a 90 or even a level 100 in some circumstances.





In a span of less than 3 seconds, Vector arrived at his first destination…

' Ahhhhh, Spacial Magic is too good, what would I do without you? Hahahahh! ' Vector thought, before letting himself inside.

- - -

The group of Thug's which were on Vector's list tonight, were all completely clueless, that this would indeed, be their last night, ever.

And so, when the 7 or so Thugs suddenly heard a knocking door at the front, they assumed it must've been one of their "Runners" or a friend of the gang.

A runner, was an exploited kid, abused and used to move drugs, to remain undetected. Many kids had to resort to this, as food, and supplies were scarce for the poor.

- - -





"Boss, someone's here, knocking, but it's not the code. Might be a passerby? Hopefully some ladies, hahahahahah!" laughed a random thug.

" Hmmm, open it, it's not like the other gangs would bother with us, plus I'm sure whoever it is … I can handle them easily, after all I'm level 38, who the f#ck is going to stop .. m-" stuttered the "Boss" of the local thug group, who happened to somehow have his head cut off in the next second, even faster than one could blink… or scream.

* THUD *




* THUD *


* THUD *


* THUD *


* THUD *


* THUD *


* THUD *


* THUD *

In a matter of less than 10 seconds, Vector completely eradicated 8 men, who were all level 30 and above.

Which in the grand scheme of power, might not be much, but 10 seconds is 10 seconds, as well as the fact, that Vector only started coming into his power… a few months ago.

Vector himself, only felt one thing in this situation, disappointment. He knew he could've not used Spacial Magic, to make it "interesting", but Vector felt, if an opponent cannot counter his Spacial Magic he doesn't want to fight them.

It's simple really.

Vector doesn't wanna just barge into his territory without experience, practice, and mastery over his current capabilities. He needs to fight a decent enough opponent, who can indeed counter his Blink ability, and then try to work around that issue.

Vector has become reliant on Blink, and he didn't know if that was good or bad, it was his magic after all… but what would happen if he couldn't get away? If he couldn't use it? What if he didn't have the ability and needed to move like everyone else had too?

Questions like these started popping up in his head, very recently, especially with a mental picture of a little girl, with angelic white hair.

Maybe, before he wouldn't have cared much, he had goals, and dreams sure. However, things changed yesterday, ever since he met that little girl, just meeting her for the first time, he knew.

He knew he was changing.

Vector was still ruthless and cold, apart of him will always be, but now he really couldn't take any risks, or major chances. Not until the little girl is stashed away safely.

Still, Vector only had one thought after dropping these 8 men, while looting their belongings, as well as their "stash", which ultimately consisted of 17 Gold, 42 Silvers, 200 Coppers.

'Weak, I need more. Where is this so called strength among these local Gangs? Ughhh, I need actual combat experience.'

- - -

Vector having went through the first hideout with pure ease, didn't even bother making the other two small local gangs "interesting", as he proceeded to rapidly spam Blink, while not even bothering to give them a chance. And so it went like this,




' This is the spot? HMMM, alright. Let me see with my Spacial Aura, hmmm, 10 of them. Ughh.. too easy. '


"Who are you?!!!"

"WHAT THE F#ck?!! Where you come fro-"

* THUD *


* THUD *


'Wow, same thing every time, running like they can get away, pathetic…. let's get this over with. Rapid fire at this point, I'm bored ….'

* THUD *

* THUD *

* THUD *


* THUD *

* THUD *


* THUD *


* THUD *

* THUD *

"Time to loot now, let's see" Vector muttered under his breath, while looting each individual, as well as the "Stash", which in total amounted to 27 Gold, 67 Silvers, and 175 Copper coins.

' Not bad, not bad, not bad at all. It's not enough though. After all, I got a territory to renovate. No expense can be cut. ' thought Vector, before blinking away once again, arriving at his new destination in a matter of mere seconds.

All the while of leaving no trace, nor evidence, that could lead back to him.

- - -






' Oops, I overshot the distance, let me back up. Hah! ' Vector snorted inside his head, before blinking back.


' Hmm, it's supposed to be here? I only see… oh I see it now. Wow, really a trap door to a basement? What if there was a fire? Idiots. ' thought Vector, who slowly walked forward, reaching the covered trap door.

' I'm not even giving them a chance, this time ' Vector grumbled inside his head, while finding a little gap in between both flaps, as he needed to see his destination to teleport there with Blink.



* THUD *


* THUD *

* THUD *


* THUD *


* THUD *

* THUD *

' Done. Let's loot now, hope they had a decent amount. ' thought Vector, who then looted the dead Thug's warehouse, which in total he received 10 Gold, 167 Silver, and 231 Coppers.

' Let's hope this bigger operation, which is apparently some hot shot, has at least one person who can give me a decent fight … ' thought Vector, before blinking away, once again leaving no trace of him being there.

- - -










' Damn, that took 9 activations, it really is fortified, while residing in the Noble District…. Interesting. How many ? Let me use Spacial Aura …. Hmmm, 13 Level 35's or so, 2 Level 40's, and one Level 50!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! A level 50!!! I hope he gives me a fight! ' Vector laughed inside his head, like the battle maniac he was, before proceeding to blink directly on the lower floor where the 13 "Goons" resided, giving them no chance at all.

Not even a single voice was heard, as they were all either preoccupied, either with drinks, gambling, and some even sleeping on job.

No one stood a chance. It wasn't a battle at this point, it was a straight massacre.

* THUD *

* THUD *

* THUD *

* THUD *

* THUD *

* THUD *

* THUD *

* THUD *

* THUD *

* THUD *

* THUD *

* THUD *

* THUD *

' No wonder Spacial Magic users are so sought out, the uses of Spacial Magic are absolutely priceless, and I can now see why they are constantly hunted. It's simply too much of a simplistic and effective way to kill. Hmmm, the last three are together. No point in sneak attacks… ha! Let's face them head on. ' thought Vector, who blinked right in front of the three people who were currently discussing some "important" topic.


- - -

The two guards currently on duty, while protecting the "Big Boss", the leader of the city's gangs, were currently all drinking, plotting on their next move to take away an enemies territory… when they suddenly heard a knocking.

"Go see who it is"

"Alright" replied the Guard, who opened the door, to see a handsome young man, with a full plate of armor built into his compact and toned body, all the while of holding a head in his left hand… or rather claws made of ice.

The head in the young man's left hand was one of the goons they hired, and was easily recognizable, yet in this moment the three could only stare in shock, as they couldn't make a single movement.

A dreadful silence took place… as this unbelievable sight was currently playing out before they're eyes, and so the only sound in the room, was the constant dripping of blood, which was leaking out of the lifeless head.

* DRIP *

* DRIP *

* DRIP *

Vector not even trying to be "scary", was utterly confused of why they were not attacking him, and so he said in a frustrated tone,

"UHHHH, hello? Earth to everyone, I just killed all your goons. Come attack me?! This is getting quite boring.."

After Vector's words left his mouth, the three realized the predicament they were in, and just as a guard was about to ask to be spared,

" Sir don't do this, there's no need to fig-"

* THUD *

The guard who tried to beg, died in a mere second, his body flinging across the room, crashing into the wall. While his head spun up in the air, spraying blood everywhere in the vicinity.

The men seeing this scene, couldn't help but slowly shake in fear, while Vector was looking indifferent as to what just happened. Almost as this was a normal occurrence for him …

"Level 40 for what? Honestly pathetic, so pathetic. Are you going to fight me or not? Guess not, just die then. You disgust me, honestly, you don't even fight for your life." Vector complained, slowly walking up to the shaken men, now only a few inches of where they stood, as he looked them in the eyes, while he commanded his ice to shred them both to pieces.

* THUD *

One body dropped.

* THUD *

Another body dropped.

'Wow, this was really disappointing are you kidding me… let me loot them at least. Hmmm, wait … who's that? Ahhh, a powerful one now? Finally, Hmmm, I'll play along for now, you fool …' thought Vector, who went about his business of robbing the entire hideout, amounting to a hefty amount of gold, totaling in 123 pieces, 345 silvers, and over 2,000 coppers.

- - -

Vector having just robbed the hideout of every last thing, kept his Spacial Aura dialed in to the max at all times now, as a powerful individual was currently watching over him, most likely an assassin, due to the way he moved and blended into the shadows.

Most people in this situation regardless of power would feel some sense of annoyance, fear, or wariness. Yet, Vector was trying to hold back his smile, and after the minutes went by, he couldn't take it anymore, just as he walked to a open field of grass, located only a few minutes away from the house.

"Oh come out, I'm tired of playing this little game. I've been felt your presence, every since you were watching me kill those two pitiful men. So, who are you? Why don't we have a conversation, unless of course you want to end up with the same fate as them too.." said Vector, speaking these words in a hushed tone, while the wind blew about the grassy plains.

Yet he knew the man following him, could hear every word.

The assassin hearing this was genuinely surprised, as he was over level 90, and considered one of the best in the organization, even if his level was low.

His orders were simple, to kill anyone who dared to defy the organization, but he had a bad feeling about the individual in front of him, and so he took precautions…

"Hmmm, impressive you could see through my shadow porting ability, truly impressive. Who are you? Your no one from the organization…" asked the black masked assassin.

"Huh , organization. So there really is a group of you trash. No matter, I'll eradicate you all one day. I have a territory to take care of first, a woman to free, and a old man to see." Vector replied back, who's answer shocked the assassin.

"You didn't know about the organization? Where have you been? It's common news about us, even if we are what you label as a "shadow" government. Hmm, who are you? I won't ask again. You may be powerful for your level, but your not over level 50 that's for sure. My power gauge tells me that…"

"Oh you have an analyzation skill too, you could come in handy. Do you like killing mindlessly? Do you like being ordered around like a dog? Do you strive for only this in life, or do you want more? Do you care about honor? Is it the wealth? What do you seek assassin in black?" Vector asked the man, bombarding him with rapid fire questions, which completely extinguished the attack plans the assassin was about to go through with.

"What does it matter to you?" replied the man in black, a little too defensively.

"Hmm, I guess it doesn't really matter to me. Yet, it matters for goals, Grand dreams you see. I'll one day change the world, and I'm no saint. If I have too, I'll kill every single person in order to achieve these goals. However, part of me feels a longing for you, a pity of sorts."

"Hmpfh, Pity to a man who was sent to kill you. What type of nonsense is that?" asked the man in black, while snorting.

"See, you'd not even see it yourself. Like everyone you kill, your too are bound by something. They might be bound by greed, the desire of fake power, the feeling of being better than others. Yet you too, are bound, to whatever oath you made, or rather the liquidized explosive mana, currently sitting in your brain." whispered Vector, who took a pause before speaking again, to let the words sink in, as he shocked the man deeply to his core.

"So again, tell me what you seek assassin? Is it power? Money? Servitude? What is your story? Hmm? No those questions don't matter now. The question is, what would you offer me, if I could give you what you seek most in this life?" asked Vector, who was smiling in a fanatical way, already scheming of the ways he could his first minion … * cough * … ahem, subordinate.

- - -

The assassin letting those words resonate in his ear, quickly pushed back his hope, as he responded back in disdain,

"No man could grant me that, not even for the amount of wealth I now possess. It makes no difference of what you could offer me, diamonds, jewels, weapons, Magic. Nothing could grant me what I truly desir-"

"You fool. I might be the only man you'll find, who can indeed grant you what you want. I didn't need to know about that explosive in your head to tell, as your eyes say it all. I too had the same eyes not too long ago. Your trapped, caged, and enraged. "

"I know what you want SLAVE, see as for I was one too, same as you. I know what you crave, so deeply, that the hatred you feel can't help but be swallowed by the longing of of your true desire. What you truly want is Freedom…" Vector said, letting his words shock the man once again.

"Even if what you say is true, you know what I must do. I will not be tricked by your fantasies." The man in black replied back.

Vector hearing his comment, and having expected it, couldn't help but grin even more. The assassin seeing the young man turn around, couldn't help but take a step back in fear, seeing the manic smile plastered on his "targets" face.

"Oh I know, do what you must. After all, I've been looking forward to a challenge, and after this fight is done, you too shall obey me. Fear not though, I won't treat you wrongly, nor shall I deprive you of riches. After all, I'm a prince. Hahaha!" Vector replied back, chuckling to himself, as he took off in a full sprint directly towards the stunned man in black.

Vector grinning Ear to Ear, as his will to fight increased even more, and his aura exploding. But rather than his Spacial mana, he fully tapped into his Void Ice, and it's immediately response was eagerness.

Eagerness to devour all.

- - -

AN : A few more chapter dropping today… ;)