
Prince of the Moon. Child of Space.

Warning ! R18 Scenes and dark elements will be present in this story. Such as : Poverty, hunger, war, breeding, murder, scheming, politics, and betrayal. However, do not let that fool you, for there will still be hope, and goodness spread throughout the story. Vector ( MC ) pays kindness with kindness, and death with death. He’s simply a man doing what he wants, when he wants, wherever he wants. A Hero to some and a villain to others… - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( Usually 5 + chapters a week, chapters usually around 2,700 - 5,000 words. Please read until chapter 10-13. My writing improves drastically. ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vector, had a childhood that could only be described with one word, and that word, “hell”. Having grown up during the chaotic times of world war 4. With no parents, no support, no love, or any clear ambition. Vector’s life was a repeated, constant, and miserable cycle. His only escape was his death. At the young age of 19, with a bullet in his gut, and his built up regret… Vector died. Vector could only curse his own weakness, the sh#t world, and his long suppressed will to gain power. His end coming to a near, his existence snuffed out, and his dream of power gone. Yet his death was not his ending, no in actuality, it was his beginning. For he would have the chance to gain the power once more. - - - Vector Invidia Zenith, the 3rd prince of the Zenith kingdom, was born a “dud”. What was a dud? It’s a magical being, naturally born with no mana, nor had the ability to gain mana. You could imagine his treatment, when the whole world ran on mana. In all eyes of the world, including his own family’s, he was “trash” and useleses. Constantly tortured by his brothers, step-mother’s, and all the other noble kids… He grew resentful, vile, and “evil” by all standards. Constantly drunk, harassing girls, and even treating one of the only people to ever show him love… his mother, in a rude and cruel way. His father, the King finally having enough of the constant shame brought upon by his 3rd son, exiled Vector away to his given lands. These lands were supposed to be provided for, taken care of, and protected. Alas, Vector did not care… and as a result, his people died, starved, and gang activity ensured. However, this would all change. On the road there, his caravan was attacked by highly trained Demonic-Fae, sent by the Den Kingdom. His party slaughtered, himself captured, and his fate sealed. Thrown into a slave mine, with the worst of conditions, and used as leverage against the Zenith Kingdom… Vector despaired. Mining day in and day out, for 3 constant years, laughed at by the whole world. His body and mind could take no more. At the young age of 19, with constant near death starvation, exhaustion, and blood loss.. Vector died. - - - 2 lives filled with misery and pain. 2 lives filled with despair and no love. 2 lives suppressing their long desired goal of power. Yet these 2 lives were not so different. For these two bodies housed fragments of the same soul. Watch as these fragments re-emerge, creating a whole new being. A being that will know no bound. A being that will strive for power. A being that will not bow to anyone! Vector Invidia Zenith, will make the whole world kneel, or he’ll die trying, for he only has one real goal. World Domination? Yes, but quite. A Kingdom? Again, close, but not quite. Yandere wives? OF COURSE!! … ahem* … I mean, Yes, but still not there yet. For what he truly desires is something completely unprecedented… What he wants is control! Control over everything … - - - Watch Vector rise from a slave to a King. From a King to an Emperor… watch him shed his immortal body for something more… something primordial… something cosmic. Watch the Prince of the Moon, as he rises time and time again. Simply doing what he wants…

SpatialDevil · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
30 Chs

[ Chapter 18 ] - New Name ?

- - -

- Vector -

( Archeron Kingdom , FlameDen City, Slums , Marketplace Alleyway )

Vector having just robbed the dead thug, acquired 3 Silvers , 15 Bronzes, and even one gold coin. Which means these "trash" were most likely highly ranked in a gang. As a gold coin, is only for the elite, and wealthy.

However, before he could fully process his profit, the small girl he totally did not forgot about…., slowly stuttered while expressing her gratitude.

" Th-a-nk yo-u "

Looking over at the girl, he didn't know what to say… she reminded him of Lilly, one of his best childhood friends growing up in the orphanage, who died at the young age of 11, just around this young girls age..

' What should I do? Take her with me? No she'll be baggage.. I'll take her shopping and set her up I guess, it's the least I can do. Consider this my closure for lily … ' Vector thought inside his head, before realizing the young girl had his cloak around her like a blanket, rather than wearing it.

" Why have you not worn the cloak? It's good quality you know .. ? " Vector asked in a gentle but stern voice.

The little girl hearing Vector's voice for the first time, couldn't help but be swayed, it sounded just like the beautiful bards she could never afford to listen too!

" It's co-old S-S-s-sir " The young girl responded back, not fully trusting yet, and for good reason.

" There's no need to stutter or be scared young one, if I wanted anything bad to happen to you, do you think I would do all this? Hmmm? You seen how easy I killed this trash " Vector replied back, while kicking the dead thug's body.

" Oh- Okay , if you say so … sir " The shivering girl responded back.

" Let me see " Vector said in a caring voice, while lowering himself onto his knees, and proceeded to put his hands on the cloak.

Realizing the cloak was ice cold, he slowly but surely drained the excess Ice, making the cloak warm, and wearable once again.

The young girl seeing this scene, was in absolute amazement, and couldn't help but smile at the sight of magic!

- - -

Magic was a daily thing for people, but for commoners with no training, SpellBooks , or any support … Magic was a fickle thing.

It was in everyone, they could feel it, maybe use it in a minor way… but they could never fully weild it.

They knew it was there, and yet couldn't grasp it. It was like an annoying itch you have, while doing something in the process, as you know it's there, and yet can't do anything about it in the moment.

This of course was due to the Nobles, who constantly oppressed the common people, why? Because oppression leads to control after all, and everyone strives for control, control is safety, and after safety comes greed…

- - -

- WhiteRose -

( Archeron Kingdom , FlameDen City, Slums , Marketplace Alleyway )

" Amazing. " Whispered White Rose.

Vector seeing this scene, of the young girl filled to the brim with absolute filth, a posture showing signs of overused labor, for her small and fragile body, while holding countless scars.

Just like Vector, for him too … had countless scars that could be seen throughout his body, and even the most veteran, and hardened warriors would gasp at the sight of some of them.

For some of them were truly gruesome, from years of slaving away, and months of fighting beasts, yet…

They didn't make him look bad, it rather looked badass in his earth's personality's view, but for Vector himself, … they were a remembrance.

They reminded him of his struggles, his time slaving away, and thinking of these thoughts … Made Vector's ice slowly darken, the once beautiful ice turning corrupted, showing it wants to devour everything in its si-

" Ugh it's cold. "

Vector hearing this snapped out of his thoughts, looked down at the girl, and could only inwardly curse at himself.

" I'm sorry Little one, do you have a place to go? You can keep the Jacket, and the coins the man had. Does that sound fair to you ? I can even escort you wherever you would like. " Vector responded, thinking it was the least he could do for the girl.

He might had a thought about adopting her, or saving her, but he had plans that needed to have no weaknesses, but she could be one, and Vector doesn't like people to exploit his things …ahem* he means family.

' FAE instincts really are crazy … so, let's get the girl now since, she about to say ye- '

" No. "

" Huh ???? No? "

" Yep, No. "

" Why? "

" I won't survive … and I don't want to live like that…."

" Hmm I see, so what do you want ? "

" You. "

" HUHH??? What are you talking about ?! "

" I want to go with you. "

" Why? "

" You nice. "

" Why do you only speak in short sentences? Your not still scared are you ? "

" No. "

" Hmmmm… okay, what if I kidnapped you? Or you become my slave? Hmm? "

" You won't do that. "

" How do you know? "

" You Nice. "

" I think you have the wrong impression, but hmm … oh stop giving me that puppy face. Fine whatever, you can travel with me ONLY to the next town, and then I'll try and set something up for you… "

" HPFHH… okay. "

' You can try, hehehehehe. ' White Rose thought…

- - -

Vector realizing what he just agreed too could only smile and groan inside his head. Looking over at their surroundings once again, he sent his Spacial Aura in a slightly bigger radius than usual.

Closing his eyes, he felt for any gang or "Thug" Activity… why? He needed more money, ASAP. The money he made off these two brothers, well, one brother, wasn't enough.

' DAMN I sent the dude into the Eternal Abyss before robbing him.. F#CK! ugh at least I know in the future to think of that. ' thought Vector, in an amused tone.

Quickly finding a reinforced building in the slums, he could sense 8 FAE, all level 25 - 30, all basic levels, and one decently powerful one at level 47. Probably the so called "Boss", as beside him were 2 girls, level 15 or so, and a chest …

' CHEST ! HEHEHE, SO MUCH GOLD. This isn't fair at this point , so much to scheme, I will rob everyone! Spacial Magic really is a treasure. I wonder how many Spacial users are out there? In the FAE continent, maybe 4 - 5? At most … hmmm.'

Before Vector could ramble more inside his head, scheme away, and be blinded by his greed, a little voice spoke from behind.

White Rose having seen the weird man's concentration, was utterly confused, and asked

" What was that ? "

" Oh hmm, I'm glad you stopped my rambling, it's gotten bad ever since my intelligence went up. It's like I can think with 6 brains all at once. " muttered Vector.

" What's your name little one ? " Vector asked, realizing he didn't even know the little girls name.

" WhiteRose. "

" HUH ??! What type of name is that? Hmm, you picked it out yourself. Hmm, you like roses? Your hair is white, simple enough. I like it, but it doesn't suit you little one, leave that name behind. For your journey is just beginning, I myself was once like you, and my name is Vector. "

" I have no name. "

' What name? Icicle? Frosty? HMM, I really didn't wanna use it … but it fits you too well, hmmm yes let's go with it. ' thought Vector.

" Yes you do, Snow White. "

" Hmm, new name? "

" Yes little one, do you like it? "

" No. "

" Huh??! "

" Hmm okay, let me think … "

" How about, just snow? Hmm? "

" No. "

" Hmmm, okay, what about frost? Hmm wait, I know, how about Khione ? Hmm I like that. "

" Khione… I like that. Pretty name. Who is that? "

" She's a goddess of ice… uhhh, from where I'm from (Earth, Greek Mythology). Speaking of which, what is your status little one? It's okay if you don't want to show me, you should never show anyone willingly… but if you do, I can possibly help you along our journey to the next town. "

" Hmmm, ok… strange man. Can we go now? Me want to leave. "

" Oh yes, we have been standing in this smelly alleyway for a little bit, yes little one we can go, just share your status first. "

" Hmm ok, System Share. " WhiteRose, now Khione said.

* DING *

[ NEW ! Name Confirmed, Khione ]

* DING *

'Heheheh, I like this name. It's pretty. Strange man is …. Strange, but nice!' thought Khione, who was currently smiling with a beautiful smile, that couldn't help but even sway Vector's cold heart.


[ Name : Khione WhiteRose ]

[ Race : Ice - FAE ]

[ Titles : Survivor , ]

[ Bloodline Abilities : N / A ]

[ Natural Affinities : Ice ( 100% ) , Water ( 1% ) ]

[ Class : N/A ]

[ Sub Class : N/A ]


LVL : [ 6 ] , EXP : [ 45 / 655 ]

[ HP : 6 / 24 ][ MP : 15 / 15 ] [ stat points : 0 ]

< vitality : 8 >

< strength : 6 >

< dexterity : 17 >

< intelligence : 18 >

< mana : 5 >

< charisma : 10 >


- [ Spells ] -

[ Ice Affinity ]

Ice Pebble ,

[ Water Affinity ]

N / A ,


' Hmmm, she's very weak, but has survived a lot. Hmm, even a title so young. She has ice element as well, I could teach her, ughhh she so cute this isn't fair. Let's clean her up… well us up, I bet I look like a caveman. Not to mention, get some clothes, I only have rags now since I gave my cloak to the girl. I'll use Ice Mana for now … hmmm. " thought Vector.

" Let's go little one, we shall get clothes, and a place to sleep for tonight. Then we shall be off tomorrow, are you hungry as well? "

" Food?! " Khione practically yelled, who quickly covered her mouth in embarrassment, while her cheeks even filled with dirt, could be seen as red as a tomato.

" Yes, let's go little one " replied Vector, who was genuinely smiling from the scene that played out.

- - -

Vector and Khione who were both looking homeless at the moment, made there way through the market, until they found a fancy looking dealer, who was currently selling slik shirts, pants, and even some hats.

Upon seeing this duo arrive, the man grimaced, recognizing they had no money. So, he replied to the walking customers in front,

" This place ain't for your statue! Get out, you trash! Every piece is a whole silver!! You can't afford it, now move on. Now! " yelled the Old Vendor.

Seeing this scene Khione was about to leave and run out of instinct, until a strong hand, glued her in place. She looked up at the strange man, who held her in place, with a questioning look.

" Did you forget little one? This is your bag, not mine, would you be so kind to buy us some clothes, hehehe. " chuckled Vector.

" Ohh… umm, me forgot. " whispered Khione.

" It's okay little one, what do you say? " replied Vector.

The vendor not being able to hear the duo, got even angrier, and shouted something that would make him regret his decision soon enough.

" Get your filthy assess out of here now! Before, I call the market guards, I swear I'll have you and that little gi - r- l … " the man said while stuttering towards the end, all due to the immense bloodlust directed at him, as all the man could feel was … fear.

Immense fear, even throughout all his years of living, never has he felt something so …. Cosmic. Primal. Something never - ending. Something that seems to want to devour the whole world itself… maybe even worlds.

He couldn't explain it, nor did he want too…

Vector not caring about his threats towards him, did rather care about this little girl, strangely enough with his cold heart, and so he simply willed his ice mana to spread through the cracked floor.


The Ice weaved in and out, like a snake slithering towards it prey, advancing step by step, until it jumped.


" UGHHHHH!! " shouted the man, who couldn't be heard with the busy and noisy street markets in the background.

The Ice Mana, slowly spreading around the man's feet, hardening to a point, that even as a advanced Fire-FAE, he couldn't melt it one bit. Not even a single inch.

The ice didn't seem to be moving at all, almost as the Ice wanted the the Fire to come out, to play with the Fire, to toy with it, and then finally extinguish it.

It seemed to enjoy protecting Vector, while also completely devouring others will's …

Vector looking the man dead in the eye, said one word, which the man complied with almost immediately, as the man in front of him, was much more powerful than he was, and he did not want to die.

" Apologize " said Vector, who directed his look at the young girl, who currently had a tear dropping out of her left eye.

" I'm s-o-o-r-ry " stuttered the Old Vendor.

" That's better, now we were gonna pay you, so watch you stupid Geezer. Little One, Will you be so kind to pull a gold coin out the pouch. " asked Vector.

" Ummm… okay? " replied Khione, who was confused as of why.

The man seeing the little girl casually pull out a gold coin had a visibly shaken face, why? Only the elite, nobles, and super rich had even one. So, for her to casually pull one out, was a complete shock.

Vector upon seeing his face, could only inwardly grin, while saying with malice

" Look here old man, you judged us wrong, not only are you gonna give us a discount of say … hmm, 100%. You lost out on a chance to simply get paid extravagantly. Your loss, Old Man. " said Vector, with an insane amount of bloodlust directed at the man, which made him in turn piss his pants.

Vector turning to Khione, said in a sweet manner

" Pick out what you want Little One, this man has no objections. Do you ?! " asked Vector, who turned his bloodlust on once more, while looking at the scared man.

" Of Course NOT!! Anything! Take anything! Please help yourself, little miss ! On the house! " the Vendor practically yelped in fear.

" Good " replied Vector, who kept the man frozen in place, while taking Khione around his little clothing stall.

Even though the man was a complete dick, Vector couldn't help but be amazed at the fabric, and the quality of the clothes.

' Maybe, I'll come kidnap him… for my own territory. Heheheheh, oh I can't wait to restore everything. I want a grand castle!!! Why not?! ! '

- - -

After picking out the various clothes, which Khione wanted to wear right away, in which Vector stopped her, and reminded her, that they both needed to wash first.

The little girl hearing his answer, was once again embarrassed, and covered her face. Which in turn, only chipped at Vector's cold heart once again, and he might not know it at the time … but, she was slowly forming an unbreakable bond with him.

One that would forever change both their destinies, fates, stories, and overall happiness …

Upon leaving, Vector payed the old man 1 silver, for the 13 clothing items they took, cheating the man out of 12 silvers.

All the while, of telling him to not judge a book by its cover, and should he report them to anyone … he would die… a most gruesome death.

The man of course, immediately complied, and wished him the best of his travels. Hoping he would never see this figure again….

- - -

Vector and Khione having purchased their clothes, started walking towards the nearest Inn, with their brand new clothes in hand. Khione having already been tired, off months of exhaustion, and hunger, already started slowing down halfway there.

While carrying her clothes was an extra burden to her walking, due to her short height, yet she refused to let them go, in fear of them being gone..

Vector seeing this, could only smile in a longing way, thinking of his own past on Earth, as he once treasured the various items he got as well.

So, Vector said in a very sweet and caring voice, while directing a huge smile at her,

" Little one, let me take those from you, I can store them, and you can get carried to the Inn. Don't refuse, I know your tired. "

" Huh?!! Ummm… I don't want you to carry. You done too much already. Too much … " said Khione, who whispered in a saddened voice at the end.

" I'm not gonna carry them silly, give them to me, I'll show you something cool I promise. You must keep it our little secret though. Do you swear? Also, don't act like your not tired, let me share the burden Little One. " replied Vector, who was smiling with his beautiful white teeth, which did not match his current wild appearance whatsoever.

" Hmm… okay? Will you carry me… like a Princess?" whispered Khione, in a shy and blushing manner.

" Yes like a Princess, now hand them over, Little One. You can be my Princess. Now rest and watch. " replied Vector.

Khione handing her clothes over, albeit reluctantly, couldn't help but wonder what he meant, as this strange man had no bags, or even those expensive storage items.

" Watch Little One. " whispered Vector, who was holding the clothing in his hands.

* POOF *

* POOF *

" HOW? Where are they? " screamed Khione in shock, bafflement, and amazement! As the clothes, which he just held, magically disappeared in a second. Instantly gone!

Gone !

" Heheheh, there not gone, see little one." chuckled Vector, who loved to see the little girl smile, who was currently staring at his display of magic, just how kids back on Earth did a magic trick.

* POOF *

Willing his newly bought pants to come forth in front of her, and then sending it back, he couldn't help but smile at the curious and excited eyes of hers.

" Let's go Little One, let me carry you now. " said Vector, before the girl had a chance to reply back, sweeping her in his arms.

The little girl who was in his arms, had a huge heartfelt smile, and subconsciously snuggled her head towards his chest.

She slowly dozed off… having a deep and peaceful sleep, which she hasn't had in months.

- - -

During the 12 minute walk to the nearest Inn, through the busy and crowded market, Vector couldn't help but look at the girl who was smiling in her sleep … as she was more precious than any treasure he's ever seen.

He couldn't help but smile back at the sight of her, as smiling felt unnatural for him usually, but in this situation, it felt just right.

And so, a young scruffy looking man, who held an amazing gleaming white ethereal colored hair, was holding a small young girl. Who too, had the the same color of hair, a slightly darker tone, but still mostly the same.

Both FAE looking content in their lives at this moment, and so, this Duo quickly came to the nearest Inn. In which Vector saw the sign above the Inn, displaying in big black bold letters, FAE LOUNGE INN.

Vector seeing that he made it, couldn't help but smile as he finally could rest in a real bed! After years and months of sleeping on the floor, or the trees!

Not to mention, he needed to clean himself up, alongside the little girl in his arms, who was dirty as well.

However, like life, things are not without its complications.

As Vector slowly walked in, every FAE currently inside the establishment, all turned towards the door, and stared at the weird homeless looking duo walk in.

Some stares filled with greed, ready to rob them, and take whatever they had.

Some with lust, ready to r#pe them, use them, and sell them away.

Some even filled with pure violence, ready to fight, kill, and beat them to death.

While some didn't simply care.

However, Vector himself couldn't help but smile, as he thought the same thing he has been, ever since re-emerging into society…

' Things really are all the same hahahahaha. Trash will be trash!!!! Let me get a room, gently wake Khione, so she can wash herself, then I'll put her to sleep … and then… and then… I can handle these trash. HEHEHEH, Oh I'm totally insane now, aren't I? Hmm, maybe not. I'm just a battle junkie now. Everyone has their vices and I just love to fight. '

Vector already having made up his mind on his plans, looked towards everyone in the room, smiling in a wicked demeanor, and whispered two words, before the various FAE could get any ideas.

" Sovereign - Freeze. "


As soon as the words escaped his mouth, everything in the room instantly froze, including the various FAE.

' Let's have some fun, heheh, I still haven't forgot about that hideout, with the chest full of gold. It'll be good for my travels. ' thought Vector, who was once again going on a tangent, in which he planned to raid and rob the whole city … in one night.



One night.



" God help FlameDen city …. " sighed SpacialDevil…

- - -

AN : Sorry for the lack of chapters guys. Times been stressful lately, I'm sure it has been with y'all, and I fully apologize for the lack of content. Good news though !

1) My finals are done! My break from school is now starting, in which I'll be constantly writing, reading, and editing this book.

2) I was working on other books … but decided to fully dedicate my time to this one! So, expect better quality, slightly more words counts, and more engaging chapters.

3) For my lack of content, I will be double uploading in these next coming days. Do y'all want two chapters a day? … or, 10 - 12 big massive release? Let me know!

I <3 y'all ! Stay safe for the holidays! Thanks for the support as always.

- Spacial Devil, The Author.