
Prince Of Krypton

KAL-EL, the last son of Krypton, was given the title of royalty due to his lineage dating back towards the first war on Krypton. His father and mother in a last ditch effort to save their son sends him towards a newly discovered planet, Earth. He will lead them into a new age of prosperity and become the best that humanity will offer.

JohnFrost · Cómic
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17 Chs


Smack! Smack!

The sound of wooden swords smacking against the hard dummies echoed across the island. It has been some time since their trauma of living with the feeling of shame and defeat from their male captors. Many have burned the image of some of the men who ravaged their bodies into their brains and remembered how it felt when they had their revenge.

A woman dressed in Greek styled robes and armor oversaw the training of a newer generation of amazon warriors. She was queen Hippolyta and ruler of this nation of warrior women. It has been sometime since their arrival of this new island and home. The betrayal of Hercules and enslavement of the amazon women during that time still burns deep in her mind much like those around. Never Again will they be subjected to that kind of humiliation.

The amazon women now are much fiercer and stronger than ever then before. But with new found strength and growth, came a darker side to the amazon life. Reproduction was an issue, so women here had to kidnap men outside the island in order to get pregnant and the remaining male captives were brutally killed off. She has not personally chosen to take action in such means but she couldn't just deny such acts when they all felt strong hatred against their male counterparts.

Even so, she now had a daughter named Diana, she is the child of herself and Zeus. It has certainly made it difficult since Hera is her patron Goddess, but understanding the circumstances of the Amazons, Hera gave pity and chose not to enact vengeance.

Suddenly a loud boom was heard overhead and the women looked upon the sky. An object of metal structure was falling towards their island. Most of the Amazon women stopped what they were doing and looked into the sky in curiosity.

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Hippolyta broke out of her thoughts and stupor.

"Everyone gather your weapons and armor, move to a safer area and get ready for combat!"

"Yes, my queen!" They cried in unison.

As the object approached closer to the island, many were standing guard into position as the loud crash from the ship was heard. The ship landed in front of the beach area and swarms of amazon women gathered around it.

Approaching the site, queen Hippolyta could see markings of some design. The language was completely foreign to her despite being blessed to understand all knowledge on Earth. It was very strange, she thought.

Taking out her sword she taps it lightly against the object when suddenly cold air rushes towards her. Then a small cry can be heard from the object. It sounded like a child's cry.

Queen Hippolyta raised her eyebrow and looked over to the open ship. There inside lies a small child of about 3 months old looking over to her. The child had unnaturally bright blue eyes and a cutely shaped face staring at her. A moment of silence passes before he starts smiling sweetly at her. The smile was so full of innocence and love that Hippolyta, a man hating queen, couldn't help but smile back.

Hippolyta picks up the child into her arms and signals her amazons to clear the debris. The baby felt secured for the first time while closing his eyes as he felt a warmth that was different then the hunk of metal from before.

Seeing the baby sleep so soundly in her arms, Hippolyta couldn't help but think.

Was the child abandoned? What is that object behind her? Was this a child of the Gods? She definitely felt some strange and powerful aura from the child. But still felt different enough from the gods from Olympus. The child was male from the looks of it, it may be taboo to raise a child here in Themyscira, but how can she abandon this child when he is the same age as her daughter right now? Especially with that cute smile and innocent face.

She shook her head, her sisters might understand once things settled down, she can't abandon the child now.

"What should I name you little one…" Hippolyta looked up into the night sky looking upon the many stars and smiles.

"Astra, a fitting name for one such as yourself."


Kal-El, formally named Astra by queen Hippolyta grew up to be a fierce but gentle man. From an early age, many of the amazons noticed his strong physical structure for a boy that was only 13 years old. In fact, he was unordinary strong even by godly standards. Many have suspected him of being of demigod origins but his strength even rivaled legends such as Hercules.

"Again Astra! I wish to fight once more."

Cried out a young black haired girl. Despite her age, she too was a fierce warrior amongst the best within amazon lineage. She had the blood of Zeus himself running through her veins, but alas, even with such potential and power, she could not defeat her friend and companion Astra.

Astra couldn't help but smile wryly as his friend Diana, daughter of Hippolyta, challenges him the 11th time today.

"Come on Diana, I'm still sore from that hit you got on me." Astra says rubbing his shoulder.

Diana rolls her eyes.

"You know that doesn't work on me, not once have I ever seen an injury much less a bruise on you."

"Well it's sore for the times I beat you down."

"...Why you little" Diana hits him on the chest while Astra roars into laughter. Moments like these are what gives him joy. Even when living on an island full of men hating women, he still had a friend to talk to.

"Fine, at least come to the festival tonight with me?"

Astra smiles falters before shaking his head.

"You know I can't, I'm a guy and it's strictly forbidden."

Diana pauses before looking down, remembering them prejudices that her older sisters still have even when Astra has lived with them for many years. Besides her mother and her, not many people on the island would talk to Astra. Guilt begins to build up within her heart.

Astra seeing this just smiles and pats her head. Despite being around the same age, Astra was already tall with the height of 5' 7".

"I'm not bothered by it anymore, our sisters have suffered for so long, so it's understandable for them to be wary of me. Besides, I got you and mother, who else do I need?"

Diana giggles and nods her head like it was natural.

"Of course, I got your back Astra!"

"Good, you better go Diana, mother expects you to be sparing with our sisters right now. You don't want to be late again."

Diana pouts.

"Why do you get to skip those training sessions?"

Astra smirks before flexing his growing muscles.

"It's because of these guns."

"I'm out of here."

Diana rolls her eyes and runs to the training stadium not wanting to be late for the 6th time.

Astra, alone once again sighs in longing before looking towards the ocean seas. While he has been grateful to have a home here, he couldn't help but feel like exploring the world outside. His training with the amazons has basically been done with him learning through all of the hand-to-hand combat to wielding spears and swords. Not to brag, but Astra has achieved so much in a small amount of time that he finds them a little boring now. He knows that he's adopted by his parents, but his heart wants to search for answers outside of the island. There was a world out there and he wants to go for it.

'Hello Kal-El, son of Jor-El and Lara Lor-Van, lost ruler of Krypton.' A feminine voice rings in his head.

Astra's eyes widen to the voice inside his head. His body flexes into a battle position.

"Who are you?"

'I am the program designed by your father, Jor-El, to teach you everything about Krypton and how to live as it's sole survivor.'

"My-my father?"

'Yes, he and your mother have created a system in conjunction with the growth matrix to unlock all abilities of an ancient Kryptonian. You will unlock abilities not known to any other and become the greatest being known in this universe.'

Astra's heart couldn't help but beat rapidly. Years of training has made him a sort of battle junky. Learning that he could further improve his skills as a warrior made him ecstatic. But hearing about his parents, his heart almost clutches in pain.

"My parents are they…"

'Dead, them and many other Kryptonians have perished along with our planet Krypton. Due to foolishness and greed, the people of Krypton paid the ultimate price. Your parents could not persuade the rulers of Krypton to act, as a result, them and many others are gone. You as a descendant of Kryptonian royalty must build upon a new society and learn from our mistakes. I am here to help you with that.'

Astra laughs weakly before sitting down rubbing his head.

"I'm this Kryptonian being you say...even now I'm more alone than ever."

'You must become stronger than you are now, danger lurks, you must gather forces here on this planet to combat this in the future. Even now, your planet is full of turmoil, go out and learn more more of this world as I help you along the way.'

Looking up, Astra is able to visualize the images of his body and current abilities as they appear within his mind. It acted as an overview of some sorts which allows himself to see areas of weakness and potential.

As understood by now, Astra is able to acknowledge that Kryptonians are able to absorb the energy from the yellow sun and transform them into many abilities and usages.









OTHERS: The potential of having the ancient royal blood running through one's body allows the person to further develop abilities only unique to this individual.


Bioelectric Aura : Unique to Kryptonian body, individuals are able to manipulate one's own aura to accomplish mighty feats. They include super flight and barrier extension that heightens durability of the individual. Further extensive training and understanding is needed to further unlock hidden features and abilities.

Solar Absorption : Unique to Kryptonians, the sun's ray is able to empower and energize the individual to immense heights and strength.

Royal Ancient Kryptonian Body : The blood of an ancient warrior runs deep within Kal-El. Grants the individual a healing factor and an immortal body that will not falter due to age. Each extreme usage or exhaustion of body further improves it's strength and vitality.

Growth Codex(modified) : Infused with the growth codex, it allows the individual to unlock skills and abilities that are restricted due to class. Such classes were previously restricted due to Kryptionian Law, the user will now have access to them all. Jor-El has modified this codex with Kal-El's DNA, he has gained an artificial intelligence to help him along his journey.

Nigh-Invulnerability : Kryptonians are blessed with a near invincible body.

Battle-Maniac : Years of training with the amazons has given the individual a lust for battle and knowledge to fight.

Kryptonian Level Brain : Eidetic memory, stronger resistance to mental strains and attacks. Able to understand and grasp information at an accelerated speed.

Done looking at his current information about his body, Astra has gain a little more insight on his Kryptonian abilities and blood.

Hey thanks for the nice comments! In this chapter I'm sorta building up an overview of the Astra or Kal-El. Semi-spoiler warning: the time period will be set around maybe the start of WW2 and delve into that. It's going to be fun! Thanks again.

JohnFrostcreators' thoughts