
Prince of harvest

This is the story of a boy named Jessup Grove. Jessup was born as the grandson of King Grove but Jessup has a secret, he is not from this world, but rather from a dystopian version of earth. His greatest fear is being found out and cast away or even executed for stealing the body of an innocent baby buy. Unlike most stories of the protagonist being reborn to be on top Jessup has to come to terms with the fact that his own grandfather is the immortal King progenitor and he will never have the potential of rising to the top. Will he become a victim to his families wrath or will his grandfather put him on his own path to being a king of a new land.

DragonMasta · Fantasía
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41 Chs

Chapter 36: Settling In

Chapter 36: Settling In

That old fart made my bodyguard overpowered, and yet he made me a village chief?!

I swear to the gods the next time I see him I'm going to smack him around a few times.

(Haha that would be pretty funny.)

(You heard that?)

(No you said it out loud.)

"Master, the king told me you would be upset. Don't worry. The title you got is orientated towards management and leadership. Whereas the [KINGS GUARD] can be given to anyone, but the cost is much higher."

What? No, that makes sense. Of course the cost would be higher. Every knight needs a master, and if the master loses everything then his subjects are sure to lose much more. 

"Fortunately, despite what the name implies I don't serve the king… or more like, my servitude has been transferred to you. In other words, my skills won't activate until yours do."

I see. This is his indirect way of telling me to rise to power isn't it, but if I do that she'll also face the consequences of servitude if I lose control of my domain. She could very well die early. So is he forcing me? Or…

"Ugh, I'm getting a headache thinking about all of this."

For now it's best to go to sleep. I don't know when we'll get to our destination but the least we could do is enjoy our stay until we get to where we need to go.

I turn around and head inside the ship until I notice something.

"Where are all the people?"

I looked around and I didn't see anyone in sight, I looked up and I noticed that nobody had taken the helm, nor were there any guards or sailors anywhere.

"Oh, well as you know, my father has a unique occupation due to his ability."

"Ship summoning right?"

I had heard about it many times and the only time I've been on board one of his ships was today at my grandfather's wedding, but that was a modern cruise ship. A ship he got from… his accident.

These were old, they were all made out of wood. They had sails and everything. 

"Yes, but it's not just ships from his world. He can also make contracts with other small boats and large ships.

"All of which can be upgraded, enchanted and equipped with a large variety of defenses, but what makes his ships even more special is the fact that my father has been given the blessing of an ancient and powerful sea goddess."

"Her blessing protects my father from the nightmares of the sea. Most nations fear traversing the seas but for my father, he can send tens of thousands of ships across the world without ever encountering a single enemy."

"The best part about it? His ships are a part of him as well. So they have guaranteed safety. It's his ultimate skill."

That is insanely overpowered. Why is my grandfather's country so damn proficient at delivering mail? First he can open portals anywhere he's ever been to and now this? Wait… isn't my ability related to delivering goods and services? Aren't I just a glorified mailman?

Ugh I wonder if I'll ever be so strong. Then again, brute force isn't the only way to get what you want. Might makes right until someone mightier comes along. 

I just sighed at all the things going on today, "Do you know where we're supposed to sleep?"

Alora was thinking about something until I woke her from her stupor.

"Yeah I'll show you to the cabins."

We walked under the helm of the ship into a small entrance that we had to climb through. 

When we walked inside it was like walking into a whole new world. The place was mostly made out of wood but what struck me as odd were the random power cords strewn about. When I looked at where they were all going I saw each wire connected to a small cubby attached to the walls.

"What are those?"

Alora looked in the direction I was pointing and understood my curiosity, "Those are automated turrets. They are miniature coilguns. My father bought them from the U.D.E a few years back. Selfish bastards sold us primitive tech for a fortune."

How are miniature automated coilguns primitive? My old world just discovered how to mass produce them into handheld guns. That makes me wonder what the U.D.E are truly capable of.

"Come on, our room should be right over there."

Authors note:

Hey sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been thinking about what direction I want to take this book but honestly at this point I don't think I care. I'm just going to write it the way I want.

I know this was such a short chapter. It was supposed to be combined with Chapter 37 but I didn't think I wanted to have that scene included in this one. You'll find out why.