
Prince Delight

"When I think rainI think about singing When I think about singing It's an heavenly tune When I think about heaven I think about angels When I think about angels I think about you for you're my love angel When I think about date I remember a day like today Which talks of you babe You came to me with fullness of Love....... ...Whilst sitting beside Richard with Joe at the other end, all this thought flashed through my mind and with a smile on my face, I looked at my husband and publicly before the whole citizens of the country, he gave me a kiss before strolling on the red carpet towards the podium

Digital_Technology · Fantasía
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20 Chs



★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★


Poppy and her mom arrived safely at the BLUE'S mansion.

During the car ride, The driver had earlier spilled to them that he was sent by Mr blue to pick them up.

Poppy was overwhelmed. She couldn't wait to see what future had in store for her.

As poppy excitedly got out of the car, she was marveled because she was staring at a home worth calling overly gorgeous.

She finally stepped into the suitors living room, looking around like a newbie in London.

Mr blue was sitting there, crossed leg, along with his wife.

" Good afternoon Mr blue." Poppy smiled and Mrs chan bowed as well, with a smile on their face.

" Do I suddenly look invisible?" Mrs blue spoke and Poppy bent her brows guiltily.

" Good afternoon, Mrs blue." She greeted at once.

Mrs blue let out a loud scoff and Poppy hid her face from her.

" Don't be too surprised that you are here, poppy." Mr blue said and got on his feet quickly.

Mrs blue also got on her feet and held his arm possesively.

They stopped in front of her.

" I see that you really need a new home, just like how you need a job to cater for yourselves and I think you were lucky enough to arrive here." He said.

Poppy stared at her mom with a lot of question hovering on her face.

She looked at Mr blue, her face was still with the same expression.

" I and my wife have decided to render a little help to you on the areas of accommodation and job. You would stay here and work here for__

" Oh my God!" Poppy gasped, looking at her mom.

Her eyes were glittering with excitement and some glint of tears.

"For just Three month alone." Mrs blue chipped in, and Mrs chen eyes slowly lowered in disappointment.

" Three month?" Mrs chen asked.

" Yes. Just three month. By then, you guys will be able to raise money and secure a home for yourself. We might decide to make adjustments to the time if__"

" There will be no adjustments, hubby. Three month was what we agreed on." She said and Mr blue sighed.

" Three month." He said and Poppy slowly nod her heads.

" We'll try our best sir. We'll work very hard. We can do any job. Talk of cleaning, scrubbing, washing, just anything. We won't let you down sir. we promise." Poppy said, bringing her pinky finger up.

"Yes sir. She's very right." Mrs chen responded.

"Very well then. I like your optimism." He said and Poppy giggled, her left sided dimple piercing into her cheek.

"Don't be scared. You'll surely enjoy your three month stay here. Welcome to the family." Mrs blue grinned, stretching her arm.

Poppy stared at her hands with wide eyes.

She didn't want to receive her handshake but the deceive smile on her face forced her hand to make a move.

" Thanks ma'am." She smiled and quickly snatched her hands away from Mrs blue.

" I'll be leaving towards somewhere important. Beforehand, you can tell the workers to show them around"

" Of course, hubby. Safe trip." She threw him a kiss.

Mr blue finally left the mansion and it was left the trio.

" Good. He's finally gone." Mrs blue said and left the door post, walking towards them.

Poppy moved away from the sofa and her mom stood up in fear as well.

"Where do you think you are going to? .You just made a mess by sitting on my ten million dollars sofa." She hissed.

" Ten million?. I didn't know. I'm sorry." Poppy sighed.

" Don't be sorry. I do not listen to apologises. Learn to hate yourself cos you don't worth a single thing here"

" Mrs blue this isn't..

" Don't mention my name from those rotten, chapped lips of yours, old woman. " She cut Mrs chen words short.

" I'm sorry." Mrs chen breathed hotly.

" I want to be very optimistic with the two of you. I won't let you enjoy your stay in my home and that's period." She said.

" Also, You must stay away from my precious son, Axel, and the other son too. You must also learn to work endlessly at night cos that's what you'll be doing in your stay here." She said.

Two workers stepped into the room, interrupting them, and Mrs blue turned to them.

" Take them and let them sleep in the laundry room." She told them.

" Really? But boss has prepared a room for them upstairs." The worker said.

" Do what I asked you. They don't deserve a space in this home!" She said.

Tears pricked out of Poppy's eyes as she spoke those harsh words to them.

She thought their suffering was over but she didn't realise it was just getting started.



Alec walked up to the school noticeboard.

The names for those who will be in the 'prep club' for this semester was written on the board.

The prep club were for smart kids who come together in order to read books and discuss how to become better students.

His name appeared first in line. He was one of the smartest kid in school, no doubt.

Axel also walks up to the board along with draco and snow.

" Why do you keep on coming here to check when you know your name can't be there" Snow said.

" Yeah I know my name can't appear in the prep club list. Who am I to be smart?. I just wanna see if Oceana name was written as well." He said.

" Why?. You already know she's one of the smartest kid too." Draco said

" Shh" Axel told him and stared down at the list of names with overall concentration.

Oceana came running towards him with a bright smile.

She kept jumping happily, her hair bouncing on her shoulder.

" Axel. I finally got into the prep club." She said.

" What!. impossible"

" I came out number 22." She said and Axel went to scan the sheet just to be extra sure.

" It can't be!" He hallowed.

" Isn't it something amazing?. I'll finally get to hang out with the smart kids. Hippy!" She threw her fist in the air.

" Oceana, you aren't joining any prep club. I'm darn serious."

" Why are telling me such nuisance?" Her face crumpled.

" I mean, how can your boyfriend be far away from you. we are meant to be close to each other all the time."

" But the prep club is just for few hours. we can still hang out after prep"

" I can't bare see you move along with other kids aside me. You need to stop reading and start becoming less brilliant.!"

" What the hell!. It's you who needs to keep reading and unlock that empty dry skull of yours" Oceana spat and Snow along with Draco gave a Woah shaped lips.

" She just called you a dry skull" Snow whispered hiding his laugh.

" That was huge" Draco mimicked.

Axel fisted his palm in anger as he stared at Oceana.

He wondered why he kept stopping himself from hurting this girl.

Alec was walking past them.

" Hey Alec!. I finally got into the prep club." Oceana waved at him.

Alec stared at her for a moment and then he turned his head, walking away bluntly.

" He's so cool and cute " She grinned and started to pursue him hurriedly.

" What are you going to do now that she's in the prep club?" Snow asked Axel who was still boiling like fire.

" Where's your biology notebook?" Axel asked impatiently.

" What do you want to use a __

Before Snow could finish, his history and biology book got snatched from him quickly.

Axel began to stride away.

" I need to unlock my dry skull as soon as possible." He said and left them.



Miss cherry sat up on the bed after hearing that familiar voice.

She swerved and saw Xylan standing at the door with a displeased look in his face.

" Oh my God. Boss!" She yelled and quickly got down from the bed, holding her skirt tightly.

" Cherry?" His lips curved into a mockery as he stared at her.

" I swear, I.. .I.. didn't know how I got here. I was just walking and walking, searching for your son and boom!..I was here!" She explained.

" Liar!!" Craig came out from nowhere.

"Dad. You've seen it yourself. This is what she does every time you are away. She even use your bathroom and takes your possession as well." Craig said.

Cherry gasped after hearing him. How could he even feel comfortable telling such a lie.

" Don't listen to him. I never did any of that!" She said.

" Should I give a proof by showing him some pics?" Craig asked and Cherry swallowed hard.

" I'm sorry boss. it will never happen again." She said, getting red on her cheeks.

Xylan stood there, looking around his room and then his gaze returned back to her.

" i believe you went high before entering this room." His cold voice rang, causing her legs to shrink.

" I'm sorry. please forgive me." She pouted.

" Dad, sack her immediately!. She deserve it" Craig said, poking out his tongue at her.

" You can continue with the lesson, cherry. I actually came home to take some files I forgot." He said and walked into his room.

Cherry held her breath and relaxed her tensed muscles. She was glad he wasn't upset.

" Okay, Craig. Let's continue with our lesson." She said and Craig mumbled as they stepped out of the room.

They got the living room and she brought out her small whiteboard, fixing it on the wall.

Soon, Xylan walked out, pocketing his hands as he left the stairs.

He was wearing a red tuxedo and his pants fit directly into his long slim legs.

His dark hair was also hovering over his smooth face and cherry started drooling, fixing the board wrongly.

" Dad!" Craig said.

" Son. I'll be back home earlier today. I promise." He kissed his forehead. " And make sure you pay attention to your cute teacher." He winked and Cherry face turned like a red tomato.

" Bye dad. Buy chips"

" Of course. Bye, son" He waved and hastily stepped out of the mansion.

Cherry stared at him dreamily, wishing if he could notice her feelings towards him.

Soon her phone beeped. It was Melissa.


She smiled and returned the text.


* WHAT?*


Melissa sent a laughing emoji.

"Miss cherry?" Craig called lazily.

" Yes, angel?" Cherry looked at him.

" Can you quit smiling at your phone and let's start the lesson?" He asked.

" Oh sorry." She quickly dropped her phone and brought out her pen.

She kept smiling throughout the whole day and her heart kept fluttering all because of him.


Alec left the school premises after the end of school period.

He got into his car and tightened his hands on the steering wheel.

The pain had come again. It was worse than how he felt it some days back.

He quickly drove to the clinic and ran straight to his personal nurse office, Miss quincy.

" Good evening, quincy." He rashly dropped his bag and sat on the hospital bed.

" How are you feeling today?" Miss quincy stood on her feet to meet him.

" I felt it." He said.

" The pain?"

" It's seems the surgery wounds doesn't want to heal up anymore." He replied.

" Did you go through something stressful?." She asked and Alec looked at his bandaged hands.

The injury he had gotten after fighting those thugs were still there. He knew it resulted to his current pain.

" I think I did."

" Honey. I told you to stay away from_

" Just check me out first." He said and started to open up his shirt quickly.

He opened up his uniform and his smooth hard chest came in view. He had even grown Abs.

She leaned closer and tried getting off the bandage off his stomach.

" Ouch. Stop!" He held her wrist.

" I need to see it."

" It hurt so much. I don't think the wounds are healed yet"

" So I shouldn't see it yet?"

" Just take a peek and tell me if it's getting worse" He said and palmed the table, throwing his heads backwards.

She opened up the bandage slowly and he pinched his eyes close.

" Good lord!. The wounds are still fresh." She panicked and Alec looked at her.

" Does this mean it mean it will never heal up?" He asked and the nurse sighed.

" You still need to go for another surgery next month and this one is taking lots of time. I don't know what to do. I just feel so sad, hunny." She said cupping his cheeks.

Alec sighed and grinned his teeth.

" There's no need for the surgery if the doctors said I won't survive. I'll just manage my last three month of living" He said and got down the bed.

" Are you leaving?"

" It's late. I'll come back tomorrow." He said.

He buttoned his shirt and left the hospital quickly, driving home.



Axel suddenly stopped the car at the side of the road and looked at Oceana.

" Why are you looking at me that way?" She asked, creasing her brows. He sighed and fully faced her.

" I really like you, oceana." He said and her face creased up at a side.

" So?. What should I do about it?"

" Remember the deal." He snapped.

" Deal?. What deal?. I can't remember any deal you talked about. What deal?" She stuttered, becoming unsecured

Her phone rang, it's her mom. She picked up her phone but Axel snatched it from her.

" Mommy doesn't need to know your where about for now" He grinned.

" It's seven past seven. She's gonna be worried!." Oceana said.

" Dont worry. She won't be worried anymore." He said and texted something in her phone before grinning evily at her.

" What did you sent her?" She tried to peek.

" A short convincing message" He winked and grabbed her cheeks closer, staring at her eyes deeply. " Can I kiss you right now?" He asked and her heart skipped.

" Are you insane. W..why?"

" You said I can't kiss you more than twice a day. I've only kissed you once today, so?" He shifted closer.

" Axel stop.You can't....

" Shh. Be Calm baby girl" He winked.

" My parent aren't going to take this lightly if they find out"

" Just...Shh." He muted her again and slowly took her lips gently, kissing her.

Oceana closed her eyes quickly, finding herself getting whelmed in his lips.

She was returning his kisses lovingly and they had started to get lost in each other's warmth.

His hands slipped to her boobs and he pressed it softly.

Oceana deepened the kiss, pulling his neck closer to kiss him. soon, he started to take off her uniform buttons.

She broke the kiss quietly.

" Axel. We can't do this. I'm going to be in big trouble"

" No one has to know about it. It`s just between the two of us. I promise." He winked and grabbed her face closer again.

She kissed him back hungrily and didn't realised when it all started.



Oceana slowly walked into the livingroom with her body looking messed up.

Her hair was tied in a scattered bun and her uniform shirt had been tucked out, some buttons missing.

Her mom was in the livingroom talking to a catechist. She hid quickly before they could see her.

" My daughter says she wishes to join the missionary school and be a sister." She said.

" From her lifestyle, Are you sure she is?"

" Of course. She's has been going for lectures in the church for two years and has completed reading the whole bible. She's definitely ready since she has worked hard for it." Her mom smiled.

" It's not just about the physical works. Her heart should also be ready to receive christ. She must be totally clean!" He said.

" Of course she is pure. she's only a teen. She couldn't have ruined herself." She said.

" And she's not yet back from school?"

" She sent a text that she's at her friend's home doing a project. she wil be back soon." Her mom said.

She leaned on the door, covering her lips in shock. Her life is completely doomed. She just wanted to fall into a hole right now.

She held up her shirt as tears whelmed up in her large eyes.



Alec stepped into the mansion quickly. Mrs blue was at the livingroom with Mrs chan massaging her feet.

" Mom?" He stopped to look at her.

" Where's Axel?. He isn't back yet." She said, staring at the roof.

" What about me. I'm back home. Aren't you gonna say anything to me. It`s been month now since we saw each other." He said.

" How's your wound?" She asked and Alec scoffed.

" if you hate me, just say it instead of hurting me everyday." He yelled.

He walked up the stairs, opening his door to his room angrily.

He kept his bag on the bed and walked in fully.

" Good evening..s..s.." Poppy's voice got uttered in mid air as she stared at Alec. She was holding a Broom, earlier sweeping his room.

Alec stared at her and his face was rounded with so many questions in his head.